baseball game eats?

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
hey all- so I'm going to a baseball game tonight (Go Cards!) and our ticket price includes unlimited food and drink. I am channeling back to my VLC days in which I would not eat all day to 'save' for tonight. what do you guys suggest I do? Save some 'wiggle room' or eat as usual during the day? i'm doing my reset and my full tdee is 2655 - but I have no idea how to even guesstimate what's in baseball food!

anyone have any suggestions?


  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    I would eat as normal throughout the day, that way you won't be SO hungry when you get to the game that you want to eat everything in sight, LOL!

    Have a meal (brat and fries, or whatever you fancy!), and maybe a snack (split it with someone if you'd like!)...don't know if you like to drink or not, but if you feel like it, have a couple of drinks while you're there, too!

    Just enjoy yourself and have fun at the game! :drinker:
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm just worried I'm going to end up 'saving' calories throughout the day and then get there, spaz out, and not eat enough to hit my TDEE...

    OR I'll get there and lose all self-control and go way over TDEE. I feel like it's a lose/lose situation!
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    I did one of these games recently (GO GIANTS!!) and I had a small meal before going (day game...) and then sampled a LITTLE bit of everything...half a brat, 4 nacho chips and cheese, half a mini sandwich, one sushi roll, one piece of dessert. A handful of popcorn a few peanuts. Adding in the alcohol I am sure I went over on Cals, but it wasn't by much or by nearly as much as it would have been in the past. No Gain!!

    Pay attention to what you are eating - you will find that most things won't be as delicious or satisfying as you WANT them to be. Then it will be easy to leave it and not go back for more - or go back for a few more bites of the thing you really, really liked.

    This is NOT an excuse to binge - even if you paid for it. This is about you and your ability to enjoy in reasonable portions.
  • Morgandobes
    Morgandobes Posts: 66 Member
    I did one of these games recently (GO GIANTS!!) and I had a small meal before going (day game...) and then sampled a LITTLE bit of everything...half a brat, 4 nacho chips and cheese, half a mini sandwich, one sushi roll, one piece of dessert. A handful of popcorn a few peanuts. Adding in the alcohol I am sure I went over on Cals, but it wasn't by much or by nearly as much as it would have been in the past. No Gain!!

    Pay attention to what you are eating - you will find that most things won't be as delicious or satisfying as you WANT them to be. Then it will be easy to leave it and not go back for more - or go back for a few more bites of the thing you really, really liked.

    This is NOT an excuse to binge - even if you paid for it. This is about you and your ability to enjoy in reasonable portions.

    This sounds like really good sound advice to me, espescially the meal before you go. I may follow this advice next time we go
    to the car races! Thanks for posting!
  • Sid422
    Sid422 Posts: 77 Member
    Another baseball fan here, Go A's! I eat before I go as well and I withhold on the alcohol when I go because then it's a free for all if I drink. I lose my "filter" and will eat way too much. I make my own trail mix with almonds, craisins, etc. and munch on that if I get the munchies. A Diet Coke fills me up if I want something to drink. If you have better willpower than me have the alcohol but I agree that it's not an excuse to binge. Good Luck and have fun!!!
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I wouldn't be as worried, but our tickets are through my work and include unlimited food and drinks (including alcohol) - so if we didn't have the unlimited food/drink, I'd be fine eating at home and not at the ballpark just because of the ridiculous prices! But since it's 'free' (and, by 'free', I mean we paid for it in the price of our tickets) I feel like I should eat at least a little something. I'm afraid to eat at home first and then get to the game, see everyone else indulging, and indulging too - I'd like to think I have willpower, but I'm not sure I will. But then I'm worried if I don't eat, or just eat something little, then I will be able to resist the ballpark food and I'll end up way under TDEE. I feel like I'm kind of screwed if I do/screwed if I don't!

    What's the best choice for ballpark food? Hot dog with mustard? Do you just estimate when you eat at the ballpark/places that don't have nutrition facts posted?
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I'm chiming in late but I would've just planned on eating a hot dog and some nachos. I would've found the food in the database and pre-entered it into my diary so that I could plan out the rest of my macros for the day. I don't drink usually so I would have planned on water. I'd probably give myself a 300 cal wiggle room on top of what I planned for for other buffet yummies if they looked decent. That would allow me a little more "junk" OR allow me the choice to eat the protein bar or nut/cheese combo that I would have carried in my purse.

    I would definitely eat "something" before I left the house though. Maybe a high protein shake!

    Since you got me thinking, I looked up a foot long hot dog and it is 570 cals (16g of protein). Nachos (half order) is 350. Wiggle room is 300. For me, that leaves 780 breakfast, lunch and pre-baseball shake. Not too bad! But, If I went over at the end of the day, no biggie....I just would not want to go over TDEE (personally).
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm chiming in late but I would've just planned on eating a hot dog and some nachos. I would've found the food in the database and pre-entered it into my diary so that I could plan out the rest of my macros for the day. I don't drink usually so I would have planned on water. I'd probably give myself a 300 cal wiggle room on top of what I planned for for other buffet yummies if they looked decent. That would allow me a little more "junk" OR allow me the choice to eat the protein bar or nut/cheese combo that I would have carried in my purse.

    I would definitely eat "something" before I left the house though. Maybe a high protein shake!

    Since you got me thinking, I looked up a foot long hot dog and it is 570 cals (16g of protein). Nachos (half order) is 350. Wiggle room is 300. For me, that leaves 780 breakfast, lunch and pre-baseball shake. Not too bad! But, If I went over at the end of the day, no biggie....I just would not want to go over TDEE (personally).

    I ended up eating a hot dog with mustard (just a regular size, they didn't have foot long) and some coleslaw. I had one Bud Light and then switched to diet soda. They had nachos, desserts, pasta, pulled pork/brisket, brats, and hot dogs all laid out buffet style - but honestly, none of it really appealed to me. I probably should have eaten some, though, because I got home at 11:30 last night 500 under TDEE so I had to eat a relatively hefty snack. I hate eating so late. I wasn't going to eat anything but wanted to keep up the consistency so I made myself... not sure what the proper response is when it's the middle of the night and you're so far from TDEE, anyone have any thoughts?
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    Good for you for making a reasonable choice yet enjoying yourself with a little "treat" (for me a dog and a beer is a treat). Consistency is good, but one day of being under TDEE isn't going to harm you. If it is days and days of 500 under TDEE, then reconsider, but you are on track and how you dealt with it was right on. I'll say it again, good for you!!