Still losing too fast :-(

Tigermad Posts: 305 Member

I am nearing my target weight now. I have only got 2 pounds left but still about 3 or 4% fat to lose. The problem is I am still losing too fast to maintain muscle and achieve more fat loss. I have been eating at approximately 1800 calories for 3 weeks and have lost around 6 pounds in that time. I have now upped my calories to 1900 from today to lose the last few pounds but am a little scared of putting weight on. Should I stay where I am for a few more weeks?

I am 5ft 4. 137 pounds. I do cardio for 1 hour twice a week and weight train for 1 hour 3 times a week. I have a desk job but don't stay seated all day so I picked moderately active.


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Losing 6lbs in three weeks? I wouldnt be panicking about that. That is 2lbs per week.. that is a perfect steady-rate of weight loss....

    I would seriously stop worrying about this because your willingness to stress over this is going to cause your body to create cortisol - and that hormone causes weight gain....
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    Your metabolism is on fire! Congratulations! If you don't want to wear a bodymedia fit or bodybugg to see your real TDEE, you can always eat an extra 100 calories (mostly protein) daily (taking one week at a time) until your weight loss goes to .5-1lb a week. You are really close to maintaince so enjoy the extra calories which will help you have even better workouts!

    Fabulous overall weight loss and I can tell you will keep it off forever!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    To slow down your weight loss, definitely increase your caloric intake. Take it 100 calories at a time like you are doing. Increase the calories until you get at a weight loss per week that you want :)

  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    a 100 calories extra isnt going to gain you any weight. Enjoy having an extra snack a day or a bigger portion of something nice :D
  • What a great problem to have!
  • I wish I had your problem!!!! :) Sounds to me like you are doing ok.