Week 2 P90X!!!! Bring it!!

IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
You guys have been AWESOME!!! You have made it to the 2nd week of Training Block 1 of the p90x program. keep logging, keep bringing it! keep on supporting and motivating each other and keep on pushing. :flowerforyou:

The first group weigh in will be on the ((15th)) aka the half way mark of block 1. You can share your progress so far, be it endurance change, inches lost, weight lost or any other victory you have achieved in the 1st 15 days. :happy:

Looking forward to hearing form you all this week again! :blushing:


  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Today is the first day of week 2 P90X for me. I'm happy and yet discouraged. I don't see any weight loss, however my official weigh in is Mondays weekly. I'm a little impatient when I weigh in each morning, just to understand my body and its changes day to day. UGH!

    However, today I did take measurements and lets just say....I'm moving a little down that way. I know that counts too. hahah. :)

    I have lost a total of 60 lbs since June 20, 2010, which in itself is a great accomplishment for me. I would like to lose another 32 lbs to get down to middle of normal BMI for myself (which I have never ever been at...always obese).

    I love MFP cause I have lost 10 lbs, but now am seeing that I may stall out again. I'm logging food and exercise, sometime exercise down to that like cleaning my house. I eat my burned calories back because I find myself famished if I don't...I don't always eat them ALL back, but some of them.

    Is this bad? Is this why I'm not losing much or any?

    I won't quit! I will continue to bring it. I'm doing a challenge with a group of local ladies and just need to lose a % of weight and inches and will then there will be a winner based on the success at the finish. I so want the WIN! I deserve the WIN...I CAN do this....LOL!

    Thanks everyone....I needed to vent and get your encouragement.


    Bring It!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I was going to do chest & back today (bring it forward a day) but as I worked legs & back & kenpo yesterday, I'm leaving w2d1 until tomorrow, I'm instead going to double up next Friday and have Saturday as X stretch as the challenge I'm doing run by one of my friends on here starts next week and it's runs Sunday - Thursday this time, the end of that challenge co-insides with p90x ending as the challenge is an 11 week one :)

    We just got back in from taking kids swimming, got tea in the slow cooker and going to do x-stretch later |(which I totally love) so relaxing ;)

    IamSheaMc - are you doing 30 day shred also?? I've decided that I'm going to do the doubles program, I've been working out on the last 11 week challenge which finished last week and was doing over 2 hours a day most days over 3 tbh, so I'm finding myself itching to do more than just p90x. You wouldn't of heard me say this last year, that's for sure :)
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    @ faithchange

    I don't eat all my exercise calories back for a few reasons

    firstly manufacturers of food have up to a 20% grace with food labels, so that 100 calorie snack could be actually 120 cals. I know it works both ways but I air on the side of caution:)

    Secondly - HRM are only an estimate as is my BMR & RMR.

    The last and most import one is background calories (what your body burns if you just slept all day aka coma calories) okay my bmr is 1,262 according to mfp, if you divide this by 24 (hours in a day) my body burns 52 calories in 60 minutes just to stay alive. Hope your still with me, so I do p90x for 60 minutes and my HRM says I burn 350 calories doing say plyo (which is about what I do burn for it, one con of losing weight the cal burns decrease) anyway so I log my exercise but 52 of those exercise calories are already calculated into my calorie allowance for my BMR. I should only be eating back 298 calories as this is what my body burnt extra as my body would of burnt 52 of those calories had I sat on couch doing nothing. There is only I think 3 HRM models that take background calories into consideration and they are all over priced, mine doesn't but I do, not even polor do :)

    So with these three things in mind, I tend to eat back about half of them and stop eating when I'm full. As long as I eat over my BMR I'm a happy bunny. I won the last 11 week weight loss challenge following this :)
  • muadeeb
    muadeeb Posts: 91
    Today is the first day of week 2 P90X for me. I'm happy and yet discouraged. I don't see any weight loss, however my official weigh in is Mondays weekly. I'm a little impatient when I weigh in each morning, just to understand my body and its changes day to day. UGH!

    I can understand this discouragement as i tech am at the same weight that i started out at 5 weeks ago. It has bounced all over the place from a weight loss of 4 pounds to a weight gain of 8 but the one thing that shows me there has been progress is that my hips have droped like 3 inches, waist dropped 5 inches and my thighs grew 3 inches (not to mention my thighs and calves are hard as a rock). Just fustrating to not see it translate to the scale yet...i also pre peeked at my "before" photo and now and honestly i dont see a difference.......but i will not quit. I started this im finnishing it...besides i havve p90x2 waiting in the wings for when im done :).

    Offical weigh in tomorrow
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I understand what your saying about calories eating and burning...I guess. LOL! I figure as long as I'm eating "healthy" food and only when I'm hungry...what have I got to lose? I was watching as I lost 60lbs before, but stalled out...hence I think I hit "starvation mode" . Now, I notice that if I eat every few hours and good things...I'm satisfied and not hungry. Also, if I fall at night during watching TV, I go for the healthier choices....a piece of fruit...or something less. When its got...water...or nothing! This seems to be working.

    Thanks everyone.

  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Yes I am also on my 2nd round of the 30 Day Shred and about to start jogging again.. We all feel down at times but if you want that result you better not stop!

    I haven't weighted in yet but I haven't been losing I even agained after cpmpleting 30 D Shred last month, I dont pay the scale much attention because II lost inches. Though I don't think i've lost any inches so far, you'll know on the 15th.

    I don't eat my calories back unless I get really hungry way before bed.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    From previous experience with this program, I can safely say that losing weight in the first few weeks doesn't really happen, unless it's water weight. I found that I might not see the scale move much until the second month, but my clothes start to fit better between the 2 and 3 weeks, and the inches start to fall.

    I only weigh and measure every 2 weeks, so I don't go crazy with the scale. I just make sure that I'm consistent with time of day and circumstances, etc...

    I have played with the scale from time to time though. Get on before I go to the bathroom, then again right after... or on before I eat and after, or before a workout and after, or right before bed and right when I wake up-no changes at all (no potty breaks in the night) just to see what my body burns while I sleep...just to make it more about the silliness of numbers than anything else
  • mammacano
    mammacano Posts: 153 Member
    Week 2, Day 1: 2.5 mile run and Core Synergistics Done! I have to say, core synergistics is my least favorite DVD.. but, I pushed through.. :0)
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    Week 2 Day 1. I did an hour and a half climbing today as well as core synergistics.
    Completed the first week as best I could.
    Whatever I do even If its not as intense as the video its a big leap from my previous efforts and that will pay off in time.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Chest, Back and ARX done! also some Spartacus for a Doubles day!!

    CB was supposed to be yesterday, so tomorrow is shoulders and arms-hope they don't fall off!:wink:
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    W2D2 done.

    I think I'm retaining water as I've put on 3lbs since starting, I know it's not weight gained weight as I'm on a cal deficit. Just going to drink lots of water to help my body along with the repairing of my muscles. If I'm not mistaking last year I didn't lose until week 3 or 4 so I'm not worried about it as I know it's normal :)

    Setting my alarm for 5.30 am to get my plyo in before kids wake up as I've got a busy day tomorrow and my OH is doing chest & back tomorrow evening, he couldn't do it tonight.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    W2 D1 done!!!

    Finally!! Glad I made it this far. Last time I attempted p90x I didn't make it to day 3 :(, but look at me now..

    I see everyone is doing their part so can rest well.

    Keep it up!
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    Made it through W2D1! Sweated way more this week (may be the heat wave), but was totally spent by ARX. Trying to figure out if it's my caloric intake or maybe just muscle fatigue because I had to push kenpo back a day. Who knows ... but it's getting done.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    w2d2 done, my HRM said I burned more this week, well I certainly sweated more that's for sure - I was trying to match Dom this week ;)
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    Week 2 D2 Cardio today. Burned 462 cals, and going for 5k run later.
    Getting into the exercise but find the eating program a challenge.Will focus on that this week:ohwell:
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Everyone is doing amazing!

    Shoulders and Arms for me and cardio scheduled for later-going to have my mom join me for that. Muahahahha!

    have a great day, kids!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    On my way to the basement to do my Plyometrics!! hope everyone is sstaying on top of thhings..

    I don't know if it was the heat or my body is a little tired, but I had to take longer rest today, don't think I went as hard as I could have but I burned 510 calories.
  • mammacano
    mammacano Posts: 153 Member
    Week 2, Day 2: 25 minutes of Tabata and Cardio X! I burned a boat-load of calories today! I love it!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Awesome job! :drinker:
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    I am actually on Week 3, but still doing well! I tried Plyo last week, but have decided to do different cardio instead. (Right foot & ankle issues). The jumping is just not my thing!

    Otherwise, in my first two weeks I have seem to lose .5 lb. The scale doesn't really matter to me too much though! I am seeing more definition in my arms and legs! Hope to loose some more inches and see more muscle appear as the program progresses!

    Hope everyone is doing well and feel free to add me if you like!