Where do I start?

Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
There's a lot of information on the stickys but I need guidance as to where to start. I'm being introduced to this concept for the first time. The title of the group caught my attention. Can I really eat more? I've always been on an average 1200 calorie diet...except for the times I was pregnant.


  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    First of all ...welcome!!! I'm sure others will pop in soon to greet you.

    Yes!! Eating and properly fueling our bodies is a good thing. Low calorie and fad diets don't work. To me , working means fat loss that stays LOST. I've had great success and I'm a believer in eating properly, exercising reasonably and enjoying life while You are doing it. With that said ....

    You've read the stickys ? Especially the intro , getting started, upping calories ?? Eating more means eating above your BMR, less than maintenance TDEE.

    For us to guide You more, tell us a little more about yourself. How long have you been eating at deficit? How many calories? What type and how much exercise? What are your goals? What is your food like? You cook at home primarily or ??? Age, height, weight, hours and type of weekly exercise.

    Will go from there !!!

    Again .... Welcome and good luck!

  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    First of all ...welcome!!! I'm sure others will pop in soon to greet you.

    Yes!! Eating and properly fueling our bodies is a good thing. Low calorie and fad diets don't work. To me , working means fat loss that stays LOST. I've had great success and I'm a believer in eating properly, exercising reasonably and enjoying life while You are doing it. With that said ....

    You've read the stickys ? Especially the intro , getting started, upping calories ?? Eating more means eating above your BMR, less than maintenance TDEE.

    For us to guide You more, tell us a little more about yourself. How long have you been eating at deficit? How many calories? What type and how much exercise? What are your goals? What is your food like? You cook at home primarily or ??? Age, height, weight, hours and type of weekly exercise.

    Will go from there !!!

    Again .... Welcome and good luck!


    Hi Jen!

    Thank you so much for this warm welcome. Please forgive me. I'm kinda lost. I would love to see the get started information but I'm confused with the sticky posts. One says introduction but from what I saw it was mostly about people posting their basic information.

    I've been a long time WW fellow. So I did a lot of counting points for years. It's worked for me but when I reached a certain weight I didn't lose anymore. It was hard at that point. I think I averaged weekly 1200 calories with the points. I started in the year 2001. I maintained from then on but I wasn't at my goal weight. I'm 5' tall weigh 160.4 and I'd love to weigh 115-120. I'm 31 yrs old.

    At the moment I haven't been exercising. I'm very busy with a 5 month old baby that I'm nursing and my job is pretty sedentary-desk job.

    I primarily cook at home during the week and on the weekends we tend to eat out a lot. I'm hispanic so my meals are mainly rice, beans and some kind of protein source (meat, fish, chicken)...we also love avocados. Oh I'm also hypothyroid which I know affects things.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I know there are a few gals in here who are Hypo, so they can help you with that, but ill see if I can help you with the rest:)

    To start, go here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Enter in your information, be honest about the workout TIME... Activity is anything from walking the dog, to gym time, to dvds.. etc. its the total TIME in a week you do.. Most people are in the moderate category so dont sell yourself short on it:)

    You will have three numbers..

    your BMR, which is your Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the MINIMUM amount of calories that YOUR body needs just to function in a coma. That means lying in a bed moving not a single muscle.

    Your TDEE. This is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is the amount of calories needed to consume to MAINTAIN your current weight. That means you would eat this amount daily and your weight shouldnt really change.. (save for maybe an initial gain if you were on a very low cal diet to begin)

    Your "Cut" value. We recommend a 15% cut from your TDEE rather than anything higher. This is the amount of food needed to consume to have a HEALTHY weight loss.

    Now since you said you came from WW, which from my own experience, is considered a very low cal (VLC) diet, you may find that you would benefit from a metabolism reset. WHat a reset does is gives your body a chance to "heal" and "forgive you" for putting it through diet hell for so long. We recommend a minimum 8 weeks, but some people have gone as low as 4 (although those are people who havent been eating VLC prior.. During a reset, you eat at your TDEE, and work to stabilize your metabolism so this will allow you to eat food again and not have to ever go back to a 1200 calorie diet again. (we have a "reset" group in the stickies where a bunch of us are currently working on resetting ourselves)

    Some people will decide to go right at their Cut value and see what happens. But from my experience as well as many other WW gals, we found that eating at Cut wasnt enough for our bodies and we had to go to reset for 8 weeks.

    Hope this helps a bit more for you:)
  • Settuccini
    Settuccini Posts: 44
    May I step in and ask a question or a few? D: I'm very nervous and just want a tiny bit of reassurance or guidance.

    I'm also attempting to do a reset. I'm 5'2.5, 114~ lbs, and have Hypothyroidism. I'm 20 years old and have a really bad habit of only eating 750~ calories a day. I used to eat 600 calories a day and got down to 97 pounds (I don't want to get this low again, by the way), then rebounded and up went my weight! I'm really trying to up my calories to avoid rebounding again, but find I am -so- full at 850-900 calories. According to the calculator, my TDEE is 1500 calories (which I find VERY high), but I like to minus at least 150 for my thyroid problems, thus 1350-ish.

    Now, I started the reset, then got very sick, so I'm re-restarting in hopes of staying well this time around. I'm very, very full and bloated, which I've read is quite normal? Should I just dive into it and shoot straight for 1350 rather than gradually up my calories? I do not want to gain weight, but I understand I'll very much likely have to. My goal weight is around 105 pounds.

    Also, is this not effective if you don't exercise much? I do POP Pilates 4 times a week (well, I was, until I got sick, but I plan on starting again) for 30-40 minutes, plus 20 minutes of stretching. While these videos are a great workout, I know they're not near heavy-lifting. I just dislike weights. :( I also can't do much standing activity or cardio because I have bad knees. Will this be okay? Will doing this still help my body realize that I don't want to starve it anymore? What if someone chooses to not exercise at all? (I'm a lazy exerciser... D:)

    Thank you and sorry if I'm super confusing and antsy. I'm trying so hard to overcome my poor eating habits. Sorry for talking about my problems here as well, Juliane_! I'd love to help you if I had advice, but good luck to you all the same! :)