Gaining at cut after full reset, Muscle? or stupidity?

JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
Now I thought I could get out the scale since my reset was over. I`m two weeks into my cut, I surely have not gone over my cal.

My weight has gone up by one 1kg, or 2.2 lb in two weeks. I am now at the highest weight I ever had during reset at my TOM. I am in the middle of my cycle now, it isn`t water weight.

The two things I am doing different are, I upped my protein, and started strength training 3x a week, 15 min each. The program is by Alwyn Cosgrove, NROLFW fame, they are no joke, but short. I drink more water now too. I just decided to be more healthy. In addition I do cardio in walking form for 30 min a day. Generally active person. I am still not at my protein macro but getting close.

I would like to think this new weight is muscle. My hips have gone down by 2 or 3 cm. But my legs are the same and my waist is bigger by about 1 cm.

Anyone had this experience?
My husband keeps asking if I lost weight, so that is not all bad. Can I possibly gain a kilogram of muscle in two weeks? It seems impossible.

One more thing, I am hot all the time, metabolism ramping up? And the day after a workout I am tired, tired, tired, even though I went to bed earlier than usual.

37yr old, 5'8" 189lbs Reset calories 2900 (maybe too high but got it done) current calories 2275 usually eating around 2100 because it is hot and I don`t feel like eating.


  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Just looked it up on Livestrong. Women can gain 1/2 a lb of muscle per week. That leaves me with a 1.2 pound gain of either fat or water weight. Plus I should be at surplus to gain muscle and I am on a deficit. Maybe the numbers lie as much as the scale does.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You are right in that you cannot gain muscle on a deficit unless you are new to lifting (not sure what you were doing before), significantly overweight (which you are not) or an 'ex-athlete', and even then it will be a very small amount.

    However, muscle does retain water, which is very different to TOM water retention.

    Are you sure you were actually on a deficit? What is your cut?

    Measurements have an amount of inaccuracy in them (pulling tape tighter, in a slightly different place etc) so it would be hard to be sure that you actually gained (or lose) 1cm.

    I would suggest, keep going (your hips seem like they have gone down enough to be a real decrease even accounting for a maargin of error) and reassess in a couple more weeks.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Muscles can store a TON of water, especially when you are just starting out a new program.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    thanks ladies, I sure hope it is that. So sick of seeing scale rises week after week. I wasn`t doing any strength training before. Just walking and all the housework and gardening and stuff.
    And my cut is 2275. I usually burn 2800 a day. I am pretty sure it`s accurate, backed up by fit bit and countless online calculators.

    I`m committed to another 6 weeks eatin this way. I hope it evens out. I know weight loss isn`t linear but my weight gain seems to be.

    I often want to throw in the towel and just live.

    but I know I should give it time. I always gave up when I started strength training. I saw my weight go up and thought what a waste of time. I learned a lot from you ladies, I`ll stick it out this time.

    What`s another six weeks having your thighs rub together? I`ll tell you! Hell!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You are at a deficit - you will lose 'real' weight. I know you must be frustrated, but hang in there. Just make sure you are really accurate with your measuring and logging and stay hydrated.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    It's not TOM, just DOM...glycogen goes into the muscle water follows, nutrients and cell repair~
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Any idea how long this DOM lasts?

    This is great news to hear. I thought I was doing the wrong thing all over again. O.k. just keep at it. Keep balance.

    Thanks for talking me down.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ive been a little bit different, but I started NROL 8 weeks ago, got about 2 weeks in before I jumped to TDEE. 6 weeks at tdee and there have been inches gained and not lost. I am expecting that since I am at maintenance. my muscles are hiding under the fat right now and hopefully when I cut, things will start to show..

    It does take time for the muscles to release the water in a new program. Most of what I was reading about was to not weigh in or take measurements until you are on a rest week. This will give you the "best" accurate measurements since water should (hopefully) not be stored at this point.
    I know its something I wont be able to do, but it is something to consider.. Id give it a few more weeks though.. You just came down to Cut.. thats one change, and now you are adding strength training.. another change.. so your body might be getting a bit confused..

    Not much help, but I feel your pain
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Any idea how long this DOM lasts?

    This is great news to hear. I thought I was doing the wrong thing all over again. O.k. just keep at it. Keep balance.

    Thanks for talking me down.

    Its not actually DOMS per se although they can go hand in hand as they are cause by the same thing - DOMS means delayed onset muscle soreness - the water retention happens whether you are sore or not.

    The length of time you will depend on your individual variables, however, it usually lasts from about 2 days to a week. I find most of mine usually lasts a couple of days. I usually weigh myself on a Monday as I do not lift on the weekend, so I have 3 days for my levels to even out.

    I found this quote with some google-fu:

    "Muscle swelling, as a result of fluid accumulation and immune cell delivery, occurs almost immediately after exercise. This swelling typically lasts 3-4 days but may take as many as 7 to subside. This swelling is associated with muscle stiffness, decreased range of motion, and an inability to comb your hair after arm day. This means bad hair days for 3-7 days."
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    thanks S you are not only a master of google fu your funny too. I`ll check myself on monday as I also don`t lift on the weekend and check my freakiness to the door.

    Thanks a bunch!
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I gained 2 kg on Monday. I did my usual activity and didn`t lift over the weekend. I did not overeat and made excellent choices. I got my protein in every day to my lean body mass level anyway.

    I look better. My clothes definitly fit better. My fat was too high, but my calories were in line. I must be losing fat because my clothes are looser. While my measurements haven`t changed too much it hasn`t been very long. But starting week three with lifting I`m heavier than ever. But I still look better.

    So forget it. Since I won`t be very successful in the short term losing weight, I might as well look good right?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I gained 2 kg on Monday. I did my usual activity and didn`t lift over the weekend. I did not overeat and made excellent choices. I got my protein in every day to my lean body mass level anyway.

    I look better. My clothes definitly fit better. My fat was too high, but my calories were in line. I must be losing fat because my clothes are looser. While my measurements haven`t changed too much it hasn`t been very long. But starting week three with lifting I`m heavier than ever. But I still look better.

    So forget it. Since I won`t be very successful in the short term losing weight, I might as well look good right?

    You could be someone that retains the water longer than most - sorry :flowerforyou: I am staying off the scale for the rest of the month - wanna join me? She's a fickle beyoch and sometimes makes no sense.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Sounds like a good idea for my sanity! Afraid to get another surprise at the end but, if I keep up with my lifting it wont matter. I'm in!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Any idea how long this DOM lasts?

    This is great news to hear. I thought I was doing the wrong thing all over again. O.k. just keep at it. Keep balance.

    Thanks for talking me down.

    Its not actually DOMS per se although they can go hand in hand as they are cause by the same thing - DOMS means delayed onset muscle soreness - the water retention happens whether you are sore or not.

    The length of time you will depend on your individual variables, however, it usually lasts from about 2 days to a week. I find most of mine usually lasts a couple of days. I usually weigh myself on a Monday as I do not lift on the weekend, so I have 3 days for my levels to even out.

    I found this quote with some google-fu:

    "Muscle swelling, as a result of fluid accumulation and immune cell delivery, occurs almost immediately after exercise. This swelling typically lasts 3-4 days but may take as many as 7 to subside. This swelling is associated with muscle stiffness, decreased range of motion, and an inability to comb your hair after arm day. This means bad hair days for 3-7 days."

    LOVE THIS!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Muscles can store a TON of water, especially when you are just starting out a new program.
    What I was going to say!!!
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Any idea how long this DOM lasts?

    This is great news to hear. I thought I was doing the wrong thing all over again. O.k. just keep at it. Keep balance.

    Thanks for talking me down.

    Its not actually DOMS per se although they can go hand in hand as they are cause by the same thing - DOMS means delayed onset muscle soreness - the water retention happens whether you are sore or not.

    The length of time you will depend on your individual variables, however, it usually lasts from about 2 days to a week. I find most of mine usually lasts a couple of days. I usually weigh myself on a Monday as I do not lift on the weekend, so I have 3 days for my levels to even out.

    I found this quote with some google-fu:

    "Muscle swelling, as a result of fluid accumulation and immune cell delivery, occurs almost immediately after exercise. This swelling typically lasts 3-4 days but may take as many as 7 to subside. This swelling is associated with muscle stiffness, decreased range of motion, and an inability to comb your hair after arm day. This means bad hair days for 3-7 days."

    You are a wise woman!!!!!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I agree with all of the above and I want to save this for future reference for me as well b/c I am starting cut today and hopefully will start lifting again very soon....Thanks to you all for the advice you gave the OP so I could learn from it too!! :)
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I'm staying off the scale in July as well... I am lifting heavy, eating pretty well and no budge on the scale after my reset. But like you my clothes fit better and a 1/2 inch off the belly. Slow progress but I'll take it over VLCDs any day :)
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    This ^^^ is an awesome thread, is there any way we can subscribe to threads we like on MFP so we can reference them later?
  • dzinergrl18
    dzinergrl18 Posts: 105 Member
    This ^^^ is an awesome thread, is there any way we can subscribe to threads we like on MFP so we can reference them later?

    Once you've posted on a board, you can click on My Topics when you're in the message boards. It will take you to the boards you've posted on. Since you asked a question on here, this topic will now be in your list!

    Thanks for all the answers ladies...I want to reference this in the future too.