Jaine' Body Revolution started 6 July

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
Day 1
It took me ages to get this. I live in the UK so couldn't get it from the website. By the time I'd bought it from USA eBay, paid postage and the import duty, it cost me nearly £150!

I'm 5ft 7 and weigh 10 st 11. (151 pounds). I have lost about 8 pounds by diet but want to tone up and lose about another 7 pounds.

Started today with workout 1. I REALLY enjoyed it. I found the workout less repetitive than 30 DS and found it was just about the correct level. It pushed me, but wasn't TOO hard. I did find the warrior pose easy though- not sure why. I'm really looking forward to routine 2.

I'm not going to follow the food plan, I'm using a diet set for me by a dietician.


  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi Welcome.I'm glad your here with us :happy:
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    I love reading what people think about this I am starting mine in 8/6. I am in a wedding on 8/4 and if I lose anything my dress will need alterations. So for now I maintain.

    Keep us posted on how it is going for you :-)
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    I'm half way through (onto week 8 this week). It's quite different to her other programmes, but I am really enjoying it!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thanks. I'm hoping to post everyday. Really looking forward to doing it later. A BIT stuff this morning but not too bad. I'll probably be worse tomorrow though.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 2/2 (I'm writing it like that to be more accountable so hopefully less likely to miss a day.)
    Just did workout 2. I got stiffer as the day went on and so I felt the warm up wasn't long enough. I also don't like her cool down stretch so I also do one from 10 minute solutions pilates. The workout though was good. Again I followed it as she said withput any modifications and again it pushed me, but wasn't impossible. Again it was really varied thoughout the workout so didn;t get bored.

    I STILL love it!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Good job!
    I agree her stretches are never long enough, you can see how inflexible she is!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 3/3. Cardio 1

    Quite tough. First circuit was difficult as I didn't feel warmed up enough and third because I was knackered. Felt good during second circuit though.

    Think I'll do my own, longer warm up in future. Again, varied routine which was good.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 4/4. Workout 1 for the second time.
    Was really stiff when I started. My one sports bra was in the wash and I was short of time. Previously this would have been the excuses I needed to not exercise but because it's a programme. I did it. I think being accountable to write this helped. I've also printed out a table for my fridge which I complete each day showing I've done the workout, and I make notes.

    Anyway, it was tough to start but one I got into it, it was manageable. I went up to 2kg weight. I'm going to have to buy some bigger ones.
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    Way to work through the "excuse" and work out anyway! I used to be the master of excuses, not it is a habit to not make one! You are doing awesome!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thanks Mayday 
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 4/4. Cardio 2- second time.

    . I REALLY couldn't be bothered today. Not much sleep last night.

    I did it though and sooo glad I did. Even though I used heavier weights than the first time I did it- is was much easier. Need to borrow some weights as my 2kg are too light

    As I wash washing my arms in the shower-I even thought I felt some muscle.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Oh dear. My first relapse. Was supposed to do cardio 1 today but I didn't. Was busy all day but could have done it in the evening but made the excuse that I would swap by rest day and do it tomorrow instead. So, not only did I not do it, I picked all evening. I don't have rubbish in the house do it was only fruit and cereal but still ate more than I needed.

    One positive thing though is I was late for my train so I ran for it. Felt a lot fitter than I used to.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 8/8
    Circuit 1 for third time
    Felt sooo much better after rest day. Dud all the harder options and increased weights to 2.5 kg for most of exercises. Tried full press up but couldn't though.
    Was feeling a but fed up if it yesterday but fired up again now.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 9/9. Circuit 2 for the thurs time.
    Beginning to fel some muscle in various places and feeling thinner. Put weights up to 3kg. Felt quite strong today. Really enjoyed it. Can't believe how improvements are coming so quickly. Not nearly as sore now.
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    You are doing great! Keep it up!
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    That's great ! :happy:
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thanks. It really helps knowing I have to 'report in' everyday.
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    You know we're keeping tabs on you:wink: That's what helps keep me going, that others know I'm doing the program. Keep up the good work!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 10. Decided to run today instead of doing the cardio. Forgot how much I enjoyed it. It seems a waste to be working out indoors in the summer.

    Thinking of delaying BR to the long winter nights and doing Chalean Extreme alternating with couch to 5k. Has anyone else done that?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Day 11/11

    Decided to probably integrate running wirhBR instead.
    Did workout 1 for the fourth and final time. Feels odd that I won't do it again. Did 3.5kg weights for some of it and jumped for some of the squats. It felt good doing it and I wasn't stiff. Looking forward to tomorrow. Think I'm going to do C25K tomorrow.