TDEE changing during reset - what to do?

Hi guys

I am 7 weeks or so into my reset which I am planning to do for 10 weeks then have a holiday and start my cut. So far so good, I have a Fitbit and have been using the data off that to set my TDEE (came out at 2100 averaged over 3 weeks). However the past couple of weeks I have been doing more and so my average has gone up to 2200 which is much closer to what Scooby gives me.

I presume I should up my cals to take that into account but does that mean I am effectively starting again with the reset? Or is it like eating back calories? I am confusing myself :noway:

I haven't weighed or measured myself as I thought a total break would be good mentally so I don't know where I am at though my clothes fit fine now the bloat has gone.

Any advice?


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I just got a FitBit recently while in the middle of my reset. Scooby gave me 2400 as TDEE but I had to go up to 2600.

    Just up your cals and stick to it. Better a bit over than too low.
  • Thanks, that's what I thought. Also means my cut won't be so low and I am not looking forward to it :frown:

    More food - yippeee!