Hello all

daddynunn Posts: 7 Member
Hi I am a 34 y/o father of 4 Happily married for almost 10 yrs. Kids are 7,6,3, and 3 mos. 3 boys and baby girl. I began a lifestyle change 3 yrs ago and successfully lost 120 lbs and kept it off for 2 yrs through diet and exercise and all was good til I had a bicycle wreck and broke some ribs and hurt my shoulder. soon after I broke my foot and exercise became almost Impossible I had to wear a walking boot for about 6 months I got depressed about it and lost my focus and gaind about 50 of the 120 back I have refocused and am trying my best to get the weight back off. I am having trouble getting my same results as before. I walk at least 90 minutes perday and do some light strength training. I am a big guy always have been. Currently I am 6'5 340lbs goal is to hit 230 to 250 closest I have been was 290. I am currently taking xenical once per day and switching to alli for a short time I am using it to try to get my weight loss jumpstarted as perscribed by my doctor. Any suggestions


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    walking 90mins and doing strength training sounds like a great workout. I have found breaking down into smaller goals has helped me alot. When I first started 100+ lbs seemed impossible and overwhelming I just concentrated on 10 lbs at a time and bought myself a new pair of earrings for every10 lbs lost. Just take it one day at a time. The most important thing is to log everything you eat and just stick with it. Dont give up, you can do it
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I agree with 'themommie', small easy goals always wins. One thing I have found that helped me allot is alternate your exercise or jazz it up a bit incase your body gets used to the same routine constantly. I know there are allot more obstacles in place now with your shoulder pain etc but you can do it. I hurt my back in a car accident two years ago. I am finding swimming is helping allot as well.