Is EM2WL more successful for those who are heavy lifting?

I am walking (4mph) or jogging a little too along with Jillians's NMTZ, RI30, and just got Killer Buns & Thighs averaging 3-4 hours/week.

I have been pleased with my consistency w/ calories over the past 6 weeks (a day here or there w/ 50 above but always netting my 15% cut of TDEE (1845 - scooby #). I am using 11 lb. weights - don't laugh - I have to juggle 2 in each hand until I buy heavier dumbbells.

I was trying on dresses in Macy's yesterday as my husband wants me to buy a new one for a concert we are going to at the end of July. I almost started crying in the dressing room as I have gained weight, especially in my stomach and rear and have not lost inches.

I know not to go by the scale but was thinking to myself yesterday that even though I have been consistent with my calories and I know this process takes time, I had been eating more but not consistent previous to these past 6 weeks, so shouldn't I have seen anything by now????

I look worse than before. I just am so sick of not feeling good about myself when trying on some of my pants and they feel a little tighter. Thought I should just go back to the 1200 diet I did before which I was on for about 6-7 months.

**Sorry for the rambling but was awake a lot last night wondering what to do. Got me to thinking that maybe the EM2WL is better for people who do the NROLFW or that type of lifting? Maybe those are the ones who are seeing more success? I keep thinking that one day something will happen but it has been a looooooong time.

I am just so lost and don't know what else to do...


  • Settuccini
    Settuccini Posts: 44
    I would love to hear the answer to this, as well! I just started my journey (still on the first week, actually) and I'm not a very heavy lifter. Not because I don't -want- to lift heavy, but I find that doing a bicep curl with 12 lb weights causes me to "fail" at the fifth rep. However, I'm coming from a very low calorie diet (750~ cals) and likely don't have too much muscle. I lift 3-4 times a week, for about 30 minutes a day (sometimes spread out in intervals of ten, I try to fit it in whenever I can).

    I also hope this is okay. :( I do know heavy lifting increases the rate at which your body repairs, but I'm new to all of this.

    I do think that you should -not- lower your calories back! You've come so far!
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I'm the same sort of. I'm in week 5 of the reset, going to bed every night wondering if the next day should be my cut ! Have you checked to make sure your activity level is right. I know there's lots of people here who can't lift heavy, I'm one of them. Im on my 6th day of NROLFW with 10 & 15 lb dumbells. I find it do hard to eat 2000 cals, let alone days I work out and have to have 250 more. Don't have much advise but wanted u to know I'm feelin your frustration with it being summer, wanna be smaller, never put this much effort into something for long & having no results! My husband called me "oatmeal" the other night ! (in a playful way:). I hope ! Little did he know I eat proatmeal (oats w/a scoop of protein powder). !!!! But DO NOT go back to 1200 ! Go for the long haul !
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    I agree! Please don't lower your calories again! It *may* give you results to start with, but in the long run you will just be doing more damage to your metabolism. Feeding your body is a good, good thing. This process isn't a quick fix and it may take a while to figure out what works for you. You may need to re-assess your activity level, calories, etc. If you were eating 1200 calories for 6-7 months, you may even want to consider a metabolism reset. There is a ton of good information here on the boards, and so much good support.

    I have been on EM2WL since late March, and I can tell you that I haven't lost weight yet--or inches. The scale says I'm up about 6 lbs. However, I am not bigger than I was before I gained those 6 lbs (my clothes fit the same). I am lifting heavy (I'm about 2 months into NROLFW), and I am about to start week 7 of my metabolism reset (and I think I'm going to give it 4 or 5 more weeks before I start to cut). Even though I'm not shrinking YET, I can see more definition around my shoulders and arms than I ever have. I am stronger. I feel amazing when I am putting the right foods--and the right amount of food--in my body. I love that I don't have to feel guilty when I eat a hamburger, have some ice cream, drink a beer, etc.--because if I plan things out right, it's not going to "ruin" my whole day of eating.

    To be honest, even if I never get to what I used to imagine as my "ideal" weight or size, I am much happier eating more than I was when I was plateauing for a year at 1200 calories. I'd much rather weigh what I weigh now and eat good food, than weigh what I weigh and obsess over every little calorie.

    Keep your chin up and keep at it! If you give up on the process now, how will you really know if it would have worked for you?
  • Jolie1971
    Jolie1971 Posts: 51
    Thanks for the support. Just so hard to know what to do. Have been thinking about doing a reset but knowing I will probably gain more weight makes me reluctant to do so - even though that is what my body may need. Am curious to know if there are more people like me out there w/ my type of exercising.

    I think my #'s are pretty good (scooby). I have had several off days the past week due to a funeral and the 4th but have managed to not go overboard w/ my eating.

    I had posed the question because it seems like so many people are finding success w/ EM2WL but also are heavy lifting too. Just was wondering if anyone does workouts like me who has found success.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I began lifting two weeks before making the decision to go to Reset and eat at TDEE. Ive been lifting for 8-9 weeks and eating at TDEE for almost 7 now.. Of course, there is no results to share because I have no calorie deficit, but I am very hopeful there will be a ton of inches gone when I make my cut..However eating more isnt just for people who lift weights. Eating more is for everyone, regardless of what you do. In here, we do recommend strength training because building the muscle is what helps you tighten up, lose the inches and burn the cals longer after workouts. Cardio is great, but a lot of people spend so much time burning cals with cardio that they end up way below BMR, and they arent prepared for having to eat back more cals because of it.

    Consistency is key. You have only been eating at cut for 6 weeks right? You said you are netting your 15%.. does that mean you are eating back your exercise cals? If so, this may be part of the reason you are struggling. You want to eat your Cut.. and only eat back any exercise cals IF you NET under your BMR.

    How long have you been doing your activties? If they are new as well, then it could be the shift of eating more and different activities where your body is going "huh?!?".. Again, give it some time..

    Also look at your diary. Are you eating your macros? Are you watching sodium? are you drinking your water?

    If you are finding that after a few more weeks, eating at your cut is still not yielding the losses, then you might need to seriously consider a reset. Its hard mentally, I wont lie., but its probably the best thing you can do for yourself long term. Your body needs to trust you again, so you need to feed it properly. Yes it is likely you wil gain a few pounds back at reset, but its water weight and will not be true fat gains. Most of us recommend throwing out the scalr during this time, so you concentrate on feeding yourself and forgetting a number on the scale.

    Hope this helps
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    I do not technically lift heavy as of yet, and have seen results since starting EMTWL...I don't think lifting heavy is a requirement, you just have to make sure you selected the correct activity level...and I agree with the other posters that consistancy is key. Stick with it, and you will see results!!! Good luck!!!
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means but i feel like i now get the logic of this EMTWL thing.
    Technically i don't think heavy lifting would be necessary. If you are eating at a deficit then unless you've screwed up your metabolism you should be loosing. The reality is though, we have all screwed up our metabolism before we got here which is why it takes a while before we see a change. Either more time doing what you already are or doing a reset should fix your metabolism.

    Of course a big part of having a fast metabolism is your body composition and having more muscle which burns more cals than fat so technically increases your BMR. So i guess one of the problems for those of us starting out using BMRs that are just calculated from our height and weight is that that number may not actually be really correct. Because we've starved ourselves for so long on low calorie diets and lost weight too fast we've compromised our body composition and lost a lot of our muscle with our fat.

    And weights help turn this around and build up more muscle. And that is why eating more is so important while doing this as it is impossible to build muscle without eating enough.
    That is in addition to all the other factors to do with 'starvation mode'.

    So i think the EMTWL method will work for you. You might want to consider a reset because it probably is the only way you can really get enough calories to build muscle and not just conserve what you already have. But that is really to you. I'm still trying at the 15% cut without a reset without a loss yet, but i'm still only 4 weeks in.
    I do think body weight exercises can work but logically if they aren't going to have such a quick muscle building effect as heavy lifting, then you probably will just take longer before you've get over that hump and start loosing. But there isn't necessarily anything wrong with being slower, except if it is going to be hard on you psychologically.

    GIven your concern now, if you can, do heavy, then try it. You'll probably love it and love the effects. You can always make your own heavy weights such as sandbags as a substitute for barbells or fill milk or washing liquid bottles with concrete. There are heaps of ideas like these online on bodybuilding pages. Or just pick up things second hand or join a gym.
    My weights setup at home, has definitely been money worth spent and it doesn't take much space and wasn't expensive (everything i have folds away).

    Hope that helps. Don't go back to starving, you'll just end up back here eventually in worse shape in terms of your metabolism.

    Good luck
  • Jolie1971
    Jolie1971 Posts: 51
    Thanks everyone for your advice! I think I am going to do a reset as I had been low cal from last July till about Jan/Feb.

    I have never eaten back ex. cals as I have not exercised that much in a day where I would need to eat them back.

    Well, this will be an interesting experience for me and hope it will work out in the long run! I hope to one day be able to have a post that reads "Finally it worked!".
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    I had a stroke so I cannot really exercise at all.I have done EM2WL for about 10 weeks and lost 9.5 pounds after a slight initial gain. Hang in there! You can do it!
  • Jolie1971
    Jolie1971 Posts: 51
    Wow! Way to go!

    Before EM2WL, were you on a low cal diet and if so, for how long?
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Hang in there!!!!

    I have to say I was skeptical at first. I don't have a lot of weight to lose and I'm only 5'1" but I was TIRED of starving at 1200 calories. I've been on EMTWL and lifting heavy for about 2 months, I also run a bit and do pilates & yoga. At first the scale went up, then it started slowly going down. I'm still up about 2 lbs but look better and feel a lot better so don't intend to try to lose any more but just maintain. I admit to not eating great - I refuse to give up wine, pizza, coffee and dessert and I will not pass up an opportunity to share a meal with family or friends. Most days I stay right around my new calorie goals but I don't quite get the macros right.

    It's still working for me, it can work for you too!
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Bodyweight workouts can be a great way to get yourself geared up to lift heavier later on. This one is awesome:
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    ...always netting my 15% cut of TDEE (1845 - scooby #).

    Are you entering your exercise into MFP? If you have your goal set at your TDEE - 15%, and you eat that amount every day, after you enter in exercise, your NET will not be the same as your should be lower, but not lower than your BMR. On days you don't exercise then your NET will be the same as your total food eaten.

    I have a friend who mistakenly was trying to make sure her NET = her TDEE - 15% everyday even after exercise was entered so that is why I ask...just want to make sure you aren't doing the same! :smile:
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I do not technically lift heavy as of yet, and have seen results since starting EMTWL...I don't think lifting heavy is a requirement, you just have to make sure you selected the correct activity level...and I agree with the other posters that consistancy is key. Stick with it, and you will see results!!! Good luck!!!

    I agree with this. I lift, but not heavy yet. For me, I've improved. But for others, I'm lifting the equivalent of the weight of their purses. LOL. But I've improved. And since I've started eating more - I'm not eating at my cut yet, I'm still eating less because I'm working my way to it, but I'm eating much more and paying attention to getting that protein as opposed to not even close before - I've noticed several things:

    Much more energy
    More definition
    Putting in better workouts

    I don't lift more than 8 pounds yet, per arm. But I've improved tremendously, and I can see it as well as feel it. And eating more has helped tremendously.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Morning !

    First of all .... BUMMER that you are feeling frustrated.

    To answer your initial question - eating more than your BMR, less than TDEE is what EM2WL is and NO - you don't have to lift heavy to succeed. However, I'm pretty passionate about strength training and the difference it can make in terms of how you feel and how your body looks. Sometimes folks think they need to lose a few more pounds when in fact what they want is to LOOK better (actually, isn't that what we all really want ??) After all, we don't carry the scale around with us or tattoo our bodyweight on our forehead. Strength training can recomposition your body in ways that just losing some "weight" cannot.

    Now ...

    I took a quick peek at your profile - see that you have lost 33 pounds with a goal of losing 11 more? Your diary is closed, so I couldn't see what your food looks like.

    When I first read your post, my first thought was FOOD and second was "NET" ??

    A couple others have also keyed in to the food part in terms of calories. From the exercise you described, I think I would have plugged in "moderate" in the Scooby calculator. I assume you did to get the # you did. VERY IMPORTANT - you don't eat back yoru exercise cals when you are basing your daily intake based 0n a cut from your TDEE. Activity is already accounted for in that. When you used the word "net" - I "net" X calories. A red light went on. Make sure you are eating the 1800 , not 1800 PLUS exercise cals.

    I'd definitely not recommend that you lower your calories to 1200. If you are convinced that what is right for you is to go down a bit in calories - I'd take a slightly higher cut from TDEE - 20%.

    Lastly, from your pic and from your ticker - looks like you are close to goal. Losing 10 pounds , those last 10 pounds can be the most difficult. So .. my thought is this. A suggestion. Why not change your mindset from losing those pounds to changing your body - recomp fat to muscle. To do that, eat toward TDEE and focus on strength training. I'm betting that recomping your body may get you to the place you want visually and physically.

    Even though my weight is still a higher # on the scale, I"m about 15 pounds away from my goal. Lowering my cals isn't going to get me where I want to be. I'm going to be eating closer to my TDEE, continuing with my 3x heavy lifting with 2 days of HIIT on the bike or walking outdoors w/ hills. 2 days of rest.

    Good luck !

  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    HarlanJen is probably going to kill me for saying this, but when I was lifting my 15 lb dumb bells I noticed that my abs were getting more firm and have even noticed them getting flabby again since I quit doing the dumb bells. I for one think that weight lifting is they key to fat loss, but I am not studying this like Jen is. As a matter of fact I have been going to write her and say help, but haven't gotten the nerve to do so yet. Love Jen, but she doesn't like the fact I can't get in more calories than I can.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    HarlanJen is probably going to kill me for saying this, but when I was lifting my 15 lb dumb bells I noticed that my abs were getting more firm and have even noticed them getting flabby again since I quit doing the dumb bells. I for one think that weight lifting is they key to fat loss, but I am not studying this like Jen is. As a matter of fact I have been going to write her and say help, but haven't gotten the nerve to do so yet. Love Jen, but she doesn't like the fact I can't get in more calories than I can.

    I understand what you're saying, but I had the opposite....sorta.

    My abs have slowly increased in firmness, but since I started adding Insanity cardio to my P90X routines?

    Oh. Em. Gee.

    His cardio moves force you to keep your abs tight. With absolutely everything you do. I've noticed a huge difference.

    But, it may also have something to do with increasing my weights lately and eating more protein. LOL.

    Actually, I'm sure it does.

    Before I joined this group, I didn't even eat...probably a quarter of the protein I needed. No wonder my entire body swelled and was heavy and gross!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    HarlanJen is probably going to kill me for saying this, but when I was lifting my 15 lb dumb bells I noticed that my abs were getting more firm and have even noticed them getting flabby again since I quit doing the dumb bells. I for one think that weight lifting is they key to fat loss, but I am not studying this like Jen is. As a matter of fact I have been going to write her and say help, but haven't gotten the nerve to do so yet. Love Jen, but she doesn't like the fact I can't get in more calories than I can.

    Jac ..,, sounds like you are becoming a believer in weight training : ) not gonna "kill" you ..just gonna find a way for you to add strength training in a way that works for you. And .....a way to get that protein intake up. Not giving up !!! You've got this !!!!

    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    Wow, that's great!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I started heavy lifting 6 weeks ago and have been eating more. Im also eating paleo, but not low carb or low calorie (plenty of sweet potato, fruit, veg etc.). Ive lost 9lbs in 6 weeks (which is a huge amount, especially considering Im not overweight). I feel like Ive finally cracked what works for me in terms of getting the body I want and working smarter instead of harder :). Persevere and keep up the good work (and if you can, lift heavy, its amazing!)