Week 1 P90X!!!! Here we go!!



  • SarahDuong130
    I don't think I'm ready for P90x. I'm still kind of sore from Plyo from day 2. I think I'll just stick to going to the gym to build up more tolerance. I hate to quit, but I think I have to. :frown:

    And to all of you who are continuing to to this, I commend you. I look forward to starting up again. Good luck!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I wasn't well yesterday, so workout missed (well postponed)

    I've done legs & back this morning and I'll do kempo this afternoon / early evening, not doing ARX as doing it tomorrow as I'm bringing my days forwards as I'm doing another challenge that runs Sun - Frid, so will be doing shoulders & arms tomorrow with ARX.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I don't think I'm ready for P90x. I'm still kind of sore from Plyo from day 2. I think I'll just stick to going to the gym to build up more tolerance. I hate to quit, but I think I have to. :frown:

    And to all of you who are continuing to to this, I commend you. I look forward to starting up again. Good luck!

    Sarah, don't quit. remember there are ways to modify everything. If you're not quite ready for plyo, try cardioX it's still tough, just not as intense as plyo, and when you are ready, move up to plyo. It still kills me every time. jus modify every thing. and if you're going to the gym, take your workout sheets with you and try some of the exercises on your own terms (just watch the dvd's first and make sketches of the ones you might forget-stick figures work for me). Try it for a few more days. The soreness is the DOMS-delayed onset muscle soreness and means that you broke down muscle fibres and your body is repairing them. the first time I did plyo, I was sore for about 5 days...but keep moving and that soreness will abate and you'll be ready again. Keep trying!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    its a cardio day for me. I go over to my 'rents and make my mom and sister workout with me once a week. The Spartacus workout is on the docket this morning, and mabe kenpo if I can convince my sister to do it. (we'll just skip the warm up as well have already done the Spartacus!

    http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/high-intensity-circuit-routine/ <---Spartacus if anyone is interested
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Day 1- Chest and Back, AB Ripper X

    That was brutal! I'm definitely not fit enough for this, and it didn't help that I didn't have the right equipment. I couldn't even finish. :angry: The upper body workouts will be the hardest for me. I will keep going, though, and finish whatever I can. I'll probably work out in the morning when I have more energy. I'm also going to buy a mat and pull up bar. Better luck tomorrow! Plyometrics seems a lot more doable for me.

    We need you don't leave us. :frown:
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    I wasn't well yesterday, so workout missed (well postponed)

    I've done legs & back this morning and I'll do kempo this afternoon / early evening, not doing ARX as doing it tomorrow as I'm bringing my days forwards as I'm doing another challenge that runs Sun - Frid, so will be doing shoulders & arms tomorrow with ARX.

    Some times life get in the way just get back on that P90X horse.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I wasn't well yesterday, so workout missed (well postponed)

    I've done legs & back this morning and I'll do kempo this afternoon / early evening, not doing ARX as doing it tomorrow as I'm bringing my days forwards as I'm doing another challenge that runs Sun - Frid, so will be doing shoulders & arms tomorrow with ARX.

    Some times life get in the way just get back on that P90X horse.

    I certainly have, done legs & back and just done finished kenpo X (the kids joined me on that one they 6&8 and have done many dvds with me, most of p90x (except strength ones)
  • SarahDuong130
    I don't think I'm ready for P90x. I'm still kind of sore from Plyo from day 2. I think I'll just stick to going to the gym to build up more tolerance. I hate to quit, but I think I have to. :frown:

    And to all of you who are continuing to to this, I commend you. I look forward to starting up again. Good luck!

    Sarah, don't quit. remember there are ways to modify everything. If you're not quite ready for plyo, try cardioX it's still tough, just not as intense as plyo, and when you are ready, move up to plyo. It still kills me every time. jus modify every thing. and if you're going to the gym, take your workout sheets with you and try some of the exercises on your own terms (just watch the dvd's first and make sketches of the ones you might forget-stick figures work for me). Try it for a few more days. The soreness is the DOMS-delayed onset muscle soreness and means that you broke down muscle fibres and your body is repairing them. the first time I did plyo, I was sore for about 5 days...but keep moving and that soreness will abate and you'll be ready again. Keep trying!

    Thank you so much Katy, this means a lot to me. I guess I was just up too late last night thinking "I can't". I knew I joined this group for a reason. I suppose I can stick with it and power through. Again, thanks! :flowerforyou:

  • muadeeb
    muadeeb Posts: 91
    I don't think I'm ready for P90x. I'm still kind of sore from Plyo from day 2. I think I'll just stick to going to the gym to build up more tolerance. I hate to quit, but I think I have to. :frown:

    And to all of you who are continuing to to this, I commend you. I look forward to starting up again. Good luck!

    Dont quit, this workout is ment to be tough and hard, especially when just starting out. The first day i did plyometrics i seriously could not make it past the dam warm up. But i kept up with everything as best i could and did MY best. Each week it got a little better and better. Now im almost to week 5 and im able to get through all of the workouts (with little breaks here and there) but i look back at it and i am sooooo glad i didnt cave.....Just remember, you are worth the work. Go at your pace, do what you can do and forget the rest.
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    That's awesome that you going to keep fighting .Shows true grit and spirit .we are all on that journey .Stay strong:)
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Kenpo X DONE!!

    I'm going to squeeze Stretching in later around 10-11pm so I can catch up to week 2 on Sunday!
  • mammacano
    mammacano Posts: 153 Member
    Kenpo X = Done! It is my favorite!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Sarah, I'm glad you're staying on:flowerforyou: keep fighting!

    Went over to my mom's and made my sister do Spartacus with me all 3 times through, then jumped right into kenpoX today. Skipped the warm-up, since I figure, that was Spartacus LOL. 80 min of sweat, and some family drama thrown in for flava...
    then it was off to the city with my 5yo to look for a new swimsuit for this mama. Note to self-NEVER take a small child shopping ever again.

    We both survived, all thanks to Lego...and some chocolate
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Day 7 the last day....Rest or Stretch~~~> i'll be stretching later, can't wait I need it.

    Hope everyone is having a Happy Sunday! and getting ready for the 2nd week :wink:
  • SarahDuong130
    I don't think I'm ready for P90x. I'm still kind of sore from Plyo from day 2. I think I'll just stick to going to the gym to build up more tolerance. I hate to quit, but I think I have to. :frown:

    And to all of you who are continuing to to this, I commend you. I look forward to starting up again. Good luck!

    Dont quit, this workout is ment to be tough and hard, especially when just starting out. The first day i did plyometrics i seriously could not make it past the dam warm up. But i kept up with everything as best i could and did MY best. Each week it got a little better and better. Now im almost to week 5 and im able to get through all of the workouts (with little breaks here and there) but i look back at it and i am sooooo glad i didnt cave.....Just remember, you are worth the work. Go at your pace, do what you can do and forget the rest.

    Thank you, this means a lot to me. I'm glad we're all here to support each other. I'm definitely not going to quit because of all of your kind words.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Finally pulled myself together and did X Stretch...Week 1 COMPLETED! I liked the Stretch it made me feel refreshed!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    active rest day at the zoo! walking for about an hour, then shopping and stuff. fast food on the way home, A&W, I love you. not again for a long long time though. thank goodness I only measure every 2 weeks-I have 1 more to go to unload this sodium and bread bloat and eat clean clean clean!

    Stretch or the like tomorrow, my hammies are TIGHT!