Picky Eater

Anybody else in this group some what of a picky eater? I am trying to balance my carbs, my proteins, and everything else, yet I can never seem to get the balance right. When it comes to to pretty much every food category there are many items that I will not touch.


  • As far as being picky goes, I don't eat beef very often, I don't like the grease. Or pork for that matter, too chewy. With fruits and veggies, not really, I try to eat as wide a variety as I can. Some times that is hard, but I do my best. The way I look at it is balance over time.
  • See, I am the opposite. I love my meat. Just no fish or game. I am really picky when it comes to grains, vegetables, and fruits.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I used to be very picky but I now love most fruits, veggies and grains. Never thought I'd like quinoa but I love it. Barley too! Kale...really? Hated it but now I LOVE kale chips!!

    I think it's really about finding a way to cook it or prepare it in a manner that you will like. Just get creative and I think you may find that you enjoy more foods than you realize!