Cut at 6 wks or 8 wks?!?!

tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
Should I do my cut at 6 wks or 8 wks?

I was eating at -15% TDEE for about 15 weeks before going to full TDEE. I decided to go to TDEE bc after about 4 weeks of eating at -15% I wasn't seeing any results at all. I thought that maybe with the lifting I was doing and such that maybe my body just needed more food so I went to TDEE.

I have only gained 3 pounds according to the scale and for the most part my measurements have remained the same. BUT I feel so fat and my clothes are tighter for sure.

I am so ready to see some positive results and changes in my body. I am beyond tired of working my butt off in the gym, counting calories and seeing nothing.

So...what are y'alls thoughts? Cut at 6 weeks or hold out and wait and do it at 8 wks?


  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I'm at week 5 and I want to cut too. Been reading diff posts all morning on it. Everyone says wait 3more. Maybe I'll use these last 3wks to really tune up my macros & lifting. Do you do cardio? I've cut mine back and am on 6th day of NROLFW. I've gained 8lbs. That's the main reason I want to cut early. But they say do it when weight is stable. So, I'm just confused as ever ! LOL.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I have been doing NROL4W since around March. I will do a cardio on my days off from lifting once in awhile but not very often so my only TRUE cardio is the cardio listed in the different stages of NROL4W.

    I have been at the 3 pound weight gain since about 3 weeks in to eating at TDEE.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Wow, only 3lbs-great. I'd call that stable , and stable is when you cut - good luck. I def can't say I'm "stable" like that! And if I'd only gained 3/4 lbs I'd ride it out for the full 8 just to say I did it ! There is a new new ticker for that I hear :)
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    This has been floating around in the metabolism reset group. I thought it applied nicely to your question.

    Note: From Kiki: "4-6 weeks is minimum, 8-12 is even better. I did take 3+ months, because most research that I'd done showed that it could take up 6 months, and I didn't wanna chance it, & quit early. It's personal, which is why there is no definite time given. The whole point of the reset is for the individual to get in touch with their own body and understand it better. Most people will rush the process, which is fine, because, they feel overly bloated and full (& again, it's personal) The only thing to consider with that is that there is a high probability that if you're still feeling stuffed, you haven't fully reset. So as far as signs to look for, that was mine. When I went to cut, I had completely "plateaued." Meaning, I was no longer gaining and did not feel overly stuffed. I didn't have any more bloating, & was completely comfortable eating that amount of food. When people are feeling "relieved" at the thought of cutting, because they are looking forward to less food, it's kind of a red flag for me, that things aren't *completely* fixed. But, at the very least, they've eaten at higher cals long enough to give the metabolism a little boost, & if they take diet breaks every 6-10 wks, it can typically still work out fine."

    It sounds like you've definitely reached a plateau since your weight has been stable since week 3. How do you feel at the end of the day? Are you still feeling stuffed from eating more or are you at a point where you're comfortably fed?
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Honestly? I'm a firm believer in giving it the full 8 weeks (even if it is possible you could cut earlier). It's better too long than too short. However, that doesn't mean you couldn't cut...and it could still work just fine! :smile: If you can stick it out for the full 8, then just do it, be done with it. But if you want to cut, and feel you are ready, then go for it. As Kiki said...6 weeks is a doable minimum!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Honestly? I'm a firm believer in giving it the full 8 weeks (even if it is possible you could cut earlier). It's better too long than too short. However, that doesn't mean you couldn't cut...and it could still work just fine! :smile: If you can stick it out for the full 8, then just do it, be done with it. But if you want to cut, and feel you are ready, then go for it. As Kiki said...6 weeks is a doable minimum!

    As much as I would LOVE to cut right now at 6 weeks, I figure two more weeks for a full 8 will not kill me in the end.. and I would hate to cut early, and have my losses stall out all over again. I would constantly wonder if it would have happened if I had gone for the full 8, KWIM?

    So for me, sticking it out for the full 8 is important. However, I was on a VLC diet for a long time prior.. so even if I am stable.. two more weeks wont hurt me in the end
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    i cut at 6 weeks b/c i felt like my body stabilized. i wasn't feeling bloated after about week 2 and my body was it in a happy place. to each their own. i plan on eating at maintenance every 6 weeks.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I have felt fine eating at TDEE since about week 3, meaning that I don't feel that I need to force myself to eat the calories and I don't feel stuffed.

    My goal in this has never been to see the number on the scale go down, I am at a more than reasonable scale number. It is the fat and recomping my body that needs to happen.

    Like I said I have only gone up 3 pounds during all of this and that number has remained the same for quite a while now but I feel that my thighs and belly have ballooned.

    This is just so hard mentally. I don't want to cut early but I also know that I was never eating at VLC, my weight has stabilized, I don't feel stuffed each day. I am not just now sure if an extra 2 weeks would make much more of a difference if I did the 8 weeks instead of 6 weeks. (I will say I would probably be more willing to go the full 8 weeks if it wasn't summer...)
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Honestly? I'm a firm believer in giving it the full 8 weeks (even if it is possible you could cut earlier). It's better too long than too short. However, that doesn't mean you couldn't cut...and it could still work just fine! :smile: If you can stick it out for the full 8, then just do it, be done with it. But if you want to cut, and feel you are ready, then go for it. As Kiki said...6 weeks is a doable minimum!

    I would recommend the full 8 weeks as well. I would also recommend waiting until the bloating/stuffed feeling subsides, as that is an indicator that you have reset.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I only did the reset for a couple of weeks...i also only gained 3 pounds and my weight has plateaud. I never found it hard to eat the amount of food i needed too lol and never felt my metabolism was compromised i am actually starting a 10% cut today :)
  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    Okay, you guys have me confused. I know that if you're coming from VLCD you need a full reset of 6-8+ weeks to start.

    But if you're not coming from VLCD I thought you only needed to a do a 1-2 week reset if
    a: you plateau or
    b: you want to do it every 6 weeks or so. But even then I thought it was only 1-2 weeks.

    It doesn't sound like the OP came from VLCD, so why would she need to do a full reset?
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    Okay, you guys have me confused. I know that if you're coming from VLCD you need a full reset of 6-8+ weeks to start.

    But if you're not coming from VLCD I thought you only needed to a do a 1-2 week reset if
    a: you plateau or
    b: you want to do it every 6 weeks or so. But even then I thought it was only 1-2 weeks.

    It doesn't sound like the OP came from VLCD, so why would she need to do a full reset?

    Good Question!!!

    Like I said when I started off to eat at TDEE I was doing it bc I thought maybe my body just needed more fuel to jump start some changes. It was about a week or so after I made that decision that I started seeing all the talk about the reset and just thought I was probably doing the reset like everyone else.

    Since eating at TDEE for an almost complete 6 weeks I know that this is also not where my body needs to be to see the changes.

    So, I am confused too. Not sure where to go, what to do to see results from all the hard work I am putting in in the gym!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    With questions about the amount of reset to do, here is what I think...Just my opinion:

    Basically it's a personal choice...Starting at TDEE is a great way to get started...4-12wks is recommended in the beginning but each one of us is different...Some of us may need to go longer than others with this and some less...Once your weight stabilizes on the reset for at least a couple of weeks, maybe 3 then it's your choice if you want to go on to the cut...Some people prefer to keep going for personal reasons or just to be 'safe' but it is sometimes very hard mentally and some may need to stop at 4wks b/c mentally it is just too much for some...So, the recommended time is just that, a recommendation but only each of us personally know our bodies well enough and how it feels...If you can eat your TDEE calories no problem and your not feeling stuffed any longer and your weight has stabilized it is okay to go to CUT if YOU feel like it is the right time...Just be honest with yourself through all of this....You are in this to be a healthier, stronger version of yourself than you are now...So, you have to do what you feel is right for you!!! Make sense???

    To Teena (OP) - If you can eat your TDEE calories no problem and your not feeling stuffed any longer and your weight has stabilized it is probably time to go to CUT....And your plan of going back to TDEE after a few weeks and continue with this every few weeks sounds like a great plan to me...For you...So, I say go for it b/c it sounds like you are ready to me!!! Best of luck with this!!

    I know that - YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    And remember I am right there with you through this whole process and the journey as well!!! :flowerforyou:
  • i cut at 6 weeks b/c i felt like my body stabilized. i wasn't feeling bloated after about week 2 and my body was it in a happy place. to each their own. i plan on eating at maintenance every 6 weeks.

    just chiming in that I'm glad to see this. I'm at 6 weeks and feeling very ready to do my cut. My body seems stable and it just feels right. My plan is to eat at maintenance every 6 weeks too.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    i cut at 6 weeks b/c i felt like my body stabilized. i wasn't feeling bloated after about week 2 and my body was it in a happy place. to each their own. i plan on eating at maintenance every 6 weeks.

    just chiming in that I'm glad to see this. I'm at 6 weeks and feeling very ready to do my cut. My body seems stable and it just feels right. My plan is to eat at maintenance every 6 weeks too.
    yay!! good luck with your cut.

    this might be tmi, but one of the main things that told me my body was in a good and happy place was no more constipation. i used to go once every 3-5 days, and now, since starting my reset, i pretty much go every day at the same time. this is something i had an issue with since i went on a really bad crash diet 6 years ago and now i feel like my body is finally at peace.

    sorry if this was tmi, but this is my greatest NSV. :laugh:
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I decided to go ahead and do the cut after 6 weeks at TDEE.

    1-I was no longer having trouble getting my calories in and was no longer feeling stuffed
    2-my weight had stabilized for a few weeks
    3-I was never on a VLCD
    4-mentally I was struggling

    So this is my first week at my 15% CUT. Anxious to see what comes of this! I plan to eat at TDEE about every 6 weeks or so for a week or 2.
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Just found this thread as I was trying to research on how long to cut. I was never on VLCD and I have been eating TDEE for 4 weeks. I have not gained/lost any weight since I started, not bloated and feel great! I am usually within 100 or so calories of my TDEE (under or over) and I'm not stuffed. I have also kept my macros consistent. When I do cut I plan on going back to TDEE every 5-6 weeks for a week. Would it be OK to cut after only 4 weeks? I'm feeling like I'm physically and mentally ready. I was thinking 15% but may start with 10%.