I'm new to mfp - so happy to find traditional diet here

threedaydiet Posts: 16 Member
I put mfp on my phone last week to count calories and found this great community. I am a big Weston Price fan and try to eat mostly grass fed meat and free range eggs. Organic veggies of course. I'm not eating too many grains, but I don,t have the soaking of them down yet. I would also like to start fermenting more. I'm going for a 12 pound weight loss this month using eat fast eat. I would love some traditional food friends.


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    Yay, free range eggs! And what sort of things are you fermenting?
  • threedaydiet
    threedaydiet Posts: 16 Member
    I want to start with Kim chi- I think I'll wait till organic cabbage a and peppers are ready to harvest. I don't have a good living situation to do much fermenting now, so I buy yogurt.