wish I had a fitbit!

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
today I've spent all afternoon moving! From a third floor apartment (no elevator) to a third floor apartment (no elevator), in 99 degree weather. I think I made ten or twelve trips total up and down up and down. Wish I had a fitbit today, would have loved to see what I burned! As I was drenched in sweat going up and down the steps I kind of wished I hadn't worked out this morning!!

question- I'm doing the reset - should I eat more today to compensate? or should I take an extra rest day from formal exercise this week? It'll probably be a lot of the same tomorrow. I put in my dinner calories and still have 807 cals to go to hit TDEE today- I'm just so overheated I have no appetite! I'm trying to drink as much water as I can but even that's difficult. Moving in July was the worst idea ever!


  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    Any way you can estimate the time and use the data base to try and guesstimate? I would make sure that you are going to net at least your BMR and eat back any calories you need to get to that number. sounds like an insanely busy day! Great job keeping moving in that heat.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Any way you can estimate the time and use the data base to try and guesstimate? I would make sure that you are going to net at least your BMR and eat back any calories you need to get to that number. sounds like an insanely busy day! Great job keeping moving in that heat.

    I found 'moving household items - boxes' (or something like that) in the database and logged an hour of doing that. It may have been more than that, though, but it's hard to say. I'd carry a load up, guzzle water and stand in front of the AC vent, and then get back outside. I've filled out my diary for the rest of the evening (including dinner and bedtime snack) and I'm at 2700some calories - my full TDEE is 2655. I'm just afraid to eat much higher than that in case my moving didn't burn as much as I thought it did.

    Just finishing week 4 of reset- I miscounted and thought I was another week ahead and finishing the dreaded week 5. This week was absolutely awful so I hope it takes the place of everyone else's awful week 5, otherwise I am going to be veeeery tempted to go to cut!! I'm going to try my best to hang on until I'm through at least 6 weeks... haven't weighed myself since starting the reset, which scares me...
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I'm starting week 7 tomorrow . . . week 6 was the bad one for me. No motivation to work out, sore neck/back, and just plain tired. And i was maintaining beautifully until now. Suddenly I'm up 3 more pounds, in addition to the two I gained at the beginning. It sounds like you did just fine today, try not to worry too much about it. You want to be at or just above your TDEE - and it sounds like you are. Great job! Hang in there.