
I started EM2WL on May 4.

I won't go into details, but let's just say my personal life took a turn for the AWFUL over Memorial Day weekend, leaving me in a place I did not have as much control over my food as I would've liked nor as much time to devote to exercising. I was living at my parents' house (it's a long story....) and the only place I could exercise was in the garage, which, during this crazy heat wave we're having here in Indiana, was approximately 115 degrees AT LEAST, even at 9:30 or 10 at night. Add some stress (ha! Just a little) and well, here we are, 8+ weeks out, and I have gained...pounds, inches, fat. I don't care about the scale so much, but when my clothes are fitting tighter and I don't have as much muscle definition as I did 6 weeks ago before my life blew up...well, I am sorta upset about that.

Now that my life is sort of settling back down (sort of...again, it's a long story) and I am back at my own house I am trying to figure out what I need to do here to end this plateau (or lately, bulking up) I have been at since February and start losing again.

So can anyone help me re-run the numbers and figure some stuff out?

On May 4 my numbers were:
TDEE: 2239 -- based on being 140 lbs and working out (lifting heavy) 5-6 days a week.
15% cut: 1903.

I have MFP set to 1900. That is the minimum I eat. Sometimes I eat 2000 or closer to my TDEE but I figure that's not such a big deal, right? Or is it?

Recently, though, if you look at my diary you'll see that I have only been logging sporadically at best...see: crazy life situation making it so I don't have my own food to eat....

I re-ran the numbers tonight only I now weigh 144 and changed it to working out moderately 3-5 days a week. With my current situation it seems a little more realistic. Anyway, it had my TDEE being 2260 and a 15% cut being 1921. So I would think 1900 is still okay?

I am nursing my 17 month old but only like 1-2x a day. Once before nap and once before bed. So I don't know if I should factor that into my TDEE and my cut.

Let's see...what else. I am a SAHM to two little boys...3.5 years and 17 months...they keep me busy. So maybe I am burning more calories chasing them around than I realize and my 1900 number is too low?

I cannot afford a gym membership so I work out from home doing workouts, ZWOW's, and kettlebell workouts. I also run 3 miles maybe 1-2 nights a week (when it's not so dangerously hot outside). I don't have a kettlebell but I made something approximating one out of an old purse, filling it with rocks, and lots of duct tape. It weighs about 30 lbs. I also have a set of 8 lb dumbbells, a 12 lb pair, and a 25 lb that is was my husband's which I have stolen from him since he wasn't using them. The 8 lbs are too light, the 12s are too light for many compound movements like rows, etc, yet the 25's I have are still too heavy for me. Any suggestions for how to change up my workouts? Maybe my body is just used to what I am doing, although I try to add new challenges and things (like adding to the number of pushups I can do in a row etc).

I have rambled a lot. If you got through all this, you rock. I can explain what exactly has made my life so crazy the past couple months but I'd prefer to do it over PM....just one of those things.



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Im sorry its been such a crazy roller coaster lately for you.

    OK, your TDEE should be based on your current weight, since you basically are restarting again. Since you are stil nursing, yes you still should be eating a bit more to help with milk production. Even twice a day, it burns cals you wouldnt think of, and you can end up stalling in your results.. I believe they say about 300-500 extra cals for full time nursers, so I think if you jumped up to 2000 a day instead of 1900, give it a try and see if that works for you.

    Most people are moderate activity level. Exercise doesnt have to be heading to the gym, or lifting weights, or deliberately doing something like a video. So running in the park with the kids, still counts.. SO take a good look at your normal week and see if you are maybe up a level on the activity scale. I would probably start with moderate, give it a few weeks and see how things go, then reevaluate from there.

    Make sure you track everything. We cant help you out diary wise, unless its complete. Make this a goal to track daily and accurately. One day being completely out can affect your entire week..Concentrate on getting in your 40/30/30 macros for carbs fat and protein. water water water!

    I would just go for it. take the plunge and get back into the groove of things again:)