Hi, I'm new to this group and i'm struggling to get enough whilst eating clean foods.
The past year my diet has been awful and i've bounced from one extreme to another. I'm determined to find a balanced approach which is why I loved the idea of this group.
I'm 5'8 and weigh 147pounds I want to lose 14pounds or more. I don't care how long it takes, i'd rather take a slow approach and be happy than go back to my extreme ways of before.

^^ above is a link to my diary entry and that is how i usually eat
any advice/help on eating/adding more in??

I havent logged everyday as i've been really busy this past months, however i'm going to start to log everyday. but that is how i usually eat.



  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    The first thing that comes to mind for me is to add a smoothie to your day, preferably after your work out. Pack it in with healthy sources of protein like protein powder, greek yogurt and some milk , then add all the fruits you choose. My smoothies usually add about 300 calories to my day and are delicious, filling, and good for the body.

    Also you can try eating more - for example, that half of a sweet potato? Make it the whole thing. 10 almonds? Try to eat 20. Half of grapefruit? Eat all the grapefruit. Etc.

    You're sort of on the right track already. Don't shy away from bigger serving sizes of things like greek yogurt, almonds, other kinds of nuts, sweet potatoes, and if you're looking for something new maybe try adding some avocado to your day, like to that salad you had.
  • Thank you. I will add a smothie after working out definitley :)
    hmm, yes you're right I do eat kind of small servings, I'm a bit scared of carbs since attempting a low carb diet previously. However that did NOT work out so well and messed me up.
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    1. Eat some carbs...Seriously it's pointless cutting them that low bc your body will just get its energy by converting the protein and fats into the same kind of fuel, so you're just screwing your body over.
    2. Quit with fat free stuff.
    3. Add calorie dense foods, for example put oil on your salad and PB in your full fat yoghurt.
  • Thank you. So would you reccommend more complex carbs, like say brown rice or quinona with my salad?
    I'm so angry that I fell for the faddy stuff, but atleast i've now recognised it. Wish I found this group sooner.
    I have fat free greek yoghurt as it has slightly more protein, should I switch to full?
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I am not familiar with Fage products, but I am using a greek yogourt that has 2% fat in it. I used to do the 0% fat for dairy all the time and it is difficult to wrap your head around full fat, you can do it though. I am also eating cottage cheese 2% now as well. i don't drink milk, but I do drink Almond milk.

    Your diet is very healthy!!! Congratulations. Try adding Quinoa to your meals somewhere, not only a carb but it has protein in it too! And I love bulgar, cous cous and other grains, they make great bases for salads or side dishes. cook them up, add some chopped veg, some nuts and you have a very tasty side dish or a light main course lunch. We had one the other week that we did and added some shrimp and scallops.

    Have you set your macros on MFP to 40% carbs, 30% proteins, and 30% fats??? I did that and it made such a difference. I then started planning my meals out ahead so that I could see if the numbers were adding up. I noticed that if i got my proteins in at each meal and snack, the carbs and fats seemed to follow. And so did the calories, which from your number would be a good thing! I am sure your calories should be higher than the example day you showed. Give it some time, it will fall into place.
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you. So would you reccommend more complex carbs, like say brown rice or quinona with my salad?
    I'm so angry that I fell for the faddy stuff, but atleast i've now recognised it. Wish I found this group sooner.
    I have fat free greek yoghurt as it has slightly more protein, should I switch to full?

    I would recommend that you eat equal calorie amounts of carb and protein at each meal. I aim for 150 calories of each, for example 150 calories of chicken and 150 calories of rice. Then add your salad/veg, and some kind of fat source (which can be combined with your protein maybe, by having a bigger portion of a high fat protein source such as oily fish or red meat).

    If you start eating more calories, you will get more protein anyway so I would switch to full fat right away. If you want to be sure your protein intake is high enough, add some nuts to your yoghurt.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    The best thing that I have added to my days are protein shakes and you can add peanut butter or anything you like to add more calories....Also, my favorite snack now is Nuts - They are dense in calories and have plenty of the good fats...These are 2 things that really help me get some much needed calories and nutrients into my 'diet' and it is something I can live with eating/drinking for good and not just during this time...I hope this helps a little bit. :)
  • Thanks for the replies everyone! I will set my ratio's to 40/30/30 and work on hitting them. Going to swap to fuller fat dairy and add more grains/ good fats.