I could really use some help!!!!!

I have been on my new life style journey for 18 months. I started out eating at 1600 calories and not eating back my exercise calories. I did this for 1 year and lost 90 pounds. I noticed that in the beginning I was losing weight at a pretty good pace (2 pounds per week). As I got closer to my 1 year anniversary I noticed my weight loss slowing down. About that time I found myfitnesspal. It set me up to eat at 1250 calories (I had it set for 2 pounds per week). I followed that and ate back my exercise calories. My weight loss continued to be very slow. I have only lost 10 pounds since December. I had started reading many of the posts and blogs on here and realized I was eating too few calories. So.... I have been bouncing my calories all around and really have been unable to find my "sweet spot". Could someone look at my diary (it's open) and give me some pointers on what you think I should do? I realize that I tend to have a problem with my salt intake and have been working on it, but other than that I'm not really sure what I need to change. I really think I need to do a reset and kind of start over. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes.

Here's my info:
Starting Weight: 333 12/10
Current Weight: 233 6/29/12
Height 5'6"

I work out 4 days a week plus (2) sessions with a trainer. I usually burn 300 - 330 calories each session.
I do have a sedentary job.

When I calculate my info this is what I come up with. Does it sound right?

BMR 1767
TDEE 2739
TDEE - 20% 2191

Sorry for the long post. Thank you for any help you can offer!!!!


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    hi and Welcome to this group!

    Congratulations first of all for already losing that much weight. That's really great.

    If you wnat me to check your numbers I would need all of your stats like weight, height, age etc.

    Since you have been on VLCD for quite a long time, it is recommended to do a reset for your metabolism. that means to eat at TDEE for 8 weeks.
    You can however try to start out at your cut value, and if you don't lose you can increase to TDEE or a cut that's less. 20% reduction is also quite a lot. 10-15% would be the better way. it makes weight loss bit slower, but you are not as likely to hit a plateau. When you are eating your cut, don't forget to take diet breaks every 8 weeks. That means to eat at TDEE for a week, to keep your metabolism up.
    Sodium is of course something to watch out for. Macros should be set to 40/30/30. Always try to hit your Protein levels, so you wont be losing too much of lean muscle.
    I hope, I didn't confuse you too much.
    If you have any questions, just give us a shout-we are here to help
  • KCharron20
    KCharron20 Posts: 105
    Thank You!
    Could you just double check my calculations for me?
    Here are my numbers:

    Age 42
    Height 5'6"
    Weight: 233

    I have a sedentary job but I work out 6 times per week. I usually burn between 300 -330 calories per workout and I do use an HRM.

    Thank You for your help!