WI result after 'No Weigh In June' - anyone else?

angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
Well I suppose technically weigh in should be tomorrow but we're having a takeaway at friends' tonight and that always skews the scales due to the salt/water thing!

What you really want to know is did I lose anything? YES whooppeeee!

2lbs off yay :) I haven't been this weight 9st 8lbs (134lbs) for 6 years.

I've also lost 1" from my hips, 1" from my waist and 1.5" from my chest.

My 15% cut it 1781 so I've been eating 1750 a day. Have just re-run my numbers on Scooby as I've lost just over 5lbs since starting EM2WL - just coming to the end of week 10 - and the cut comes in at 1758 so I'm going to stick to 1750.

I am seriously over the moon and so pleased that I've had results without 'suffering'. My family can't believe how much I'm eating :) I've had a few people comment on my weight loss the last couple of weeks and it's lovely for it to be noticed. I had one work colleague I hadn't seen for a while tell me my hips are tiny! The best comment was from my 16 year old son. I was weighing out my dinner and as his girlfriend was over I apologised for weighing it and my son shrugged and said 'it's ok mum. It's working. No problem.' Doesn't sound much but I'm taking it as a complement :)

So come on then....other results....

Edit...hmm my ticker should say 17lbs lost. It's not changed :( Going to see about that!


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Congrats!!! great results in a month!!
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    well, I'm supposed to weigh in tomorrow, too... it'll be start of week 4 of my reset... but I am so attached to the scale and so much base my self worth on the scale that I don't know if it's worth it to step on and see I've gained (I know I've gained, just no clue how much). It's also 4:30 in the afternoon and I've already had 2 beers and some french fries at lunch today, so I'm not sure what the scale's response to a day like today would be. If I'm feeling brave in the morning I'll step on - I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself now
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Great loss!!
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    awesome results!! well done! :)
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    great stuff ... i didn't weigh for June either and i lost 1.2kgor 2.7 pounds ... well done!!!

    Great reward for holding out and I am so not worried about the scale anymore ... it is like it lost its hold on me! woo hoo
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    sooo we're in the middle of a heat wave with 100+ temps - I've been drinking water like crazy, but will the excessive heat cause water retention/an increase on the scale?

    man, talking myself into getting on the scale tomorrow is like going to the dentist. i just know my whole day will be ruined. maybe i should wait....
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Yes! Another success story :) Congratulations.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    just weighed in -- gained 2lbs. that's a total of 6lbs on my reset. but all my clothes feel great. too bad i didn't take any measurements when i started the reset.

    i'm excited to start my cut today. wish me luck!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You should take your measurements today!
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    You should take your measurements today!

    i just did.

    i'm pleasantly surprised that i'm down 3.5 in from 6/13 when i first took my measurements. very cool. since that time i went up 2lbs but went down 3.5 in. i'll take it!!! :happy:
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    great stuff ... i didn't weigh for June either and i lost 1.2kgor 2.7 pounds ... well done!!!

    Great reward for holding out and I am so not worried about the scale anymore ... it is like it lost its hold on me! woo hoo

    That's great :) You know what I like about not having weighed? If I had every week and it had been 1/2lb off I'd have been a bit disappointed but seeing 2 whole lbs off at the same time feels great even though it works out the same. Mind games. All mind games!

    I'm going to weigh again next Monday because I'm going to have 2 weeks from then at TDEE and want to see what a difference it makes. I'll weigh again after that break then go back to monthly weigh ins.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    sooo we're in the middle of a heat wave with 100+ temps - I've been drinking water like crazy, but will the excessive heat cause water retention/an increase on the scale?

    man, talking myself into getting on the scale tomorrow is like going to the dentist. i just know my whole day will be ruined. maybe i should wait....

    I'd wait. Seriously just wait until it cools down some. You already know that you'll feel crap if you don't see the number go down. It will likely be water retention as you've said so step. away. from. the. scale.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    You should take your measurements today!

    i just did.

    i'm pleasantly surprised that i'm down 3.5 in from 6/13 when i first took my measurements. very cool. since that time i went up 2lbs but went down 3.5 in. i'll take it!!! :happy:

    That is great!! Gotta take inches over pounds every time :)
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I did my weigh in this am after a whole month of no scaling...I was pleasantly surprised that I held steady! No gain or loss. While I exercised a lot this month I also ate like crap for a lot of it! I also relied a lot on my BMF which has my daily caloric burn at 2700 calories...there is no way I eat 2200 calories a day...so I need to work on that. I actually think getting back on the scale weekly in July will help me start losing again (it does keep me accountable), but I did lose an inch off my hips!