
rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
Hi, everyone! I'm sorry that I'm the 1,357th person to ask you all about this, but I have gotten myself totally confused by reading too many forum posts. :) I've done the math, but I have a few weird circumstances, and I hope you don't mind confirming/clarifying for me...

39 years old, female, 63 inches, 155 pounds, 40% body fat (how embarrassing) Goal weight ~130

Harris Benedict BMR: 1442
Katch-McArdle: 1303 with a lean body mass of 95 pounds

fat2fitradio Chart: (the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person.)

Sed: 1600
Lightly Active: 1833
Moderately: 2066

Scooby's Workshop Chart
BMR: 1283
TDEE: 1980
Daily calories based on goal: 1524

I'm coming off of a LONG illness that has left me with arthritis in every joint, hypothyroidism, and prevented me from doing much of anything for several years, so exercise needs to be worked back in, but probably kind of slowly. So far, I have been adding in walks, and I did a 35 minute weight loss program on an elliptical at the gym, and a 60 minute treadmill fast walk. I'm going to aim for 3x a week for now, and try to increase it as I get a bit stronger. I know that, in addition to cardio, I'm supposed to be doing strength and weights, but I don't know what is appropriate for me or where to start.

At the gym, they measured my body fat with a handheld thing that looked a bit like a PS3 remote, and it came up with 36.8% bf, which differs quite a bit from the military fat calculator number of 40%, but I'll go with the higher number and be happily surprised if it's lower. :)

I think that, from reading a lot of the posts here, (and again, I'm sorry to bug you!) I should be eating at or just under the 1833 number most of the time. Is that right? Or would I be eating 1563 by multiplying the KM BMR number by 20%? And I SHOULD be eating my exercise calories back, as long as I net at around 1833? How do I set that up on MFP if I want to track the exercise for accountability?

I don't even know if I can handle figuring out the macros right now! ARGH!

I really appreciate your thoughts and your help!



  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I understand your pain b/c there is so much info it's easy to get confused...It took me a while to get it and I am still learning...

    I went to scooby(which is recommended most of the time) and here are the numbers I got based on your stats:

    BMR: 1436

    Light Exercise(1-3hrs/wk)

    TDEE:1975 = This is if you are doing the metabolism reset b/c of VLCD in the past..This is what you will eat each day even on rest days for 8wks until time to cut.. (Do NOT eat back exercise calories b/c this is factored in)

    If you are NOT doing the reset:

    CUT (-15%): 1675 = This is the amount you should eat each day even on rest days -Do NOT eat back exercise calories unless you NET below BMR then eat to eat least BMR amount...Make sense??

    Next, the recommended macros are 40carbs, 30protein, 30fat....

    To change this on MFP....My home then click on goals then change goals (do them manually) then you input the numbers and click save at the bottom...

    I hope this helps you out!! Best of luck... :)

    Also check out the videos on here to help you to know if you should do a reset...

  • Hi
    You stats are similar to mine...I'm 40 5'3" and sitting at 181 lbs right now. I do 3-5 hrs of exercise per week and have my daily calorie intake set to 2000. I have seen mention on here that the military fat % calculator is high for women, but I have been using that also until I can find a better method. I figure as long as I use the same calculator I can at least track a downward trend (I've gone from 47% to 44% with 3 months of EM2WL).

    Feel free to add me as a friend!