Decrease calories or do a reset week?

swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
I've been doing EM2WL since the end of March and was doing really well. Prior to that I maintained the same weight for 3 years or so, so I'm guessing I was already eating at TDEE without knowing it. I never gained any weight when I started EM2WL and my loss was steady. .5 lbs in April, 3 lbs in May and 1.5 lbs in June. I've lost 9 lbs total so far. I have a BMF so I use my average TDEE to take my cut from. I log everything food wise. My diary is open if you want to take a look (don't look at yesterday as we were out and about and at a party last night so didn't log past breakfast). I have problems hitting protein, but other than that I think I do okay. I know I don't get enough veggies.

Recently though I've been bouncing the same few lbs and just can't go any lower. I also weigh daily using the site and recently I've had more upward trend days than I would like. According to a spreadsheet I keep my average daily deficit is 451 calories, so I should still be losing.

Something is obviously not working for me anymore, and I don't know how to remedy it. I still have about 60 lbs to lose, so I don't know whether to start doing a 20% cut instead of 15% or whether I should take a reset week (I haven't done one yet) or just keep plugging along doing what I'm doing. Help!!


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Have you run your numbers again since losing 9 lbs?
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Maybe you could try the Scooby calculator and compare?

    I agree you should run your numbers again. I would stay at the 15% cut and definitely do a full reset week, maybe even two since you haven't done one at all. Do you exercise? Maybe you could also take a break from that during the reset. Then every 8 weeks or so take a full reset week or two.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Good Morning !

    After reading through your post (but I haven't looked at your diary - I"m going to go with what you said) , this is my suggestion. WEll, wait , before I give you my suggestion, let me tell you one other thing. I've had great success with the concept of EMWL. I totally believe in it. I'm studying nutrition and it's flat out dead on. BUT ... bodies do adapt, do stall. We have to cognizant that sometimes we must tweak. I read a LOT. I think I've read more nutrition and fitness books, articles, etc. than Carter has liver pills. LOL. Last night, I was reading some Tom Venuto and that gave me even more confirmation as to what I personally need to do. I'm nearing goal and I'm stalled. I'm stalled with losing pounds and inches. I'm going to go to TDEE and up the intensity of my workouts.

    Just wanted you to know that little something-something.

    Here is my suggestion for you.

    Take a rest week, maybe 2. Eat at TDEE. Since you have 60 pounds to lose, try a deeper cut. Go with 20% cut. Keep consistent with that for at least 4 weeks. Keep your exercise consistent.

    For ME , what has worked best with food is eating clean ( 90/10 rule applied) ; focusing on protein and then letting the macros fall where they may.I tend to be balanced across the board, but I get my protein in. I've elminated most grain carbs - works for my body. That doesn't mean low carb - I mean GRAIN carbs Sodium. Watch sodium. Mine is fine, but if you tend to eat clean - not much processed or convenience foods, fast food - sodium tends not to be an issue.

    Good luck ! Keep us posted !!


    P.S. WHat is your exercise regime? Do you do any strength training? If not, I'd suggest adding some.

    Protein - you struggle with it you said. Here are some ideas - works for me. I'm not a huge meat eater so I'm not eating big turkey legs all day ! LOL. Eggs, egg whites, tuna, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, whey protein. Natrual peanut butter, almond butter, nuts are staples - some protein and lots of healthy omega 3 fats. I also have chicken, turkey, lean beef once in a while. I've started making turkey meatloaf muffins - like those ! I use whey protein after workouts to make smoothies with a variety of fruit, mixing with skim milk. I make an Orange Juliusy type smoothie with vanilla protein powder, frozen navel oranges, skim milk, and some ice cubes. YUM. Eggs and Tuna. Prob my biggest go-to staple. I make egg and tuna salad - eat it from a bowl with a fork. 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, turmeric, mayo. Or eggs, dijon and mayo. Tuna - dijon and mayo. Cottage cheese. I like it plain, but will also make jello salads with it. Cottage cheese, sugar free jello powder, whipped cream and fruit. Lime jello/pineapple. Orange jello/mandarin oranges. Hamburger "steaks" with cheese on top. Greek yogurt parfaits. I have trouble just eating yogurt. So .. yogurt, berries, nuts and a crumbled up dark chocolate square (or 2). YUM. I made my own protein balls for snacks. Lots of diff combos. Basic recipe: 2 scoops powder, water to make thick paste (usually 2TB), 1/2-2/3 cup oats. Mix in nut butter, cocoa, coconut, nuts, dried fruit ...whatever suits your fancy.

    Just a few ideas : ) Oh yes ! Bacon. I love bacon. I buy the uncured Oscar Mayer without nitrates/nitrates. Bake it in the oven at 425.
  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks all. Okay, let me try to answer questions.

    1. My BMF & Scooby differ by only about 80 calories so they're pretty close. I'm taking a 3-4 week average for my TDEE to make sure one week doesn't throw my numbers off.

    2. I do exercise. Currently I'm training for the Susan G Komen 3-day walk in Oct, so unfortunately my cardio has to increase each week for the next 3 months. After the walk cardio is going to become a 4 letter word in my dictionary :smile: Currently my routine is as follows:
    Monday: Weight lifting
    Tues: walk 3 miles
    Wed: Weight lifting
    Thurs: Zumba
    Fri: 3-5 miles
    Sat: Rest
    Sun: 10 miles, increasing weekly to 18 miles

    I'm on vacation the week after 4th of July so maybe I'll take that as a reset week and see how things look after that.