New to Primal/Paleo and looking for some like-minded friends



  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I am new here too! I have Celiac disease, and have found that I am extremely sensitive to most grains. So I am going to adopt the paleo way of eating. I have found that I don't have any issues with meats, veggies, or fruit... so that is where I am staying. I am okay with cheese in low doses, as well.

    I would love some more friends!
  • SRD2012
    SRD2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on Day 3 of my healthy reboot. Just beginning to slide into a Paleo lifestyle. I used to eat more along these lines and loved it but along the way succumbed to the dark side :) Now it's time to get back on track with MFP to track calories in and out and ease back into a regular exercise habit. I started my own business 4 years ago and ate all my stress and I have nearly ~ 50 unwanted pounds to show for it. I know getting healthy again will take time and I believe adding some like-minded friends to share ideas, tips and encourage one another will help. So I will be adding all of you in the days ahead and look forward to being on your cheerleader squad.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Hi all. I've been doing Primal for the past two weeks, and have been pretty obsessive about it. I've really enjoyed and for ideas and inspiration.

    I'm trying to restrict my calories to under 1200, working out 3-4 times per week doing functional fitness... and since I started the diet I'm hungry and permanently tired. I thought I would have an energy boost on this diet (no carb comas) but I feel the opposite. Definitely have periods of feeling low blood sugary, and yet I know I'm getting plenty of carbs from fruit and some of my veggies. I'm wondering if this is just a "carb flu"? Feel free to check out my food log... maybe I'm doing something wrong?

    I would love to friend others who are just starting out, or have been doing it a while and can share their experience.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    I've been mostly paleo for nearly a year now and am leaning a little more primal right now to get my protein numbers up. I'd love to find some great paleo/primal friends!
  • JackShow70
    JackShow70 Posts: 49
    I just discovered Paleo and on day 2 of my new journey. Also looking for friends and like-minded peeps :)
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I had an appt with my Dr on Tuesday and when I saw her and discussed my diet and protein, she told me to start eating alot of fish, meat, chicken, egg whites. She wanted me to be not less than 90g of protein per day. I have a friend that lives 80/20 the Paleo life. He suggested I try this group and I did. Now I'm looking for more friends that can help me start this way of living healthy and will share their recipes with me.

    Please feel free to add me. Thank you for your support.