JULY 2012~~~~~> (measurements,weights,goals,support)

Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
We are here! It's July!

We have been together for about two weeks now! Doing great things together, tracking progress, sharing goals and challenges, getting to know one another and well- just kind of switching out mind state to that of which we are ready to REALLY GET THINGS GOING!

I love love love this group and am so glad that we are in this together! No matter what, just remember, SLOW AND STEADY!

So this is where we will put all things July. Of course, we can (YOU CAN TOO) keep adding topics and threads and talking about other things, but this is where I want the bulk of our July Posting to be IF they are about tracking progress, measurements, fitness, health, etc....

LET'S GO GUYS! Remember you don't HAVE to post your measurement or weights, BUT I do urge you to track them once a month on your own! If you check back to the Tracking thread, I have posted a printable sheet to help you!

ALRIGHT PEOPLE, LET'S GO! Let's rock out this month!

:love: Remember, we CAN do this! We are ready, we are committed, we have a support team, we have a way to track our progress, we have motivation and MOST OF ALL- we LOVE OURSELVES! Don't forget, love yourself throughout this entire journey... For once we reach our weight goals, if we don't love ourselves, we will still be unhappy!

There is nothing to be unhappy about. Make the choice today, to BE happy with who you are! MUCH LOVE! NOW LET'S DO IT!

:heart: I am going to start by saying that my goal is to lose 5-8 pounds this month. Measurement wise, my goal is to lose 1 inch in my belly, 1 inch on both thighs, and 1 inch on by booty... The ultimate goal for this month is to have one of those "1 inch" measurements actually be 2 inches somewhere! :)

I am going to achieve my goals (be positive) by doing cardio mostly, followed directly by isolation work, at least 1 day of something with weights, and of course a great rest day consisting of yoga/stretching! I am PUMPED!

:drinker: CHEERS!


  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    Thanks for getting this started, Kim! I would like to be IN holiday pictures this year!

    July 1
    SW: 278.8
    Measurements: (will come back later to post)

    Goals for July:
    My goal for July isn't weight related. It is health style related. I want to be able to do group exercise classes 4x a week, bike 3x a week (start with 15 min; be at 20 by August 1) and do strength training 2x a week. When I'm not working, it is easy to go exercise--it is when I am working that is my enemy. I might try and toss in a few early (5am) workouts to time myself in case I need to that in the fall.

    I'm afraid that if I set a lose xx amount, that I will set myself up for failure. I don't usually last 2-3 weeks when I begin eating right/losing weight--so this time I have to take it day by day so it becomes habit. I want to focus on my choices. Is that ok?
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Starting weight 315. My goal is go down and to stop losing the same few pounds over and over. I have started the instanity workouts last week and they are hard. My July goal is to follow thru with the workouts and not to miss any!!. I hope by the end of the month I can get all the way thru the workouts.

    Happy July!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks for getting this started, Kim! I would like to be IN holiday pictures this year!

    July 1
    SW: 278.8
    Measurements: (will come back later to post)

    Goals for July:
    My goal for July isn't weight related. It is health style related. I want to be able to do group exercise classes 4x a week, bike 3x a week (start with 15 min; be at 20 by August 1) and do strength training 2x a week. When I'm not working, it is easy to go exercise--it is when I am working that is my enemy. I might try and toss in a few early (5am) workouts to time myself in case I need to that in the fall.

    I'm afraid that if I set a lose xx amount, that I will set myself up for failure. I don't usually last 2-3 weeks when I begin eating right/losing weight--so this time I have to take it day by day so it becomes habit. I want to focus on my choices. Is that ok?

    Of course that is okay! It's more than okay, it's friggn great! Way to go! We all have to tailor our exercises and our goals to fit what it is We, as individuals need! Awesome plan!!!!

    :heart: Heather- Way to go lady! I SO now what you mean about losing the same pounds over and over! Man, if I was to add them up, it would probably be the same 100 friggn pounds! LOL NO MORE! We can do this! Insanity?!?!? Wow, good for you! I can't do that one due to my knee and all the plyo, but let me tell you, YOU WILL ACHIEVE YOUR RESULTS! I know many peope who have! And here;s a hint, if you miss a day here and there, even close to a week- don't start over JUST KEEP GOING WITH THE SCHEDULE!!!! :) I know that sounds like an obvious thing to do, but most of the people I know who do BB programs, well the successful people are the ones who keep going! :D I know you can do it! :)
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    July 1, 2012
    SW: 238
    I did measurements too

    Goals for July
    5 pound weight loss
    ideally I would like at least an 8 pound loss but with this injury and having to somewhat baby my leg still, setting that goal may push myself to the point of re-injuring it.
    And, on that note, I also would like to be able to walk without a limp by the end of July...
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    Heather-I was the same way. The same 10lbs. would come off...then come on. I lost 15lbs. in January and I was able to keep 14 of those off. It was a milestone for me, as I usually gain it back. Good for you doing Insanity!

    I'm_Losing-what happened to your leg? I must have missed that. Hope it is feeling better.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Hi All, I'm Focused for this month.

    SW: 151.8

    Goal for July - Loss 5 pounds more importantly is to focus on getting my schedule set to make sure I have me time every day. My life get so busy that I do not have time for my workouts or just focus my mind. I need to focus this month to find ways to fit in that me time every day so I can relieve my stress.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    Klondike bars...why oh why did my husband buy them? I ate two of them today! TWO!!!

    I did exercise, but still....TWO. Self-control...I'm still working on it.
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    dnunny I pulled something in my leg toward the end of May, still working on healing, but at least I can walk unaided now :) uh oh klondike bars, did you fit them in your calorie goal or go over? I don't deprive myself of foods I like as long as I fit them in my goal. It works for me, then I never feel deprived of anything I like or feel left out of what everyone else in my family is doing :) Of course I am still eating much less calories than them, and carefully track my calories and make decisions based on calorie content, but all with things I like.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    They fit in. My day was messed up as I woke up late and didn't anything until noon. Today will be better. :)
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    Hi all-

    SW: 172.2

    I would love to lose at least 5 lbs this month.

    Neck 13.5 - no goal associated with that measurement. .5 inch would be great but not expected

    Waist 35 - A inch or two here would be awesome!

    Hips 41 - A inch or two here would be appreciated!

    This is the first measurement on my Thighs 25- Not expecting much I have always had thunder thighs.

    Goals for this month include:

    Wii Yoga every day so that by the end of the month I can at least do half the poses in a yoga video by the end of the month. Anyone know a great beginners video? I will either borrow from the library or use YouTube. Looking for something that focuses on form.

    Bike ride at least 5 days a week.

    Finally kick the last of the ciggs to the curb. Down from a pack a day habbit to 3 a day.

    Continue to work on the C25K

    Last but not least (part of the 5lbs I want to lose) Make sure I lose and keep off 2 lbs. That will move me from obese to just over weight.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125

    Goals for this month include:

    Wii Yoga every day so that by the end of the month I can at least do half the poses in a yoga video by the end of the month. Anyone know a great beginners video? I will either borrow from the library or use YouTube. Looking for something that focuses on form.

    Bike ride at least 5 days a week.

    Finally kick the last of the ciggs to the curb. Down from a pack a day habbit to 3 a day.

    Continue to work on the C25K

    Last but not least (part of the 5lbs I want to lose) Make sure I lose and keep off 2 lbs. That will move me from obese to just over weight.

    Good idea on the wii yoga. I have that wii fit, too, but don't use it that much. I usually have a highter score on the yoga than my husband. hee, hee.

    What is C25K? Couch to 5k app? I keep seeing it, but I don't know what it is.
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member

    Good idea on the wii yoga. I have that wii fit, too, but don't use it that much. I usually have a highter score on the yoga than my husband. hee, hee.

    What is C25K? Couch to 5k app? I keep seeing it, but I don't know what it is.

    Yes, C25K is Couch to 5k.

    This site is the one that I use http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
    I have been following the program and use the app from active.trainer. on my phone to track it. I love that it is pre-programed so I don't have to worry about watching a stop watch or clock the app talks to you and tells you what to do next.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    My starting weight for July is 155. The scale is pretty slow moving right now so I won't set too high of a weight loss goal...I would love to lose at least 3 lbs. though! I will take my measurements tomorrow morning...I haven't taken them for a few weeks so I am hoping to see some inches gone since I have started a new Jillian dvd (she really is great for shedding those inches!) I am currently doing Extreme Shed and Shred. My fitness goals for this month are to do my dvd at least 3 times a week, strength training 2 days a week, elliptical 2 days per week and get in walks also when I can (I usually walk at least 5 times a week, while pushing a double stroller and dealing w/ the dog so it burns a good amt. of calories. I love it!) :happy:

    I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th tomorrow!! :smile:
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    Kimberg-awesome on your weightloss! Why do you think the weight is coming off slowly? I am a slow loser.

    I know not everyone is from the states, today is the 4th of July for the US. My husband has to work tonight, so I'll be handing out with the boys at home. My 5 yo is running a fever, has a sore throat, so we'd be staying home anyway. We have a family tradition of getting milkshakes on the 4th of July. I already looked at Steak and Shake...looks like a kids shake for me. :) We're not have a slew of unhealthy food choices, so I should be good for the day! :)

    I didn't go exercise on Tuesday and the Y is closed today. I'll be going on Thursday.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Hi everybody! Love this group :):):):):) Very stoked for progress !!!!
    (I don't measure my bust because in my mind it doesnt exsist :) )

    Arms: 11.5 inches
    Goal arms: 11 inches

    Waist: 28.5 inches
    Goal Waist: 27 inches

    Hips: 42.5 inches
    Goal Hips: 38 inches

    Thighs: 24 inches
    Goals Thighs: 22-21 inches

    Weight 158.8 pounds 28 percent fat
    GW : 130-135 15 - 20 percent fat

    :smile: :happy: :heart: :smile:

    *** Increase my energy and overall happiness and confidence !
    *** Practice yoga more regularly !
    *** Keep finding healthy friends and new healthy recipes !
    (I am a pescatarian, so the only meat I eat is fish.)

    This site has been such a good support system for me! I have been wanting to shape up this bod since I gained a few after meeting my wonderful boyfriend ! Oh complancency! Not anymore! I value health, fitness and the knowledge of being in complete control of your body and shaping yourself into your dreams, anyone with similiar interests or goals or anyone who wants a new supportive buddy feel free too add !!
    Good luck everybody!! And like Kim says don't forget to love yourself!!

  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey all! I am loving everyone's goals! Way to put them out there, make them attainable and of course going for them! If you want to see a blog I wrote on SMART goal setting, feel free to find it here:


    I guess it's also about how to NOT gain 10 pounds over the Holidays, but really it's by making goals! LOL

    So how is everyone doing? The first few days have been great for me! Even while getting ready and preparing for interviews, teaching and talking to a new yoga studio I found time to do the workouts I have set out to do for the week! Today was ROUGH! LOL I did a new workout, well an old workout, but something I haven't done in awhile and MAN it was HARD! LOL In that good way, that good way in which i will be looking great! LOL

    I just wanted to stop in! I'm about to prepare a low fat honey mustard spinach and kale, craisin, apple, walnut salad for dinner, will probably make a beet tartare and pair it with a good whole grain bread!

    Ooooh, for breakfast my husband made a great spinach, red pepper, onion, curry, egg white frittata topped with avocados and diced tomatoes! Oh my, it was great and perfect fuel for my workouts today! Okay, well that is it for now! Just wanted to check in!

    Keep up the great work and just keep getting to your workouts, passing on the garbage and LOVING YOURSELF!

    At the end of the day, no matter how much we weigh, or what we look like, we MUST Love ourselves, so we can love the world! :D
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    took me forever to get on here and do this because my power has been out!

    My starting weight is 132, looking to get down to 122 as I am rather short.
    Measurements are private but they have all increased when I gained 10 lb so I am looking to see an inch decrease in the waist is my main goal. I hope the others stay where they are but I wouldn't mind if the hips went down a little too (maybe an inch less than what it is now). can't afford to lose any more in the bust!! but i guess weigth comes off where it comes off.

    So my main goal now that I have this holiday (july 4th) behind me is to go without eating sweets and I know what those culprits are - peanut butter, chocolate, cookies, cakes, ice cream... i can eat these if they fit in my calories like i have a fiber bar every day that has some chocolate in it and so do some of my protein bars. that should be enough so that i'm not eating it constantly. i think this will do a lot towards my goal of getting back into the 120's at least get me started. would love to be back in the 120s by the end of july. so yeah, i guess i am aiming for a 3 lb loss by the end of july.

    i just started running so I want to keep that up and I want to do my first 5K in August. I have one in mind, just have to sign up for it by the end of the month.

    This is day 1 without sweets. Want to make it a long time because those are definitely my downfall. I am going to keep tracking calories for a while but my goal #2 is to not get so obsessed with calories that I drive myself crazy. I also want to increase fruit and veggie intake a lot.

    Sorry it took me so long. I live in Ohio and we didn't have power from June 29-yesterday... it's been crazy
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    I just found this group!! Sounds amazing! I love the slow and steady theory as i lost 30 pounds quick before, gained zero knowledge, and gained it back faster than i lost it :explode:

    My name is Toya. I weight 173 today with a goal of 148 by 2013 and 130 by july 4th of next year. I want to love me this holiday season. Slow and steady will get me there. I have set fitness goals to assist me in getting there. i plan to complete 30 day shred, ripped in 30, run a 10 k and a half marathon. My July goals are:

    Exit the 170's- current weight is 173.
    Finish level 1 and level 2 of 30 day shred
    run a 10k (7/15 1st one ever!)

    Here's to us!!:drinker:
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    took me forever to get on here and do this because my power has been out!

    My starting weight is 132, looking to get down to 122 as I am rather short.
    Measurements are private but they have all increased when I gained 10 lb so I am looking to see an inch decrease in the waist is my main goal. I hope the others stay where they are but I wouldn't mind if the hips went down a little too (maybe an inch less than what it is now). can't afford to lose any more in the bust!! but i guess weigth comes off where it comes off.

    So my main goal now that I have this holiday (july 4th) behind me is to go without eating sweets and I know what those culprits are - peanut butter, chocolate, cookies, cakes, ice cream... i can eat these if they fit in my calories like i have a fiber bar every day that has some chocolate in it and so do some of my protein bars. that should be enough so that i'm not eating it constantly. i think this will do a lot towards my goal of getting back into the 120's at least get me started. would love to be back in the 120s by the end of july. so yeah, i guess i am aiming for a 3 lb loss by the end of july.

    i just started running so I want to keep that up and I want to do my first 5K in August. I have one in mind, just have to sign up for it by the end of the month.

    This is day 1 without sweets. Want to make it a long time because those are definitely my downfall. I am going to keep tracking calories for a while but my goal #2 is to not get so obsessed with calories that I drive myself crazy. I also want to increase fruit and veggie intake a lot.

    Sorry it took me so long. I live in Ohio and we didn't have power from June 29-yesterday... it's been crazy

    Good for you! Love the goals! Hey how tall are you? :) Just curious!

    And yes, good for you for upping the fruits and veggies! I swear, by the time you cut sweets and eat more fruits, your cravings for sweets will turn into that for fruits! :) I love the banana ice cream! You can make it at home with a blender! You can look under my profile for my blog and see it! It's delsh!!!!!
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    took me forever to get on here and do this because my power has been out!

    My starting weight is 132, looking to get down to 122 as I am rather short.
    Measurements are private but they have all increased when I gained 10 lb so I am looking to see an inch decrease in the waist is my main goal. I hope the others stay where they are but I wouldn't mind if the hips went down a little too (maybe an inch less than what it is now). can't afford to lose any more in the bust!! but i guess weigth comes off where it comes off.

    So my main goal now that I have this holiday (july 4th) behind me is to go without eating sweets and I know what those culprits are - peanut butter, chocolate, cookies, cakes, ice cream... i can eat these if they fit in my calories like i have a fiber bar every day that has some chocolate in it and so do some of my protein bars. that should be enough so that i'm not eating it constantly. i think this will do a lot towards my goal of getting back into the 120's at least get me started. would love to be back in the 120s by the end of july. so yeah, i guess i am aiming for a 3 lb loss by the end of july.

    i just started running so I want to keep that up and I want to do my first 5K in August. I have one in mind, just have to sign up for it by the end of the month.

    This is day 1 without sweets. Want to make it a long time because those are definitely my downfall. I am going to keep tracking calories for a while but my goal #2 is to not get so obsessed with calories that I drive myself crazy. I also want to increase fruit and veggie intake a lot.

    Sorry it took me so long. I live in Ohio and we didn't have power from June 29-yesterday... it's been crazy

    Good for you! Love the goals! Hey how tall are you? :) Just curious!

    And yes, good for you for upping the fruits and veggies! I swear, by the time you cut sweets and eat more fruits, your cravings for sweets will turn into that for fruits! :) I love the banana ice cream! You can make it at home with a blender! You can look under my profile for my blog and see it! It's delsh!!!!!

    i am 5'4" so i think 122 is doable if i make this a comittment. 132 is ok but i think since i have a small frame, 122-125 is more my goal range. really i'd be happy with 7-10 lb loss and then maintain. it's more about how i look at that size. i will know it when i get to 128 then 125... i think anyway

    i will check out your recipe, sounds good