Logging exercise is upping calories...

lovtolaff Posts: 65 Member
I've read so much on this site and can't remember where I saw it but i remember it saying somewhere that unless you burn a pretty high number of calories (can't remember number) to not eat those burned calories. Well when I log my exercise into my journal on here it raises my calorie count. Is there anyway to fix that where the calorie count would just stay the same? I'm NOT burning enough to "eat back". I hope this makes sense lol


  • I don't think there is because that's the way MFP is set up. Figuring out your calories with TDEE-% is different because it includes your activity already so you don't need to adjust your daily calories.

    However, I do know that many people log their exercise but then change the calories burned to "1" this way you can still track minutes of exercise per week but don't have to worry about looking at the adjusted.

    Another way is just to look at Food and Net. Making sure Net is at least BMR for that day if you have a high burn day.
  • victoria615
    victoria615 Posts: 19 Member
    what i did is made a "subtract excercise calories earned" food and it's 1 calorie per serving and i just add the calories MFP says i earned each day. I like know how many calories I burned, but I do know it's not necessary, it's a mental thing for me.
  • tracylgorman
    tracylgorman Posts: 10 Member
    Great idea Victoria! Think I'm going to give that a try. I'm like you, I am always curious and want to know how many calories I've burned.
  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    I always log my full exercise calorie count. I don't pay any attention to the numbers on my food tracker page. On my homepage I only look at the food number and the net number.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I enter my exercise, then change the calories burned to "1". (You can then note the actual calories burned in the Notes section of your Food Diary).

    I don't really mind that it adds the calories to my daily total, because that math is easy to do (I just know I need to get to 2,000 a day), but I *don't* like that it adds to the macros as well - that math is harder to keep track of. I try hard to hit my Macros each day, and don't want them messed up, which is what happens when the exercise calories get added in. By changing your calories burned to "1" those macros will remain the same, as will you calorie goal...
  • lovtolaff
    lovtolaff Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks to all of you - I'm going to change the calories burned to "1" like you suggest and then make the note of actual calories burned b/c I too like to know how many I'm really burning. Thanks again!
  • victoria615
    victoria615 Posts: 19 Member
    I enter my exercise, then change the calories burned to "1". (You can then note the actual calories burned in the Notes section of your Food Diary).

    I don't really mind that it adds the calories to my daily total, because that math is easy to do (I just know I need to get to 2,000 a day), but I *don't* like that it adds to the macros as well - that math is harder to keep track of. I try hard to hit my Macros each day, and don't want them messed up, which is what happens when the exercise calories get added in. By changing your calories burned to "1" those macros will remain the same, as will you calorie goal...

    I work out first thing in the morning, before any food is entered and I normally enter it on my phone, I never noticed that it changed my macros (though it totally makes sense, just never really thought about it before).... I think I'll be changing the way I do it.

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I enter my exercise, then change the calories burned to "1". (You can then note the actual calories burned in the Notes section of your Food Diary).

    I don't really mind that it adds the calories to my daily total, because that math is easy to do (I just know I need to get to 2,000 a day), but I *don't* like that it adds to the macros as well - that math is harder to keep track of. I try hard to hit my Macros each day, and don't want them messed up, which is what happens when the exercise calories get added in. By changing your calories burned to "1" those macros will remain the same, as will you calorie goal...

    I work out first thing in the morning, before any food is entered and I normally enter it on my phone, I never noticed that it changed my macros (though it totally makes sense, just never really thought about it before).... I think I'll be changing the way I do it.


    Yea, I don't care that it changes the calories, because I know what my goal is each day, but I need to see my macros (I spend a lot of time adding food, then taking it out and changing just trying to get close to my macros each day - I certainly don't need to confuse that situation any more with math! :-D
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I like to enter my exercise calories because it helps me see progress. I burn less calories today than 3 months ago doing the same workout because I'm in better shape. I set my goal to be my BMR that way I know if I am under/over on calories. I know what my macros need to be with my food calorie goal, so I ignore it when MFP tries to re-set it for me.