
So, here's the thing. I have been doing EM2WL since the 20th of May. At first, I couldn't believe how much I was eating, and was mighty pleased with it. Was exercising consistently too. So didn't notice too much of a weight gain.....didn't go near the scales. But then life took over and I lost track of what I was eating and when, and exercise became intermittent.

THEN, I went on holiday....and ate and drank but walked loads. In all of this, I noticed that my belly was getting fatter. Why???? The rest of me looks the same, or even a bit tauter. But, all the fat seems to have settled around my mid section. My arms look bulkier too. Am seriously wondering if this is working for me....or am I just going to wake up 20lbs heavier?

My work doesn't allow me to keep regular hours or even log in all my food. So, I couldn't tell you if my food intake has been consistent or all over the place?

Any pearls of wisdom people? :frown:


  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    i think many will agree that consistency is a huge part of this, since you are basically winning back your bodies trust after some possible low calorie time.

    is there anyway for you to keep a mental tally and then log all at once before you go to bed or something? i thought i had calorie counts down pat and stopped logging but found i was grossly underestimating and therefore waaay over eating.

    also, if you had calculated your calorie amount using a certain activity level, and then dropped below that for an extended period you could have been eating at tdee or over....

    care to share your numbers?
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    I agree. You will never know what truely is or is not working for you until you are consistant. You may be eating way over TDEE, way under BMR, or somewhere in the middle. The best way to be successful with EM2WL is to be consistant and to be aware of exactly what you are eating each and every day in relation to your activity.

    Is there any way to carry a small notebook around with you and manually log your foods? That way you can enter it all in when you have a moment and actually see what you are eating.

    Good luck!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member

    Is there any way to carry a small notebook around with you and manually log your foods? That way you can enter it all in when you have a moment and actually see what you are eating.

    Good luck!

    Amazing idea.
    Without logging, you will not have much success.