Hungry all the time!

OK...I need some sensible advice here. This seems to be the most sensible area to be on MFP, so hopefully someone can help.

I am stepping up my training for a mountain bike race in September. I have been riding 1 30 mile round trip on my road bike a week along a pretty hilly route (I live in Yorkshire UK, not many flat bits!) along with 1 BodyPump class lasting 60 minutes and a mountain bike ride between 8 and 20 miles at the weekend. My rest days I do Wii Fit stuff, mostly balance exercises, to help my balance and co-ordination on the bike, and I walk my dog for 30 mins to an hour at a moderate pace. It's rare I will do absolutely nothing, unless I am really knackered or the weather is just too awful.

I currently weigh 146lbs. I do want to lose some weight, I do have a bit of "jelly belly" to lose but not at the expense of muscle/strength on the bike as mountain biking is an intense sport and you need strength for it - not many female mountain bikers are thin. Athletic yes, thin no.

I'm on 1800 calories at the moment. I try and eat the exercise calories, but then I find that the next day I am if anything more hungry than the day I do the exercise. Macros are set to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. I rarely go over protein and fat, sometimes I go over carbs though (usually at weekends when I'm less strict).

This week I upped my BodyPump weights and was much quicker on the bike. But I just seem to be wanting to eat all the time! The scale isn't moving really but my fitness is improving and my clothes are getting looser. I do try to eat low GI carbs, I am celiac though so that rules some things out.

I don't know if I am eating too much, too little, the wrong things, am I fuelling my body enough for what I am doing and what I want to do. The race I am training for is a 30 mile time trial style race in the Pennines so it's tough. My training still needs to ramp up more from where it is as well.

Any advice gratefully received!


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Well more protein would stave off the hunger somewhat. You need your carbs doing such an intense activity though, so my suggestion is either;
    a. Up your overall food intake slightly.
    b. Up protein to 35% and take fat down to 25%.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks. I do up my overall intake whenever training ramps up, I do plan on adding an extra ride next week so I'll probably up it then or I'll be even worse!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    If you increase your activity then you should increase calorie intake to go along with that.