NROLFW Question...

lovtolaff Posts: 65 Member
I posted this on another thread but didn't want it to get lost.....

For those of you that have read and are doing this - what are your thoughts on this statement that I found in the reviews of the book:

"Final thoughts about fat loss: This is probably not the book for someone looking to lose 50-100 or more pounds. It's for someone who is probably 30 lbs. or less from goal and who has worked out before, who has a certain level of current fitness, and who is comfortable in the weight room."

I would like to read the book but I don't have a gym membership and can't afford one at the moment. The only thing I do have is 5 and 10 lb weights.



  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    i really enjoyed reading the book actually. I found it to be well written and very informative without being boring - it was actually sort of funny at times!

    I tried to do the routine at home with the alternate exercises but hit a wall very early with the weights i have. I can deadlift more than the weights i for ME it was counterproductive not being able to actually lift progressively heavier...which is the whole point. I'm very happy to have read the book though and gotten a better understanding of the eating more concept and the benefits of lifting - which wasnt on my radar at all.

    and one day I'll be able to fit in gym time and id like to give it another go

    when i read that clip i think he means the book is geared more towards fat burn AND muscle building...not just standard fat loss. like if you had 100 lbs to loose you could certainly still weight train BUT you wouldn't see much muscle definition until the fat started to go.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    You would be better served coming up with a routine that fits around what you currently have/can do, than trying to adapt something. A routine works best when you can do it as written.
  • stephaniepullen
    stephaniepullen Posts: 22 Member
    That's discouraging. I just finished the first chapter last night, and I DEFINITELY have more than 30 pounds to lose. Now I'm thinking maybe I should have waited to buy it. :-/ I'm really starting to think this might not be right for me. I have such a long way to go and eating 2500 calories a day isn't going to help me get there anytime soon.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    You should check out the NROL4W group. There are plenty of women who have more than 30 lbs to lose that are doing this program and having success. However, with only 5 and 10 lbs weights, you won't be able to accomplish the workouts. You really need some heavy dumbbells and free weights with a barbell to complete the program. I would suggest doing some Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper videos and push the weights as much as you can until you can get the equipment you need or join a gym.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Keep checking Craigslist! I just picked up a weight bench with lat pull down and 80# of weights for $50 today (and they delivered it since they live a hour away)! Earlier this week I picked up a step bench (retail$89) for $20.
    Tomorrow I get a FREE Marcy weight set (don't really need another bench, but the weights I want)!!!

    You may be able to get stuff for free or barter one piece at a time, just keep looking!

    Also here's a site that you won't need equipment for, she uses body weight only:

    and check out this site too:

    have fun and good luck!
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I started the program 3 weeks ago. I belong to a gym so I have access to weights. If I were doing this at home, I would already need to start buying heavier weights. The heaviest I have at home is 12lbs. This progarm is for a gym unless you want to invest in equipement at home.
  • lovtolaff
    lovtolaff Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their replies - I'm going to skip the book for now and work out with the strength training dvd's I have and check out the links provided by plumsgrl for awhile.
  • Koorogi
    Koorogi Posts: 21 Member
    Hello there...

    I know that you already got your answers, but I thought that I would share something as well, be aware that my opinion may be totally wrong as I'm still new to this. I did weight lifting like over 10 years ago, but it wasn't from a book or anything.

    As for NROLFW, I purchased the book a couple of weeks ago and actually had my first day today, so to be honest, I can't really say too much about further on. But from what I've read, even if you just do Stage 1, it's supposed to run a total of 16 workouts with 2 special workouts at the end, that would run for a total of 6 weeks. Or, you can extend that (as per the book) to 24 workouts in 8 weeks, with the 2 special workouts in the 9th week.

    Also, I picked up a Gold's Gym 40-lb. Weight Set for $20 at Walmart to get started. Even if you just do your own stuff and/or repeat stages 1 and 2, lifting/weight training is still so wonderful for your body. It builds your muscle which will in turn speed up your metabolism. It will also help so that as you lose weight, your skin won't sag as bad. I've seen throughout the forums, people saying that they wished they would have started lifting sooner.

    So just offering up that even if you don't start up NROLFW specifically, don't be afraid to start up some lifting/weight training, it can only help!

    Best of luck on your journey!