Olympic Lifts

HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
This is mainly aimed at those who do the olympic lifts as well as ones such as squat/bench/deadlift/rows/OHP etc etc

I want to get into these in the future, they look pretty damn awesome to perform! I'd like to get a trainer show me because they look quite hard, and my balance is crap! Until then, (I don't have the money for a trainer right now) I'm just wondering if there are any exercises I can do right now to help make it easier for me when I do. For example; overhead squats look like they might be useful, and I don't do them currently.
Basically ways to break the lifts into smaller parts (that I can do on my own) so it's just not so hard when I get a trainer.

Also, what does your lifting schedule look like at the moment. For me I do an upper / lower split on Mon/Tues, and Thurs/Fri with the main compound lifts and a few isolations. I'm wondering what would be the best way to fit it in with the oly lifts too as they really use the full body!

My main goals are strength related. I do bulk/cut cycles to gain muscle / lose fat but that's not my main focus.

Thanks :)


  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Front squats, push jerks, overhead squats, shrugs... HTH