I know I'm not an 'exception to the rule", but ...

heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
Sometimes, I feel like I so get this, but these days, it's getting murky. I need some help.

For just about the last month, I've been at the same weight (bouncing up and down a bit, but basically the same). Last weekend, i decided to step away (I've been doing MFP since April, and EMtWL since May.) I had 2 graduation parties, and then 2 days visiting family. I didn't "binge", but I did enjoy more treats than I would have otherwise. I just needed a break from thinking about everything that I put in my mouth.

Guess what? I didn't gain a pound.

When I came back home, I started tracking again, and have now come up on 1 month of not losing anything. Actually, I'm up a pound (although I'm not fretting about that, b/c it's TOM, and a pound could be anything...)

I'm into persevering, not into quick fixes, but I have to admit that today, I'm feeling pretty discouraged. I'm heading to an anniversary getaway in 2 weeks, and honestly, back in April, I really thought that I'd be feelin' kinda hot. (I don't.)

There are a lot of intangible benefits to not eating crap, and I'm still happy about those, but boy am I discouraged about weight loss. I've lost 8 pounds in 3 months. :(

Can you wonderful, smart, supportive EMtWL peeps help me out?


  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    8 months in 3 months is not too shabby. Remember thats eight pounds you would not have lost otherwise, and whats more, you're holding on to muscle and losing fat, which means you don't need to lose as much as somebody who is losing weight very quickly and thereby losing alot of muscle and little fat.

    I know its hard when we have those events coming up that we want to feel and look amazing for. We have to remember we are not after any quick fixes. It might take us longer to get there when we are doing things the EM2WL way, but we will get there, and remember this is sustainable. We can actually live with this.

    I've been reading alot of different food combinations and I'm totally there on needing a break from tracking food and thinking about everything. I'm debating right now about seeing how I would do long term without tracking, with a long term goal of not needing to track my food. I'm not sure how long you've been at this, but I know for me, after a year and a half of tracking every single bite almost every day, I'm very aware of the nutritional value of foods, and I'm pretty sure I can handle properly fueling my body without needing to weigh and measure and report everything. For me, though its the mental thing and giving myself that accountability that I seem to still need.

    I hope you find something that works for you. To me, it all boils down to consistency. If you stay consistent, you WILL see results! I know its really hard to constantly keep that on the forefront of our minds. Sometimes I hear that word so much I want to scream, but it really is important!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    What do your workouts look like? Have you taken a rest week? What cut are you eating at? How do your clothes fit? Are you stronger (lifting) or faster (running/swimming/cardio)? What do your measurements look like?

    The reason I ask is because I've lost 5 lbs since end of March but I've dropped from a size 12 to a size 8. I am so much stronger and faster than I was 3 months ago. I've also found that because of my workout routine I hold onto a lot of water weight and don't shed it until I take a rest week.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I've gained 6lbs since starting this 2 months ago. But my strength and endurance are up considerably. I wanted to be losing weight but in the end what I've decided is I want to gain health.

    If you're feeling better and your inches are coming off then you're doing everything right.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    8lbs in 3 months is really great imo!! and the fact that you could enjoy yourself this weekend with huge gains is a BIG NSV!!

    ok - so you arent loosing pounds...what about inches....SOSOSO important to take measurements

    i am all about suggesting a sabbatical from the scale today LOL. seriously, quit weighing yourself for a month and focus on keeping active and eating right....the rest will fall into place!
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks, all, for your encouragement. So, hate to be bad news bears, but no inches, either. Not a one.

    Re: working out, it's VERY sporadic. I haven't been able to figure out how to make it part of my schedule. I have myself set at "light" activity... I guess I feel unsure about this. I have 5 kids (young teen all the way down to a baby), and I work part time, and I do quite a bit of volunteer work too. So I feel like my discretionary time is SOOO used up. I'm busy, but not doing exercise.

    I know this plan can work for those who aren't working out, and that it works more slowly. I understand that.

    I just feel like the math says that there should be some loss b/c there is a deficit. (If I've done my #'s correctly - which I think I have, b/c prior to my "mental break" weekend, I had done them a million times! Just to make sure...
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    Bumpin' - just wondering if there's any input based on "part 2" of my info.
    Thanks, friends!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You said the math said there should be some loss.....you lot 8 lbs in 3 months, that's about right on track.

    Also if you've taken a break for the last while and not gained then you were likely eating around maintenance. Go back to your cut and stay there for 6-8 weeks to see what happens.