Still really sore--work out anyway?

azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
I did a new routine on Tuesday and am still really sore. Since I'm relatively new to weights, I'm not sure if I should just push through it today or give myself another day of rest? It's definitely lactic-acid soreness, not potentially-injured soreness. I just worry that it might be counterproductive--would I get the most out of it today? Or is that less of a concern?


  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I prefer to wait until the soreness is gone (or almost gone) between workouts. Basically, once I stop walking funny, I go lift weights :laugh:

    I guess I just don't want to end up doing a half-assed workout because I'm still recovering from the last one. Seems counter-productive. If I really want to move, I go for a walk or do the equivalent of a warm-up set just to maintain my range of motion, especially in the shoulders.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    I prefer to wait until the soreness is gone (or almost gone) between workouts. Basically, once I stop walking funny, I go lift weights :laugh:

    I guess I just don't want to end up doing a half-assed workout because I'm still recovering from the last one. Seems counter-productive. If I really want to move, I go for a walk or do the equivalent of a warm-up set just to maintain my range of motion, especially in the shoulders.
    what she said. i wait until i have full range of motions back in whatever part that's sore before i work that area out again. recovery is just as important as the time spent in the gym.
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    I guess I just don't want to end up doing a half-assed workout because I'm still recovering from the last one. Seems counter-productive.

    That was my fear. However, a male friend who's been training for some time suggested trying a few warm-up sets to see if things loosened up--if not, I could just get in some light cardio. As it turned out, things felt pretty good, so I went ahead and completed the routine. Interestingly, even though I was sore when I started, I noticed increased strength for several of the exercises--go figure. I wasn't doing the same routine as I did two days ago, but they were both whole-body routines, so working many of the same muscles if in slightly different ways.

    I think if I had been planning on doing a new routine, or upping my weights, I would have waited.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I would wait one more day.