6 weeks in, just making sure I'm on the right track

caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
Hey there! I've been a member for about 6 weeks and just haven't had the time to sit and do my introduction. So... to save time I'll copy and paste my introduction on the EM2WL website! Here we go........

Let's face it, I like cake and ice cream and pizza and... well, you get the drift. I tried VLCDs on and off with success but would stall out when that dreaded 10 pounds was still left to go. After getting down to my ideal weight of 160 a year and a half after my first daughter, I got pregnant with my second (isn't that always the way it goes?) Now, 3 years after the fact I am STUCK at 166 and unable to move the scale no matter how few calories I ate or how much I exercised. Now, my ideal weight is 150. And this time, I think I can actually make it!

Then I found MFP and the Eat More to Weigh Less people and *AHA!* the light bulb has come on and it all makes sense! I always knew my BMF was around 1560 but I never knew what that actually meant! I was cutting my 500 calories FROM my BMF, not adding them to it! All this time I was struggling to eat around 1,000 calories a day (and feeling guilty for not succeeding at it) when I really needed 1,000 MORE per day!

Let's face it - I exercise daily. I ride my stationary bike, I lift kettle bells and do various exercises with them, I walk my dog and my kids every day for 20-30 minutes. I won't join a gym or do HIIT religiously 6 days a week for the rest of my life. EM2WL is just the ticket! I get to eat good, nutritious food (and plenty of it) while still enjoying my sinful stuff every once in a while and not killing myself doing it! I might not be as defined or muscular as those fantastic women who put all the hard work into it, but I just want to be at a healthy, sustainable weight and size for me!

6 weeks in to eating 1,900-2,000 calories per day and my energy is through the roof. From my starting weight of 165 I am only up 3-4 pounds and maybe an inch or 2 here or there. But hey, if the inches don't start melting off in 3 more weeks I'll try eating at TDEE for 8 weeks and cut from there!

Now that I'm at the 6 week mark, my calories everyday are pretty much on track. I'm eating +/- 75 of my TDEE-15% of 2,060 for a grand total of around 2,500 calories per day (including exercise calories). I have gained another pound since I wrote the intro, but my measurements are about the same so I'm not sweating it. I do have to say though, that for the first 3 weeks I was eating at a 20% cut, then started eating 1900 calories, and now for the past 2 weeks I've been eating my full 15% cut.

I would just like a little input to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. I'm not really EXPECTING loss yet (though it would be nice) and don't honestly expect it until maybe 8 weeks... but if after 8-10 weeks eating my 15% cut, would you suggest a reset?

My stats are

27 year old female
SW 165
CW 170
GW 150
Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week



  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    Welcome to the group.

    I just want to check, are you eating your exercise calories back? This is not needed when setting your goal to TDEE -15% as its already factored in.

    Let me know!

  • caseyj6206
    caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
    I have my calorie goal on MFP for 2,060. So my daily total calories consumed is about 2,400 - 2,500 calories. Is this right or do I set up my calorie goal for 400-500 LESS than my TDEE? I burn, on average, about 450 calories on a typical day. The "totals" on my food diary are reading anywhere between 2,400 to 2,500 calories per day. So I should be eating in total 2,060 calories per day, not setting my goals into MFP because they add my exercise calories into my daily total?

    Sorry if this is confusing! It sounds like I've been doing a reset accidentally! lol
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    It depends what you are using to figure out your calorie goal. If you're using scooby, the exercise calories are already figured into the TDEE -15%. You only eat them back if you are netting under BMR.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hey there welcome to the group!! :)

    It does sounds to me like you are already doing the reset. I was going to check your numbers but I need your height as well to do that. But, if you have put your calories into MFP as your cut amount and are eating your exercise calories back then yes, I think you are doing the reset inadvertantly...But doing the reset first is the best way to get started really so you actually have done a good thing I think...Plus, you really shouldn't be gaining on the cut unless it's water retention or muscle gain really..If you have been doing the reset for 6wks then you are almost done with the full reset...YAY!!.

    Let us know your height just to check your numbers and see what your TDEE is or here is the site and you can tell us your numbers for TDEE and let you know what you should be eating for your cut - We recommmend the cut to be -15%


    Just remember that the numbers you get on here for Cut -15% and for TDEE already have exercise calories added in so you do not need to eat back exercise calories unless you NET below BMR...Make sense??

    ETA: @mommyofmyfivekids - I think we were typing at the same time...lol
  • caseyj6206
    caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there welcome to the group!! :)

    It does sounds to me like you are already doing the reset. I was going to check your numbers but I need your height as well to do that. But, if you have put your calories into MFP as your cut amount and are eating your exercise calories back then yes, I think you are doing the reset inadvertantly...But doing the reset first is the best way to get started really so you actually have done a good thing I think...Plus, you really shouldn't be gaining on the cut unless it's water retention or muscle gain really..If you have been doing the reset for 6wks then you are almost done with the full reset...YAY!!.

    Let us know your height just to check your numbers and see what your TDEE is or here is the site and you can tell us your numbers for TDEE and let you know what you should be eating for your cut - We recommmend the cut to be -15%


    Just remember that the numbers you get on here for Cut -15% and for TDEE already have exercise calories added in so you do not need to eat back exercise calories unless you NET below BMR...Make sense??

    ETA: @mommyofmyfivekids - I think we were typing at the same time...lol

    I'm 5'8", or 68". My TDEE -15% is 2,060 per day. I HAVE been doing the reset! Hey, then I'm pretty happy with the results. 6 weeks and only 5 lbs up! lol