new to this how does it work??

lmustoe Posts: 19 Member
I have read a lot of your posts and am utterly confused but excited if that makes any sense. I need to know what the lingo is, what the initals stand for and how to start this! Any help would be so appriciated. BTW I do have PCOS and am on metformin, I am insulin resistant and have to watch my carbs. Been heavy from youth to 14 then lost a bunch of weight, at 17 had my daughter and was 245, then 8 yrs later dropped the weight down to 140, then 2 yrs ago had my son and am really struggling to get below 165. Thanks again!


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and Welcome to the group.

    If you want to read through all the stickies to get familiar with all the terminology and concept of EM2WL

    As for your needs regarding PCOS and Insulin resistance I would honestly love Lucia or Kiki answer you, they are the pros when it comes to specific needs.