Fibro Meds

Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
Does anyone take Celexa and find that they are gaining more weight than they should? Is anyone on it and is losing weight? I take it and for three weeks now I am staying at the same weight.. I can't seem to lose more and I am walking at least 1.5 to 2 miles almost everyday and am watching what I eat... Any help out there :)


  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    Hey Jelaine,

    I was on Celexa for awhile but it didn't help much with my fibromyalgia. I didn't notice a huge weight gain or loss from med. I did some research for you and found a good article on Celexa for you.

    Celexa is an SSRI and not quite as effective for fibromyalgia as the SNRI class of meds. In some people it may cause weight gain but in others weight loss. You might want to stay on it another 3 weeks then see your doctor to discuss if it helped the fibro AND if it affected your weight loss.

    I don't know your complete history with fibro and medications, didn't see other meds in your posts. But you may also just be at a natural plateau in your weight loss, at one point you wrote that you were only a size away from your ideal clothing size. Here is the link for article but bottom line of course is to check in with your doctor before you go off the medication:
  • Coppak
    Coppak Posts: 4
    Has anyone tried Lyrcia?

    Did you experiance any side effects?
  • becfrogs
    becfrogs Posts: 39 Member
    I took Celexa years ago for depression but was not experiencing my fibro symptoms back then. I stopped taking it when I felt like it was just making me shake all the time and I still felt depressed.

    Today my rheumotologist started me on Amitriptyline because I asked for a generic medication due to financial issues. So we'll see how I feel in the next few weeks and if it helps my fibro. My goal is to feel mentally better and hopefully have more energy/motivation to be able to exercise in the pool or light cycling. If it helps with my fibro pain then bonus. :)

    In my research on weight gain while taking anti-depressants I'm finding that it's not the medication causing the weight gain but rather the people taking the medication are getting carb cravings likely giving in and eating too many calories!! So. It will be really important that I continue to count my cals and think about everything I eat. I crave carbs without any meds lol now this will be just another daily challenge I'm ready to accept and overcome!
  • nagaraaa
    nagaraaa Posts: 2 Member

    I have taken Lirica for a year and have had no side effects .. I started with 75mg and noticed no change in my symptoms and then I went up the dose to 150mg a day and that was when I had a big change.