Hello....nice to meet you!

myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
Hey Everyone! Let's introduce ourselves!

Here it goes...
I am really excited about doing the shred. I have been thinking about it a long time and finally bit the bullet and picked up a DVD. Now I need a little encouragement to others to hold me accountable! I know that we can keep each other on track!

I am 42 years old. A mom of two amazing kids. I gained weight after each of my kids and never took it off. No excuses...just what happened. It is time for me to take control of my life and start to look good in our vacation pictures! lol


  • SntmntlGk
    SntmntlGk Posts: 16
    Hello! Similar story, I'm 27 - mom of two great kids (2.5 and almost 4) and put weight on during both pregnancies. Managed to lose 25 pounds (mostly with 30 Day Shred and calorie counting) after the second one was born but have since gained it all (plus a few) back. Ready to lose it for good! I plan on doing 30DS while mixing in other workouts and trying harder to eat right. I don't feel like the chubby girl I've become, and I'm always shocked when I see myself in pictures. Time to ditch these 30 pounds for good!
  • LilyScanlan

    Do you mind if i join this group??? I'm on level 2 i think its day 7 today but I could do with some motivation and I can tell you it gets easier just stick at it!! :D
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member

    Do you mind if i join this group??? I'm on level 2 i think its day 7 today but I could do with some motivation and I can tell you it gets easier just stick at it!! :D

    Not at all! We would love to have you!! You can give some of us newbies advice! Glad to hear that it gets easier! Are you doing it every day?
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    Hello! Similar story, I'm 27 - mom of two great kids (2.5 and almost 4) and put weight on during both pregnancies. Managed to lose 25 pounds (mostly with 30 Day Shred and calorie counting) after the second one was born but have since gained it all (plus a few) back. Ready to lose it for good! I plan on doing 30DS while mixing in other workouts and trying harder to eat right. I don't feel like the chubby girl I've become, and I'm always shocked when I see myself in pictures. Time to ditch these 30 pounds for good!

    Welcome! I miss those ages!! Mine are older now...12 & 11. So I have been holding on to that baby fat for a long time! LOL I'm with you...this time the weight loss is for good!
  • MommyMonk
    MommyMonk Posts: 8 Member
    Hello I am Maureen. I am 26 and the mom of three girls (6,3 and almost 2). I put on 46 pounds total between my all 3 of my pregnancies and want to get rid of it once and for all. I have the DVD and just haven't done it yet. Do I need weights or anything special to do it?
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello I am Maureen. I am 26 and the mom of three girls (6,3 and almost 2). I put on 46 pounds total between my all 3 of my pregnancies and want to get rid of it once and for all. I have the DVD and just haven't done it yet. Do I need weights or anything special to do it?

    Hi all.. 24 yr old mama of 2 (4 &4mnths) I got 20 lbs to go...
    And no u dnt need to buy weights use water bottles. Or heavy canned goods ;)
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    Hii everyone

    im 18 and ive done this once in april, got great results....then went for vacation and fell off the workout bandwagon,......time to get another great round of results and kick jillians butt
  • monasuli
    monasuli Posts: 99
    Hi I am Mona and 17 years old! I want to lose 3 pant sizes and I hope Jillian can help me with that!
  • xsabrinalynn
    xsabrinalynn Posts: 146 Member
    Hello :smile: I am Sabrina and I am SO looking forward to beginning the 30 day shred ! I actually started today before finding this group, so I'll make it 32 Day Shred :wink:

    I'm 6 lbs away from my goal weight and hoping this well help me tone up and lose some inches.

    Looking for new friends for motivation and inspiration !

    Good luck ladies! <3
  • Shelleybonz
    Shelleybonz Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm 37 and feeling every one of those years. I have a very fit family of runners (hubby does marathons and will do his 2nd Boston in April, daughter age 11 does 25 minute 5Ks, and my son who is almost 9 is doing sub 24 minute 5Ks) I am the only "big" one in the family so I am looking to get healthy and feel better about myself! I bought this DVD about a month ago and have done it randomly. I NEED this group to hold me accountable and do it the full 30 days! I too started this morning before finding this group and will just do 32 day shred :)

    I have 2 goals, first is to have a smaller waist than bust ;) and the 2nd is to be in the "normal" range for my BMI.

    Good luck to everyone, I've heard that I'm a great cheerleader while watching all the races :D
  • Mamacass13
    Mamacass13 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello, my name is Cassie and I'm 36yrs old. No kiddos, but 4furbabies that keep me busy. Looking forward to making a change in my life. Things all around me are coming together nicely....now I just need to feel comfortable in my own skin. I have always been overweight ever since i can remember. The last few months I have been uncomforable just sitting (even when noone else is around) ....time to do something about it! Bring it on Jillian! I plan on walking my pups (weather permitting) and hopefully some other routines to jumpstart my new journey.
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone :) My name is Missy and I'm a 27 year old stay at home mom of 3 boys (7, 5 and 1) and about to be adding a stepdaughter in the mix next week (she's 7 also). I've always been on the bigger side but have steadily gained a total of about 70-80 lbs throughout the last 8 years or so of having babies. I started on mfp about a month and a half ago at 291 and I'm currently 277 (I'm 5'9")- my ultimate goal is 145 or whatever looks good on my frame and is a "healthy" BMI. I just got my 30 day shred dvd in the mail this afternoon and I am ready to buckle down and see some serious results this month :)
  • Loser79
    Loser79 Posts: 28 Member
    hi. i'm therese. i'm a single 32 year old that's been struggling with weight since the beginning of time. =) i'm in a pretty stagnant job so it's really easy to gain weight, especially since the fridge is always stocked. i've recently started back up on mfp and i'm ready to take it super seriously. i realize that this part of my life is the only thing that i have complete control over so i need to get on it! no excuses. i've had jm's 30 day shred for a while, but it's unopened. lol. so i'm ready to try it! this will help with my crosstraining since i'm currently in the middle of following the c25k schedule. nice meeting you all! the best way to do stuff is to have a great support group! can't wait to start! =)
  • mmancini73
    mmancini73 Posts: 89
    Hi, I'm Megan...37 with two girls (2 and 5). I lost the weight after my first daughter was born, but am struggling with it since my second. I just started 30DS last night...heading downstairs right now to do day 2. Are you all going to do it everyday? I was a little sore today, wondering if that soreness with go away over time as I adjust to the workout. So excited to be doing this with a group...thanks!!
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    Hello everyone! I am a twenty-three year old college student who wants to get into shape and lose some inches. I started Ripped in 30 and will be finished with week 4 tomorrow. Also, I have started Killer Buns and Thighs and have one more week after tomorrow. I have had the 30 Day Shred video for a while and even did ten days of level one, but I stopped there. Now, after doing Jillian Michaels other videos and being more in shape I am ready to start the 30 Day Shred again.
  • Shelleybonz
    Shelleybonz Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm Megan...37 with two girls (2 and 5). I lost the weight after my first daughter was born, but am struggling with it since my second. I just started 30DS last night...heading downstairs right now to do day 2. Are you all going to do it everyday? I was a little sore today, wondering if that soreness with go away over time as I adjust to the workout. So excited to be doing this with a group...thanks!!

    Hi Megan. I am very unfit and did level 1 for about 8 days about a month ago. on day 2 I was a little sore, but did my workout for the day. Woke up the next morning VERY sore (had tears when I had to sit down - even to go to the bathroom) skipped that day for the workout and woke up on day 4 feeling good and wasn't sore any more! I've done the workouts very randomly so far and never been very sore again! Keep going, it will get get easier!
  • mmancini73
    mmancini73 Posts: 89
    Good to know, thank you! I skipped push-ups tonight, but did the rest. Hope I can walk tomorrow morning! :smile:
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi All! I am going to be 31 in October. I have a son that will be 2 in August.. I am a stay at home momma, and am very thankful for it and yes we do have rough and stressful days as well that make me want to eat sometimes.. Agh.. Okay nuff of that.. I have been off the wagon since we got back from vacation in may and looking to get back on.. Hoping this helps, but summer are harder for me to do the healthy eating as opposed to the winter, some dinners are late so we get pizza or to go food.. Doesn't help hubby is the type that can eat anything, anytime, anywhere and not gain anything.. Anywho.. Feel free to friend me to keep in touch as well.. Good luck all.. We can do this if we stick together!
  • arylia
    arylia Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I am a first time mom to a 6 week old little girl. I'm looking to get rid of the last 10 pounds to get to where I was pre-baby (had gained 40 pounds with this pregnancy) and then 5 more to ideal weight of 115. I got my ok to workout yesterday and did my first workout today! After not working out my entire pregnancy it was a bit tough... but I am pretty motivated and I am glad I have you guys to help me be accountable for doing my workouts!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Tammy it appears I may be the oldest here. I am 51 and have struggled with my weight since junior high. I have lost 100 pounds a few times in my life (both times I became pregnant. It is safe to say that won't be happening this time around !!!) I have always been a very emotional eater no matter the emotion I ate. I had my last child at 45 after meeting my current husband. I had a wake up call a little over a month ago when sitting at the table the 6 yr old stated "she like the fat of the meat" :(

    This has made me look at myself and my food relationship. I need to set a better example for all my children and I need to be as healthy as possible being an older mom to be her for her.

    I started 30DS once and made it 10 days then vacation and other types of exercise came into the picture, but I would really like to be able to say I completed this !!! This is just the motivation I need. Good luck