bad day

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
week 5 of reset. woke up today feeling bloated and disgusting. pants were tighter than they've ever been. my diary says 30 over on calories but that does not include the 500-600ish i just ate on top of that. it's just so unmotivating to count calories when i feel so disgusting all the time. i looked in the mirror today and saw myself back at 205 pounds. as someone who maintained at 144 for over a year, that is really really hard to see/feel again. i haven't weighed myself since starting the reset but i've been seeing all these posts about knowing you're ready to cut when your weight holds steady. was going to weigh myself this morning and realized my scale is packed away (moving this weekend/early next week). it's probably for the best i didn't weigh myself. i'm already so down on myself, i can't imagine how i would have felt seeing such a big number this morning would have made me feel.

i should have just gone to bed an hour ago instead of eating all the crap i just ate. why do I do this to myself?


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Sorry you're having a rough time. We all go through this weird mind/body split, where we don't see ourselves as we actually are. The good news is that it's only one day. It's only 600 calories tops, 3500=one pound. You're OK! Tomorrow can be a better day and with all the moving you'll be doing, those few extra calories will be gone in no time.
    Don't know if you've seen this post by JadeRabbit08, but it will give you a more accurate idea of what you'll be going through during the reset:

    While avoiding my lastest uni assignment I was researching the nature of hypermetabolic response (increased metabolism) due to increased calorie intake after a period of calorie restriction. Its most relevant to ED people but thinking back on when I upped my calories to above my BMR I had a response that seems to be repeated by a few others in the eat more group.

    1. 1200 and not hungry dont want to eat more,
    2. Up calories feel overfull
    3. After two days of eating more I am ravenous and want even more food.
    4. Feel energised and "active" continue to eat at new calorie level
    5. Energy disappears for three weeks and I am exhausted.
    6. Energy starts to return and I stabilize.

    So how many went through step 5? I've been wondering if the metabolic response "overshoots" and for a short period of time even with the raised amount of calories you can still be undereating as the calculators out there dont take into account the metabolic response that occurs when you first start eating properly after restricting calories for a time.

    This is an extract describing the hypermetabolic state experienced by recovering ED people. -

    When recovering from a state of prolonged starvation, an individual suffering from anorexia will enter a hypermetabolic state. During the period of starvation, the body will enter a lowered metabolic state. When the patient begins eating a normal diet once again, the body's metabolism shoots up dramatically before stabilizing.

    Read more: What Is the Meaning of Hypermetabolic? |

    The link is from KIKI.

    PS: stop beating yourself up, think of the positive things you have accomplished !
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    You've come so far! One lousy feeling day isn't going to put you all the way back at square one. You have so many more tools and knowledge than you did back then. I definitely think its the reset, we all seem to go through that phase. Mine was last week, right around week five. no motivation to work out other than lifting and I ate out WAY more than I should have. And when I did, I didn't exactly order the salad. So, I'm up a couple pounds today. Funny, I'm not that upset. I know in another few weeks I'll cut and that will slowly go away. Hopefully revealing some of my new found muscles underneath? Ignore that rotten scale, if you can, definitely get out your tape measure and start a record if you haven't already. Treat yourself to a good nights sleep. No matter how rotten we feel, the sun always comes back up and we get a whole new chance to start the day again. Good for you, not giving up.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    We talked about this a bit this week in the reset thread. There seems to be a lot of us who hit that 5-6 week mark and had panic attacks about it all.. Looks like we just got another one:). Since a lot of us are experiencing it, I would say its normal. We are questioning why we are doing this, especially when the scale is up, inches are up and we are stuffing ourselves with food.. But just remember how fr you have come. Know that yuou are doing the right thing.. And this is just a very short blip in the path..
    Slips happen.. even when we are in weight loss mode.. let it go and move on. Get some sleep, rest and be well tomorrow..:)
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I am right there with you. I am ending week 5 today and I had the worst day yesterday. I too felt very bloated and huge, my pants are all really tight, and all I did yesterday was crying and feel sorry for myself.
    Seems really, that around week 5-6 a lot of people are having a hard time.
    Just hang in there. The support from people on here is tremendous.
    I felt s much better after whining on here and getting so much back from my EM2WL family.

    Stay strong-we will do it together. The finish line is not far any more.
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    Absolutely crazy that I just found this.....I too am ending week 5 and entering week 6 and am feeling like a miserable, fat, disgusting mess of a person! I just want to cry my eyes out. I have been "ok" for the last 5 weeks, not really gaining much during my reset but yesterday and today have been just terrible...I don't even want to KNOW how much I ate yesterday. I was doing ok for most of the day and then totally went on a binge last night (for absolutely no reason at all, not hungry, not idea what the heck my problem was) and dug through my cupboards eating crap, and candy from my kids' 4th of July parade bags....ugh, I feel like I've gained 10 pounds....I'm going NOWHERE near that dang scale. Someone PLEASE, PLEEEEEEASE reassure me that in 3 weeks when I cut, I WILL feel better and this WILL all have been worth it. I feel disgusting!
  • Sorry you're having a rough time. We all go through this weird mind/body split, where we don't see ourselves as we actually are. The good news is that it's only one day. It's only 600 calories tops, 3500=one pound. You're OK! Tomorrow can be a better day and with all the moving you'll be doing, those few extra calories will be gone in no time.
    Don't know if you've seen this post by JadeRabbit08, but it will give you a more accurate idea of what you'll be going through during the reset:

    While avoiding my lastest uni assignment I was researching the nature of hypermetabolic response (increased metabolism) due to increased calorie intake after a period of calorie restriction. Its most relevant to ED people but thinking back on when I upped my calories to above my BMR I had a response that seems to be repeated by a few others in the eat more group.

    1. 1200 and not hungry dont want to eat more,
    2. Up calories feel overfull
    3. After two days of eating more I am ravenous and want even more food.
    4. Feel energised and "active" continue to eat at new calorie level
    5. Energy disappears for three weeks and I am exhausted.
    6. Energy starts to return and I stabilize.

    So how many went through step 5? I've been wondering if the metabolic response "overshoots" and for a short period of time even with the raised amount of calories you can still be undereating as the calculators out there dont take into account the metabolic response that occurs when you first start eating properly after restricting calories for a time.

    This is an extract describing the hypermetabolic state experienced by recovering ED people. -

    When recovering from a state of prolonged starvation, an individual suffering from anorexia will enter a hypermetabolic state. During the period of starvation, the body will enter a lowered metabolic state. When the patient begins eating a normal diet once again, the body's metabolism shoots up dramatically before stabilizing.

    Read more: What Is the Meaning of Hypermetabolic? |

    The link is from KIKI.

    PS: stop beating yourself up, think of the positive things you have accomplished !

    Thanks! Concise Information. I think you should repost this and pin it. This helps me a lot because I've been going through the steps you decribed (more or less). I'm starting to feel less full and definatly more energetic and think more clearly than before.