Need some support/words of wisdom please

Hi guys. I'm feeling REALLY frustrated right now. Just not seeing a lot of changes with my body and I feel like I'm working my butt off for no reason. I'm currently at 110.8 (am 5ft 2in) and don't have any real desire to lose more pounds per say. I want to lean out and let the muscles rip. I'm at 1927 calories per scooby (goal is set to gain muscle, lose body fat%). Here's my issue-- I keep seeing all these friends with similar stats who are eating lower calories posting photos of their defined newly ripped bodies. I'm still stuck in flabby jelly belly land. I'm annoyed and just not sure what to do anymore. Please help. Smack me around a little, give me a pep talk, tell me your success stories if you are where I am now...I'll take anything.


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    If you want muscles and don't want to lose weight, then you need to weight train-try lifting heavy. Diet alone won't give you muscles.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I was just gonna ask the same thing....what does your workout look like?
  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    Are you lifting weights also as part of your exercise regime? If not, I'll tell you that it has helped me a lot. I just began in mid March & had to do some "rehab" type exercises before I was able to even do squats, shoulder exercises, etc. I've lost 9.5" (I need much more) & in the process, I have much more muscle definition especially in my arms. Keep in mind that I'm 56 & haven't seen a muscle in my arms for a very long time so I'm excited for any results :-)
  • Right now for my weights I'm doing a Jackie Warner Pyramid DVD (30 Day Fast Start). I'm up to about 10 lbs for all of the exercises but one (darn external rotation things that I can't seem to go heavier on). I'm currently in my last week (hopefully!!) of an air cast on my left foot due to a stress fracture so the things I've been allowed to do haven't been as intense as I'd like. I did recently, like today, get in touch with a trainer who happens to live in my complex so I'm really hoping to be able to book some sessions with her once I'm allowed to resume hard core workouts. I have seen new definition in my arms/shoulder BUT my belly is still my trouble zone. I don't know what I'm trying to say right now. I feel so overwhelmed!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    If your belly is your main problem area and you want that more toned, in addition to whatever cardio you do, try to do planks, side planks, bicycles and reverse crunches. Those moves really helped tighten and tone my tummy last year!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Oh, another killer move I just thought of but I can't seem to think of the name right now (maybe it's a jackknife but could be wrong) take a stability ball and rest your shins on it...hands on the ground in push-up position. Then roll the ball towards you inwards as you keep your belly nice and tight and then roll the ball away from you. Gosh, it's probably not making any's hard to describe but it's an awesome ab exercise!
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    Oh, another killer move I just thought of but I can't seem to think of the name right now (maybe it's a jackknife but could be wrong) take a stability ball and rest your shins on it...hands on the ground in push-up position. Then roll the ball towards you inwards as you keep your belly nice and tight and then roll the ball away from you. Gosh, it's probably not making any's hard to describe but it's an awesome ab exercise!

    prone jacknife, maybe?

    maybe taking some before/during/after photos would help you see the changes better?