Cutting when weight is stable?

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
Just finishing week 4 of the reset (I miscounted and thought I was finishing week 5, which would explain why I'm having such a rough week - seems that overall week 5 is pretty brutal to everyone - so it's disappointing to realize I'm only at the end of week 4 :(.) I hope my awful week 4 takes the place of everyone else's week 5...

Anyways, I've been reading posts where people say you know you're ready to cut when your weight is holding stable. I haven't weighed myself since starting the reset. I was going to weigh myself on July 1, but wasn't mentally ready to see a bigger number on the scale without having a breakdown. It's also been 10 straight days of high heat (100+ degrees) and humidity, which I know could also make a difference on the scale. Basically, I'm terrified to see a big number and am rationalizing my way out of weighing myself for the time being. But... with having 4 weeks of reset under my belt, I know I should weigh in... right? Otherwise I won't know if my weight is stable? It's just hard because I know so many things can make the scale 'lie' (heavy activity, high heat/humidity, TOM, etc.) and I'm right around the time of all of those things happening.

This is such a hard mental game. I'm in the middle of moving and was moving clothes today and as I was packing all of my pants all I could think about was how I might as well just donate them because they're all my 'old' size and will never fit again. I ended up keeping them, but at this point, I don't think I'm ever going to fit into those clothes again :( So discouraging.

So what should I do? Just jump on the scale and try not to cry? Or should I stay away from it for a while? TOM starts a week from today... I usually get bloated in the days leading up to it and then the whole time AND a week-ish after. So I feel like if I don't weigh myself by like... Wednesday... I will just be too afraid to do it until after TOM's been gone for a bit. But that seems like a long time without knowing if I'm gaining, losing, or staying steady. Any advice?


  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I'm hearin ya. Good job staying off the scale. I'm on it 2xs week, I've gained 8ish but I've seen as high as 10... That's stinks! But yeh, prepare and just do it so that u know when your stable. I feel huge in my gut & face. Not happy at all, I'm just doing the reset bc I've done low carb a lot in past few yrs. so I keep telling myself it's my body adjusting to the healthy amount of carbs. I've been resetting since June 1st. I just would find this much easier in the fall/winter. Which makes me think about cutting this friday(6wks). Tired of peeps asking how diet going& I say," I've gained 8 lbs thanks," & then try to explain it to them. They look at me like, uh...yeh : /
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Honestly, I would just keep going, and keep the scale away. Some people choose to cut when they are stable, but if you havent been weighing in, then you have no idea what stable is. Since you are halfway there. you can decide if you want to weigh in or not. It can be quite discouraging to see the change on the scale, so if you are that type of person who might overreact badly, then I wouldnt even look at it.

    My weight has pretty much been stable since the third week... but I choose to do the full cut because I dont want to shortchange myself, cut early, then second guess my decision if I end up in another flatline weeks from now. So with at least 8 I know I will give it a good shot, know things are where they should be, and then if I hit a plateau I will know its not from cutting too early.

    I think we all hit a point along the way where we want to end things early, sometimes because others have chosen to, and most of the time because we want to get to losing weight again.. But remember, this is to change our LIFE.. so if it takes a few extra weeks now, isnt that worth it in the end?
