I know I'm being ridiculous

azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
This is mostly a vent. Well, okay, a whine.

I started MFP and making good health changes about a month and a half ago:

--adjusting calories, which I estimate had been about 2400/TDEE for my 178 lbs. starting weight, down to my current TDEE cut of 1950
--walking a minimum of 25 minutes 6-7 days a week (but more often 30-45)
--adding in strength training (started NROL4W about 3 weeks ago)
--trying to eat at least 100g protein a day (started that about 2 weeks ago)

The first two or three weeks on MFP, I was following its automatic calorie recommendation of 1340 + exercise calories and lost 8 pounds, mostly water weight I'm sure. Then after a lot of research I decided to go the EMTWL route, accepting that slow weight loss is the way to go.

Now I'm in that FEROCIOUSLY IMPATIENT phase that seems to hit all of us. I can't seem to wean myself off the scale, and even though I lost 2-3 pounds rather suddenly last week (took a week off from lifting when I was hiking in the Rockies), now I'm crabby that the scale hasn't budged since (though on the plus side, it didn't go up after I started lifting again, either, so maybe I've lost some that's being disguised by water retention).

Yes, I definitely have a couple of NSVs, too--I have much more energy, I feel more aware and at home in my body, and my third time through Stage 1a Workout 1 it was noticeably easier (time to up those weights!). But in some perverse way, that actually makes it harder, as it seems those victories should be reflected in visible changes, too, whether scale or inches (don't think anything's shifted there yet).

I think I'm worried that all this progress is just in my head. And maybe there's that niggling fear that I'm eating too much, in spite of what my body seems to be telling me.

My inner two-year-old is throwing a tantrum: I want to be lean and strong and, yes, smaller NOW! Pout, pout.


  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    You definitely sound like you are doing great to me with this process...And that is what this is - A process...Other than consistency you have to have PATIENCE...B/c this sounds like you are working your way up to being a success story to me.

    You definitely need to listen to your body and to those NSV's that you are having b/c this is exactly what you WANT to happen....You are feeling and getting stronger...Feeling better in your own skin now...More energy...These are ALL Amazing things to happen during this process....It sounds to me like you are doing the right thing here...Just remember to have PATIENCE and of course be CONSISTENT and this process will work for you long term.

    Keep it up and give it more time and then I know you will feel so much better about what you are doing...It's just hard to wrap our heads around eating more but it works and seems to be working for you too!!

    The scale if you can put it away and don't weigh for at least a month if you can...If not, only do it once a week if you HAVE too but no more than that...Also, measurements will help you out a whole lot and pictures...Take pictures of yourself every week if you can b/c you will see a difference there....Plus, if your clothes are fitting better that is a great way to tell you what is going on with your body as well...

    Best of luck to you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    WHAT she said !!! ^^^^^^

    You know what I"m gonna say - or maybe you don't since you are a new friend - but I'm betting you do ! :)
    If not, go read my blog bottom to top ... K ?

    But yes, I get the frustration, the impatience - we all get it. BUT REALLY .. read your own words. Scale hasn't budged in a WEEK. A week? Come on .... breathe, just think about it .... you know you are on the right path.

    GET WITH IT ! and stay WITH IT !


    P.S. Yes, what you lost during the week of no lifting was likely water and glycogen. We who lift carry around a couple of pounds of that stuff after lifting ... it just is what it is. AND ... in the big scheme of things we all fluctuate and actually have a range of what we weigh due to all those NORMAL fluctuations for example 162-166 could be someone's normal range of weight. And it can flucutate from night to morning and we all know unless you are eating a couple of buckets of the Colonel's chicken at night - not gaining 4 pounds of fat overnight. ANd ... if it ain't FAT - it isn't REAL weight. : )
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    It sounds to me like you're dong pretty much everything right, and you've set up the right changes for success. Now, you just have to stick with it. Hit those weights and keep eating your macros. The scale likes to mess with your mind. If you watch it so much that you get disappointed when you don't see a drop every day/week, you need to put it away for a while. Some people like to see their daily fluctuations to keep a record of it in their minds, and other people just get frustrated by it!

    Stick with your regime, it'll pay off in the end. You just have to be patient with it. Give yourself another month or two, at least. Bodies take time to adjust.
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    I don't have enough experience with EM2LW or lifting to give you any help in their validity. However I do know that after 40 yrs of trying to be slim I have learned that slow and steady has much more chance of getting me where I want to be. I would like to be slimmer yes, but hey ho I'm not that bad and I really wish I had realised that, 10-20 yrs ago when I was at least a stone lighter. You have lost weight, you are eating a comfortable amount of food that is sustaining you for your exercise and realistically it is an amount that is manageable long term. In my experience of the latest diets etc, we just can't live long term with them without feeling deprived, it's a slippery slope. Whatever you do please appreciate your body and yourself now, and consider how helpful a QUICK fix really would be! Take care.
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    I wrote somethng similar yesterday, so I know exactly how you feel. It's really frustrating, isn't it? On one hand we're happy with all the NSVs, and realize that that's wonderful progress, but on the other hand, we really need to see the numbers on the scale drop.

    You know you're doing great--keep it up! :-)
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks, ladies. It's good to have the reinforcement, even though I'm aware I'm being silly. Patience has never been my strong suit! :wink:

    Honestly, I'm less worried about the specific number on the scale as I am knowing that I'm really and truly making progress. Those signs I have right now are pretty subjective. I do think I can see a slight difference in the mirror, although it's not showing up with the measuring tape yet. I've been meaning to have some photos taken, so I guess I should get on that. I have a pair of jeans that I've been using a sort of barometer, too, and those *might* be every so slightly less snug, but it's hard to tell.

    Jen, love the blog--very inspiring!