Anyone else REALLY, reeeeally scared....?

Is anyone else starting to get a little bit of anxiety over their cut? I'm ending week 5 of my reset (and having a miserable couple of days by the way....eating garbage, feeling emotional, fat, gross when I WAS doing just fine for the first 5 weeks of my reset) and thinking ahead to the next 3 weeks about entering my cut phase and starting to get nervous. I'm so afraid that it's going to be super tough to cut calories when I'm so used to eating so much again. I hate that "dieting" deprived feeling when you don't "let" yourself eat something because you're trying to lose weight. I've had that feeling my entire life and it's been so nice over the last 5 weeks to just EAT and enjoy (although I'm sooooo ready to cut and lose these last 10 pounds). I'm worried that it's going to lead to random binge/pig-out days. On one had I'm so looking forward to my cut and on the other it's totally making me so nervous! Anyone else? I desperately want to be a success story....I SO BADLY want to cut and drop these last 10 pounds and reveal all the very hard worked for muscle beneath the pudgy-ness, and scream from the mountain tops that you CAN EAT 2500 cal per day, work your butt off in the gym and look amazing...that you DO NOT have to stave yourself to look great....I so badly want this to work that I think I'm just so scared it's not going to......=(


  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    I have been doing the cut for several weeks (10) and it is time for my 1-2 week diet break and that makes me nervous! I am so afraid that I will have a hard time getting on track again so. It seemed to be working now it is stalling out. I am anticipating a scary process. I always stress in advance of stuff and it is so unnecessary! Hang in there!
  • Tahlij
    Tahlij Posts: 31 Member
    It's scary, but just do it - it does work!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I am right there with you..This is my 6th week of reset and I am loving being able to eat now but I am also kind of scared that once I cut I will be hungry all of the time b/c I am SO used to eating more now....It's strange b/c I used to hardly eat at all and when I go to cut I will still be eating a lot more than I used to but now I am scared to eat less b/c I don't want to feel hungry....

    But, on the good side is that we are only going to be eating slightly less on cut than we are now and we may feel hungry for a few days but at the beginning of TDEE we were stuffed and overly full at first and it only lasted for a few days as well...So, it is worth it to get to cut and start losing this weight finally even if we do feel hungry for a few days at first...Our bodies will adapt like before and we will do just fine....I know it!!! Just remember...WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    Best of luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    it was scary enough to go up in the first place! i didn't do the reset, but after loosing a little ive got to recalculate and lower a little. no where near your cut and im still nervous! keep the faith, we can't always be so scared & nervous!