Anyone Interested In Starting the Couch to 5K Program?

Hello. This group was started earlier this year. Several people started the Couch to 5K program and completed it with great success. I, unfortunately, was one of the people that fell off the wagon and never completed it. I was wondering if anyone in the group would be interested in doing the program over the next 9 weeks. If so, please reply to this post and let's set a date to get started!!!! :smile:


  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! I also started out, but wasn't able to finish. I would love to do it with you. Unfortunately, I have a sore knee which really affects my ability to keep with the plan.

    I have been doing lots of brisk walking which strengthens my knee, so hopefully I can be more successful this time. :smile:

    When are you starting?
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Hello Kelwalks4. I was beginning to think I was going to be on my own!!! :wink:

    We can start whenever you like and we can go as slow as we need to. We don't have to do it in the 9 weeks, especially since you have a sore knee. Don't want any injuries.

    I have gained back the weight that I had lost so when I tried to do Day 1 yesterday, I could only do half the program but I still walked the rest of the way so that I would stay on the treadmill an hour. So I will be moving at a slower pace myself. I think the key is that we don't quit and listen to our bodies. If we do that, we can slowly progress and reach our goal!!

    So let me know when you are ready and let's get moving. :flowerforyou:

  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    How about Monday? Moving at a slower pace sounds great to me! I have to search around and find the program recommended times again.
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    Found it:
    Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

    J, do you walk afterwards to make it an hour? Do you walk on a treadmill?
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Monday is perfect.

    Do you think we can go at the same pace? For instance, week 1 is the 60/90 rotation for 20 minutes. I'm thinking we don't move to week 2, until we are both ready to go together. Do you think that will be possible? We both have challenges and, I think, us staying at the same pace will hold each of us accountable and keep us motivated at the same time. Let me know what you think.

    I do the program on the treadmill. It's just easier for me to keep track that way. My goal is to workout an hour when I go to the gym. So after I do the program, I will still workout. Sometimes I may do strength training, the eliptical, or just stay on the treadmill and walk. It just depends on how I feel.

    To be honest, once I get to the gym, the only time I do less than an hour is when I have something planned or I have pushed myself to hard and feel sick. :sick:
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    J, I think that sounds great! I am worried about holding you back, but I guess we can work that out if it happens. :smile:

    I think it's easier on the treadmill too because of the timer. Treadmills also have good cushion which is good for my knees.

    An hour a visit is great! I should try that. while I'm there I might as well do some weights.

    Thanks for the post, I am excited to try this again!
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    I don't think you will hold me back. My weight tends to be my issue. As of this morning, I weigh-in on Sunday mornings, I am at 235 lbs. It's a struggle trying to jog carrying that kind of weight and sometimes it can be an issue for my knees. If my knees bother me to much, usually drinking Elations will help me.

    FYI, I workout in the evenings after work. So I won't be posting what I've done until later in the day. And don't forget, the program only requires 3 days a week. If you can do more and want to do more, that's fine. Just don't overdo it.

    I am excited as well. And I'm looking forward to us accomplishing this TOGETHER!!! :happy:
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    I used to weigh 235, I think that's why my knees are so tender now. Congratulations J on putting importance on yourself and your health! :flowerforyou:

    I am going to look up Elations, I have never heard of that. I take prescription anti-inflammatory for my knees, but worry about the side effects. I went off it and had a lot of pain. My doctor basically asked if I was stupid. LOL Not really what he said and he said it nicely, but that was the message. :smile:
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Kel, do you know what speed you will be doing your jog on the treadmill?

    Also, we can post a topic for each week. Not necessarily to post what you did because I know we will be posting that in our diaries, unless you want too. I was thinking we could use it to post how we are feeling and discuss whether or not we are ready to move forward.
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    I used to weigh 235, I think that's why my knees are so tender now. Congratulations J on putting importance on yourself and your health! :flowerforyou:

    I am going to look up Elations, I have never heard of that. I take prescription anti-inflammatory for my knees, but worry about the side effects. I went off it and had a lot of pain. My doctor basically asked if I was stupid. LOL Not really what he said and he said it nicely, but that was the message. :smile:

    Elations is simply a drink that helps with joint health. It has glucosomine and chondrotin (I don't have it in front of me so the spelling might be off) but it's supposed to be good for the joints. It comes in a pill form as well but I have a hard time swallowing "horse" pills so I just stick with the drink.

    I understand about doctor's. My doctor said " do you feel about the gym". LOL. I knew that was her way of saying you need to lose weight. I couldn't help but laugh.
  • snarkymom72
    snarkymom72 Posts: 32 Member
    I'd love to join in! Was planning to try to start tomorrow so it will be great to go through it with others. Yeah!
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    I'd love to join in! Was planning to try to start tomorrow so it will be great to go through it with others. Yeah!

    Welcome snarkymom72!! Glad to have you.

    I am so excited to have others that want to do this with me and Kelwalks4. Please post your thoughts, accomplishmints, routines, or anything you want to share under the topic for the particular week we are in.

    Good luck!! I'll see you at the finish line!!

  • I'm in too! I actually did week 1 day 1 on Friday. Let's do this!
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    I'm in too! I actually did week 1 day 1 on Friday. Let's do this!

    Welcome....Welcome!! That's what I say too....Let's do this!!!!! :smile:
  • lillianelise
    lillianelise Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in. I will be on week2 day2 tomorrow. I get the feeling I may have to repeat a week later but we will see. Hopefully not!

    I am about to sign up for my first 5k in mid Sept!! Eek!! I never thought I would ever even be talking about running in a 5k!! Feel free to add me for motivation and support!!! Good luck everyone!
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome ladies! The more the merrier. :happy:
  • jmm774
    jmm774 Posts: 34
    I'd like to join also! I just completed Week 1 of C25K. I will be moving on to Week 2, Day 1 on Tuesday.
  • ASeaton76
    ASeaton76 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in.... I have already been running (jogging/walking alternating) but not really following the C25K program. I have the app on my phone and will start following that tomorrow with W1D1. I used to be a long distance runner in high school 20 years ago, and have attempted it off and on the past couple years but never made it to the full 3.1 miles. My goal is to complete a 5K (run the whole thing) in September.

    I reached my breaking point in February 2012 and started really taking my health and fitness seriously the last week of Feburary. Since then I have lost almost 30 pounds and have at least 20 more to go to reach optimal weight. I use MFP faithfully to track calories and net carbs.

    I am currently doing a hybrid program of Beachbody's TurboFire (for cardio) and P90X (for strength) and running every other day in addition to that. I am determined to make this happen and look forward to the support of this group!
  • ASeaton76
    ASeaton76 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry...trying to figure this whole group/message board thing out...
  • mommasox
    mommasox Posts: 97 Member
    Im in... I hope I can keep up. I have never been a runner but want to be.