
sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
It is July. What are your plans for this month?

I want to maintain a decent amount of exercise.
Continue trying to eat well on both calories and macros.
Take better care of myself (mental stuff)
Hopefully see my body fat % shrink!


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    It is July. What are your plans for this month?

    I want to maintain a decent amount of exercise.
    Continue trying to eat well on both calories and macros.
    Take better care of myself (mental stuff)
    Hopefully see my body fat % shrink!

    Basically all of the above for me too (although my mental health is mostly ok, the worst mental health issues I have is around the fat sooo). I'm going to try and up my running a little bit. also pay more attention to my calories and especially my protein.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I would also like to reduce my percentage of body fat.

    By the end of the month, I'd like to be able to deadlift more than my body weight! I'm about 20 pounds away.

    Continue my weight training but reduce to 2x per week. My trainer/hubby says I'm now lifting heavy enough weight where I need more recovery time between lifting days.

    Continue to tweak my daily calorie goal to find what works best. It's been a real period of trial and error trying to figure out how much to eat as I've shifted my focus from mainly cardio to strength training. Unfortunately I've gained back some fat in the process, but I think I'm headed in the right direction now.

    I hope everyone's having a good summer. Good luck to all of you in reaching your goals!
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I keep meaning to start 30 day Shred but keep putting it off. Maybe when the house is finally in order I will get my butt in gear. Right now it is ALMOST finished. Still fighting those last few boxes in the living room. My office is still a nightmare though.
    We put in insulation Wednesday (as our attic had very little) and hopefully I can knock out the rest this week.

    I have managed to maintain my weight with all the chaos of the last two weeks of June so I hope to drop something this month. That is my goal. Drop a little (if I bother to dig out my scale) and to get my butt to start 30 Day Shred Or maybe just start with Ripped in 30.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Speaking of figuring out how much to eat, how much is everyone generally eating?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    My TDEE changes drastically from day to day. One day it will be 1700, another it will be 2500. My calorie goal is 1550 and I almost always go over. I try (in my mind) to stay under 2000.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I had upped my calories to 1640 because I felt like I needed more to eat. I was hungry all the time from lifting weights and I was maintaining nicely on that for about 3 weeks. Once school got out, I started to pack on the pounds and put the 1/2 inch back on my waist and belly that I had lost. I guess I underestimated how many calories I burn during the school year -- walking from building to building on campus, doing movement activities/dancing with my students, plus I was playing bass in the evenings, etc. Now, with the exception of my workouts, I'm mostly sitting around on my butt. Last week I dropped my calories back to 1260 and I dropped a pound. This week I'm at 1510 (maintenance for a sedentary person at my weight) and that's where I'll stay. I'm hoping to lose another pound or 2 this month and get my belly and waist back down to where they were, so I'll occasionally go a little under that.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm trying to stick to 1750 but I tend to go over that ...and by tend I mean like, every day. 1850 to 2100 tends to be where I end up.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Second week of july non-moms! What's goin in? How was the holiday for everyone?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I want to maintain a decent amount of exercise. - I exercised 3 times last week.
    Continue trying to eat well on both calories and macros. - I planned my diary and bought groceries to stay healthy.
    Take better care of myself (mental stuff) - Started medication and learned a lot about increasing self esteem.
    Hopefully see my body fat % shrink! - haven't lost any weight yet and my BF scale has lost it's mind.

    I can't believe it is only the second week of July!
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I think I need to add something else to my work out routine. I do bootcamp 3xs a week but need more cardio I think. My weight is slooooooooooooooooowllllllllly coming off and I need to jump start it. I think my calories are good. If I eat less than 1500 I turn into a raving b*^%$.

    I used to walk a lot but have lost my motivation to walk by myself anymore and I suck at committing to doing videos at home. No idea why but just can't seem to make myself workout in the home.

    I had a killer workout this morning where I was the first one completed with the rounds (this normally doesn't happen) and I managed to do 6 REAL push-ups!

    What motivates you folks for your workouts?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I can't do videos either. C25k? or bridge to 10k if you already can run a 5k?

    I just do weight lifting 3x a week basically - I find it motivating to make progress - even if some days all that progress is will be fixing my form or learning something new about a particular lift. I'm not really motivated to do anything else. I pretty much just go do some random walking or jogging because I want to keep eating over 2k calories some days. So I guess my motivation is food?
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Tameko, I have tried to do the C25K three times and every time I get to week 2 I have what I call "an allergic reaction". I start sneezing and get a running nose and all kinds of stuff. It might be psychological or I just happened to catch colds from the gym at all 3 different times I attempted it.

    I used to do yoga but last time I really went my lower back was protesting so much I had to stop. I might attempt to try this again. My lower back seems to be cooperating again lately.

    my motivation is also food but I am frustrated that I haven't dropped 10lbs since Jan. grrr. Okay annoyed about that really. I can't figure out what I am doing differently than last time that is getting in my way. Just glad it is going down not instead of up!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I saw 162.6 sometime around Jan/Feb and then i went back up to 165 and I havent' seen 162 since. Haven't seen anything below 165 in fact. But I've been staying away from the scale this month - it was making me feel fat. Like I'd feel good about myself, get on the scale, and immediately feel terrible. So now I'm off it.

    I'm probably going to do 6-8 weeks with no weighing then do a few days of weighing, get an average, then back to staying off the scale.

    Have you tried C25k outside? I just get BORED on the treadmill. And take an allergy pill. >_>

    Also - personally I would consider MOST boot camps to be more cardio than strength. Usually they are advertised like you are not really there to 'get as strong as you can' you are there to burn as many calories as fast as possible. More like a Jillian Michaels video. If anything you could add some more serious strength training - aaaalllthough you might not be able to do boot camp AND strength training, I'm not sure how that would go. I personally would find it exhausting but some people are better exercisers than me.

    So if anything I'd think add more weights - if not, then maybe some hill sprints or stairs? Just go find a hill, sprint up it a few times (5, 10, 20, whtever makes sense for you) and go home. It still requires you to get up and leave though.

    I'm not a good exerciser (like I said) so I'm not very motivated to go out and burn calories just to burn calories most of the time. I do much better if I am working on some kind of goal with my exercise. (increasing my weights, increasing my reps, increasing my speed, or increasing the distance I can run). Yuo mgiht get back into walking again if you challenge yourself to osme goals, like keeping your HR over ________(whatever - for me its about 135-140 at a very brisk walk, hard to maintain) for 15 minutes total or walking a set distance in X amount of time.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member

    Have you tried C25k outside? I just get BORED on the treadmill. And take an allergy pill. >_>

    Also - personally I would consider MOST boot camps to be more cardio than strength. Usually they are advertised like you are not really there to 'get as strong as you can' you are there to burn as many calories as fast as possible. More like a Jillian Michaels video. If anything you could add some more serious strength training - aaaalllthough you might not be able to do boot camp AND strength training, I'm not sure how that would go. I personally would find it exhausting but some people are better exercisers than me.

    So if anything I'd think add more weights - if not, then maybe some hill sprints or stairs? Just go find a hill, sprint up it a few times (5, 10, 20, whtever makes sense for you) and go home. It still requires you to get up and leave though.

    LOL Love the allergy pill comment! (tried that as well, just didn't work.) I try to stay off the treadmill to run and hit the track at the gym and yes I tried it outside as well. Just something I haven't mastered. I still have the app so who knows maybe when it cools down I attempt it, again.

    I used to have workout buddies but lost most of them to motherhood. I think that is one issue as well which is why I like the bootcamp.

    Haven't thought of lifting but probably should look into it. Any suggestions on where to read up on it?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Starting Strength and Stronglifts are both good beginner programs - They are basically the SAME program using the same principles, but Starting Strength is written by someone very well respected in lifting circles and Stronglifts is written by kind of a gigantic douche. However you can get the stronglifts write up for free (Free!) online and also I have a summary here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/4618-stronglifts-5x5-for-women whereas starting strength is a full book.

    I like to use resources from both - I do find the explanations of the exercises are a bit different between them (but you can find most of it online for free). Starting strength uses power cleans which is a partial olympic lift - its a fun lift but its weird and complicated. Stronglifts uses a variation on a row called a pendlay row, which is ALSO kind of weird but its only one motion (pull the bar up to your stomach).

    Oh and Stronglifts is a 5x5 program (5 sets 5 reps) and then it turns into a 3x5 program when you hit some initial limits. Starting Strength is 3x5 program from the start.

    There is also a beginner version of Wendler's 5/3/1 program which in some ways I really like best right now (I'm planning to switch over soon as I'm hitting my limits on Stronglifts) but I think that what is really great about the other programs (and what I do like about the 5x5 in the beginning, at least) is that it focuses on having you do a lot of reps of the same exercise expressly to learn the FORM very well, and that's important. Wendler's 5/3/1 has you doing some sets at max weight to exhaustion and unless you know the forms very well that can be potentially dangerous. Also I don't think it teaches you to PUSH through a movement when you're tired or at your limits as well because you only reach them every few weeks (the rest of the time you shouldn't be getting tired on his program).

    I'd say even without any weight loss I've gotten the best physical changes from this - AND I've been able to eat really startling amounts just doing that 3x a week + very minimal amounts of walking around (as in, I try to walk for 20 minutes every dya but sometimes that just means a stroll around the mall or the building after lunch, not even a fast walk, and sometimes it doesn't happen). Also its very satisfying to say you've lifted more than you weigh.
  • JWmovin4ward
    JWmovin4ward Posts: 195 Member
    I seem to have been MIA from here...sorry about that :embarassed:

    I did my first ever fun run in June 12kms.... did it in 1hr 34mins, I managed to jog/run all bar 300mtrs. Still can't believe I did it!

    Not much happening for July.... I did get the scale moving south again which was great & my measurements are showing the results (even if the scale isn't).

    Next month I have the Sydney City2Surf (14km) & a local 10.5km fun run as well.:bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a great July!! (can't believe we are half way through the month alread!) :noway:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    It is 1/2 through July and I'm prepping for August already.

    dog gets neutered so I need to work extra hours to save up for that - school begins so I should save up for that too but I don't think I can make enough $$ - we are painting the house! I hope it can be a 2-3 day thing if not less.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey there, my lovelies! back from a month or so of the crazies - back up to 197 - could be worse. did my first workout in over a month this morning and it felt gooood! and it is so nice to feel like drinking water again for a change! i hope eveyone is having a great july. i should be around more - i feel like my head is finally back in the game. happy monday!
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Welcome back Chan! I was wondering where you were hiding! :D
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Welcome back Chan! I was wondering where you were hiding! :D

    Me too! Welcome back!