New today to Low-carb - advice?

vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
So I have decided today I am going to start a low carb diet. I need to kick my carb "addiction" and just start my weight loss. Any advice, suggestions, thoughts?


  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    1) Read a primer, When I did LC 10 years ago my bible was Atkins New Diet Revolution.
    2) Go cold turkey, 20g or less per day (net carbs - fiber carbs) . You may feel like crap on the 3rd or 4th day but then it gets better.
    Avoid all sugar alcohols, polydextrose "so called undigestible carbs) and alcohol.
    3) Get plenty of fluids and sleep
    4) Don't cheat. Eat more calories of "legal " low carb foods to drive away any cravings but don't touch a potato chip on your mothers life.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the tips!!
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    The plan I am following is Metabolism Miracle. It's a book by Diane Kress. I considered Atkins but after reading her website, testimonials and success stories I decided that was the plan for me. Best of luck to everyone on whatever plan you choose. So far, I like this one.
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    LowcarbNY gave all the same advice I'd give. He knows what he's talking about!

    Read the Atkins book (written by Dr. Atkins, not the newest ones or the Web site) to at least learn about "Why Low Carb?" and some of the science behind why it works. You can still choose a more modern plan after that but Atkins has the original and best info. Having that knowledge base will help you decide why or why not to choose something else.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I agree with above posters!

    I had to go LC for medical reasons etc. I didnt fully understand the reasons of why/how etc until I read Dr. Atkins book and a couple others. When I am not losing weight I have to remind myself the reasons why I chose this diet etc and I have found it is easier for me to keep on trucking instead of falling off the wagon everytime I gain some weight :)

    The only advise I can give you is what ive exp. The first 2-4 days I felt like crap while my body was switching to ketosis (Husband was fine after 24 hours) I exp energy problems the first week or so but once my body switched over I had a rush of energy like no other.
    Measure yourself because I can tell you I have lost inches but not one oz of weight in the last month!

    I lowered my carbs from unrestricted amounts to 50-80, then down to 20. I had 1-2 weeks of feeling like total crap (have some medical issues that explain that) but my husband lowered his down to 20ish and he was just fine. I think you should pick a diet plan that you can live with and continue long term :)

    Good luck :)!
  • LaJaunaF
    LaJaunaF Posts: 112 Member
    Make sure you set your food diary to reflect your low carb eating. I do Atkins and my numbers are set to:
    5% carbs, 25% protein, 70% healthy fats. If you watch your carb percentage (about 20 grams a day NET carbs) the other numbers will fall into place. DO NOT try to eat low fat! It will make you sick on a low carb diet. You need healthy fats to burn for energy and organ function! So, eat the skin on your chicken! Eat the fattest cuts of steak and pork! Eat real butter and real heavy cream! Eat real cheeses! And make sure you are eating loads of good quality veggies! I always find I forget to eat my veggies! Mostly because I am just not hungry like I used to be!