
raygunn_viola Posts: 88 Member
Any idea what you burn when practicing your forms? For example, when I do all the way from Chun-Gi to Gae-Beck it takes me almost an hour, and I am sweating, but I can't seem to find an estimate as to how many calories I burned. Should I just get a heart rate monitor? What do you put down when you practice your forms?


  • CriosDubh
    CriosDubh Posts: 60 Member
    The most comparable exercise I could think of would be dance. I plugged in "dancing, general" for 60 minutes, and got 301 calories. Ballet was 328. It sounds about right.
  • The most comparable exercise I could think of would be dance. I plugged in "dancing, general" for 60 minutes, and got 301 calories. Ballet was 328. It sounds about right.

    Makes sense.

    Depending on how I approach the forms and how many I do I get 150+ cals burned. The problem (for me) with form practice is that there's a lot of stopping to consider what I did right, wrong, how I stepped, how I can improve balance, and so on, and then going back over particular movements to iron out the wrinkles.

    Working the punching bag seems to do quite a bit better at burning calories than going over the forms, but I've been curious about kata's calorie burn for awhile. I think that tomorrow (technically later today) I'll try to make a 30+ minute workout out of it to see what my HRM says about it.

    EDIT: edited to add that the last time that I tried this, the elbow strike in Pinan Yondan caused my HRM to reset itself and it lost everything (including my stats like age, height and so on). Here's to hoping that I get data this time. :D
  • CriosDubh
    CriosDubh Posts: 60 Member
    LOL you took out your HRM with an elbow strike!
  • LOL you took out your HRM with an elbow strike!

    I sure did :(:D It's kind of depressing because it let out a long beep before going all blinking "please set me".

    Results of my experiment today:

    * Duration: Roughly 15 minutes, give or take (had around 8+ mosquito on me, so I couldn't stay out longer)
    * Cals burned: 245

    Kata used:
    - Kihon Kata Ichi
    - Pinan katas: Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan
    - Naihanchi Shodan
    - Bassai Dai
    - Matsumora Rohai
    - Jitte
    - Saifa

    Repeat as necessary.

    My physical build: 6 feet 3.5 inches, around 234 pounds on a good day.

    My approach was to pause as little as possible between each (so about 10 seconds on average), and then to perform each kata with a focus on both speed and power. Toward the last (last few minutes or so) I ended up battling the mosquito more than doing kata.

    Now I'm very curious and would like to repeat the experiment, preferably some place free of a small cloud of mosquito. My legs around my ankles are itching quite a bit now lol

    ...but I did it for science! ;)
  • raygunn_viola
    raygunn_viola Posts: 88 Member
    :happy: thank you for your experiments! gives me a good idea of what I should put in.
  • Sure. I'll do a longer experiment when I'm feeling better, but I've had a splitting headache all day.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm compelled to buy a HRM and do an experiment as well.