


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I've had a few days of doing really well on my macros/calorie goal. I've also been to the gym regularly for about a week now. This is taking a huge amount of effort!
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Keep it up Sarah! You are doing a great job. You have made some HUGE strides in the last few weeks!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Celebrating one year on maintenance today and haven't gained back any weight. Woohoo! Next year at this time, I hope to have some serious muscles and a flatter belly. Making baby steps... I hope everyone's having a good month. July is going by too fast!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I ate rather bad thurs and fri. I ate worse yesterday and today. I didn't even log sat / sun! That's enough. I got on the scale this morning and it was 156. I'm so sick of that number.

    I put on my old size 8 vic secret jeans friday though, because laundry was going and I wanted to go to the store so I needed to put on some pants hah....

    by the time I walked from my car to the store they had to be pulled up 3 times. eventually i learned to just walk awkwardly to hold them up. a size 8 falls off, my size 6s show my bum when I bend slightly, and size 4s still only fit if they are stretchy denim. I'm in that odd stage between sizes.

    yet there is still a pair of size 12 levis capris in my drawer that fits ever so snug, almost tight. weird clothing companies.

    anyhow. i'm being awesome and joining ickybella in 30 days of no _______. and I chose soda. so tonight, I'm enjoying this soda... and tomorrow and until sept no more for me. I will have to avoid it at work (it is free there) and only bring home flavors my boyfriend likes that I don't. There are maybe 5-9 cans in the fridge now but maybe boyfriend will drink them :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Celebrating one year on maintenance today and haven't gained back any weight. Woohoo! Next year at this time, I hope to have some serious muscles and a flatter belly. Making baby steps... I hope everyone's having a good month. July is going by too fast!

    rock on!!!!!! that is sooooo awesome! you will look a thousand times more toned and muscley next year. you've got the right idea and just need the time to hone your skills
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    would your boyfriend join you in no soda sarah? I have cut way back as a way to save money and to help Nick cut back.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    The end of July is upon us almost!?! Seriously where did this month go?

    I think I have a NSV... I put on the "white" work pants (they are more a very light grey but whatever) and these normally were really tight so that when I sat down they dug into my stomach a little. They are a little snug today but they are NOT cutting into my stomach. Just snug! (I figure you ladies know what I mean when describing the difference). Seems something is finally clicking.

    I have decided to do another round of bootcamp. Really it breaks down to 14 bucks a class (which is cheaper than taking the classes at the gym) and I do better in a "class" setting. Since I don't have steady workout buddies at home anymore this is what I will work on for now.

    I hope to eventually transition into just coming in on my own but want to wait a little bit longer.

    I can't believe that this month is almost over!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    would your boyfriend join you in no soda sarah? I have cut way back as a way to save money and to help Nick cut back.

    Yeah, he doesn't drink almost any at all. I love having cans best, even though the liters are MUCH cheaper. My guy will buy 4 two liters and it will last all month or longer. I will buy a 2 liter and drink it in 2 days.

    The 2nd day I tried to go without soda I had two cans. I haven't had anymore since, though... so starting over, day 2 again.

    Less than a week left of July. Wow. My puppy gets fixed on the first of August, and I'll spend the week after that worrying and fretting over him and his recovery, which will go smoothly but I'm already agonizing over it. Knowing that I'm going to freak out actually makes the freaking out less stressful!

    I found out I actually DO win the iPad scholarship along with the $10,000 one I was awarded a few months ago. WHICH IS AMAZING. I will be able to do so much with an iPad. I've never had a laptop before, and this feels so cool to me! Plus a guaranteed $2,500 a semester in scholarships til I graduate? Yes please. :bigsmile:
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I have decided to attempt C25K again, especially since I am signed up for the Color Run now. Lets see how long I last. LOL
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Sarah, congrats on the scholarships. That's awesome!!

    Vendy, good luck with C25K. I'm a C25K flunkie -- never finished it. I think I'm just built more for weightlifting than running, so I guess I'll stick with that. Having an upcoming race will be great motivation for you.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I'm a C25K flunkie, too. My running pace is so slow I actually cover more ground walking. That makes me sad, so I usually don't run too often.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I typically make it about a week into the program and then give up. We will see if I can stick it out a little while longer. I need more cardio I think to help drop this weight faster.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    No flunking this time girls, you can do it!!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member

    I want to maintain a decent amount of exercise.
    Continue trying to eat well on both calories and macros.
    Take better care of myself (mental stuff)
    Hopefully see my body fat % shrink!

    So, last day of July... What have I done?
    I have worked out 8 times in 31 days
    I have attempted to eat more protein, most days a fail, but some days I did extremely well
    I have almost completely turned around my mental health. I feel fantastic.
    I've lowered my body fat from 33% to 31%. (I really don't think those calculators are right)

    Overall I think July is a huge success!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'd say mine was a success too, I lifted weights 13 days, ran a few miles here and there (not as much as I'd probably hoped, but still more than I have been) and put on my shoes and went for a few walks, just to walk, which I haven't done in AGES.

    I dunno what my measurements or bodyfat look like but I guess I should do that.

    Sarah what do you think about your new medication? Do you think its made a big difference? It seems like since you started it you have been more generally happier, and your moods have been more even?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I haven't been depressed once. I have been mad/ irritated but only once or twice instead of multiple times a day. I've been happier and (if my stomach wasn't hurting) more active because I wasn't angry/sad.

    Overall I am really happy I went in for help. Even if the medicine turns out to keep giving me stomach issues, I can stop it and rely on the methods taught to me in the cognitive therapy sessions. It won't be quite as nice as now, so I hope the new meds stop the stomach pains. :)