30 day shred for a second time, im pumped!!

masumaj Posts: 153 Member
Heyy everyone

Ive done the 30ds once and lost about 8 inches

my before measurements were

Bust: 37
stomach: 33.5
hips: 37.5
thigh right:23.5
thigh left: 23.5
arm right: 13.5
arm left: 13.5

my after measurements:

Bust: 35.25
stomach: 33.5
hips: 36
thigh right:23.5
thigh left: 22.5
arm right: 11.75
arm left: 11.75


  • Mrsjarmon1
    Mrsjarmon1 Posts: 6 Member
    How much weight did u lose? And did u diet with it?
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    i lost 3 pounds but toned a whole lot more and yeah i was eating somewhat clean but did have occasional treats like a slice of cake...etc...are you planning to do the shred as well?
  • newdayhasbegun
    newdayhasbegun Posts: 69 Member
    These are great results! Thank you for sharing them. If you get a second, I would like to hear about how your energy level changed, if it changed at all.
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member

    Well for a begginer my energy level was bad, i was really unfit and honestly on day one i had to take a break in between the workout and get a drink of water...

    but as my body got accustomed to the workout my energy level boosted, its like i had this extra energy reserve after i finished working out, i also got 20 minutes on the treadmil after or before i would do my shred as a warm up or cool down. after doing 2 days this time around i feel like im used to the wrkout my body didnt kill as much this time around to.
  • monasuli
    monasuli Posts: 99
    Hi thanks for sharing your wonderful results! I was wondering if you lost any pant or dress sizes??
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    well before i started i boght a tshirt from aeropostale size xl and after the workout it was loose on me, i think i may have dropped one pant size but ive gained maybe an inch back as i went for vacation...back on track now :)

    Good luck cant wait to see everyones results :)