Food Plan concerns?

AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
Although I have only picked through a few of her suggested recipes, I've been staying around her 1200 consumed calories per day. The problem, however, is that (according to my HRM), I'm burning nearly 400 calories per workout, plus my "bonus" cardio which is another 300-400 calories a day. The literature included with the program offers no suggestions for "eating back" calories or anything, which is something I've been doing in my three months since joining MFP.

I know the general response here is going to be "Eat them back, your body needs them" (and I've said the same thing to numerous other MFPers). I just wonder why this program would encourage such an extremely low-calorie diet for three months?! After the first week, in which my net calories were routinely around the sub-1000 mark, I have decided to shoot for netting no fewer than 1200 a day.

Are you following the meal plan, as prescribed? What are your thoughts?


  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    I followed the food plan pretty much exactly. I started to track my calories over half way through the program on MFP, but I never put in my exercise except for the exercise notes section, so MFP never subtracted those calories from my daily allowance. I never "ate back" my calories because no where in her plan did it say to do so. I was just following it as was planned. It worked for me, but I will not be able to eat that few calories forever. I will continue to follow the plan and when I get to my goal, I will work out my daily calories for maintenace and see how that goes.
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I am on my last week of body revolution. I could not maintain the 1200 calorie meal plan. I had no strength for the workouts, was grumpy all of the time, and kept getting headaches. I upped my calories to net 1300, eating back most of my exercise calories. So far, I have lost 22 pounds doing JMBR.

    I really think you need to listen to your body. If you are not bouncing back after the workouts, you probably need to eat more.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I did not follow her plan during my focused phase 1 and lost 15.9 lbs (about 6.5% of my bodyweight). I did not add a TON of extra exercise after the first week, other than the occassional yoga class or workout. I ate around 1500-1600 calories. Even so, since that time, I've been reading about BMR (basal metabolic rate - the amount your body burns if you were in a coma) and what happens to the body when you eat below that amount for any length of time. Essentially, when your body doesn't have enough calories to handle all of the body's key processes, the body doesn't just burn also breaks down muscle tissue. This break down of muscle tissue, therefore, reduces the number of calories your body needs to function in the long term (e.g., slower metabolism). Whether or not 90 days is a short enough time not to do too much metabolic damage (along with the fact that you're doing muscle building exercise), I don't know. I prefer to eat a bit more and save more muscle tissue. Moving forward, I will be eating at least my BMR, which is about 1750 calories per day. Everyone needs to decide for themselves...
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I am on my last week of body revolution. I could not maintain the 1200 calorie meal plan. I had no strength for the workouts, was grumpy all of the time, and kept getting headaches. I upped my calories to net 1300, eating back most of my exercise calories. So far, I have lost 22 pounds doing JMBR.

    I really think you need to listen to your body. If you are not bouncing back after the workouts, you probably need to eat more.


    I was doing really well the first month doing 1200 and not eating back my exercise, but then it was like I hit a wall and had nooooo energy. Now I am trying to net 1,000-1200, which feels so much better! I am sure the weightloss will slow for me though.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    PS I have been listening to Jillian's radio show for a long time, and not to put words in her mouth but I have heard her say many times that the 1200 limit is not meant for people close to their goal weight. It is really meant for people with some spare fat to burn. She has acknowledged that your body will cling to everything if you cut calories too much when you are losing the 'vanity pounds'
    She has recommended 500 deficit net is best in that case.