Not sure about my calories for this week

angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
I need some help and advice. I was planning to take a cut break this week and next and was so excited about it - even put it on my feed :(

I seem to have now been hit with flu symptoms and there's no way I'm going to manage my normal activity level. I only managed to eat around BMR yesterday and that wasn't out of hunger but to stop the feeling of nausea.

So anyway, I'm not sure what calorie target to set this week. I think my options are -

• just eat what I can and not worry about calories
• once I stop feeling sick eat at my moderately active cut and don't do any activity. This will in effect be like taking a break because I'm not burning any calories?

Once this week is over would I then take a week at TDEE, with activity? Or longer? I've been cutting for around 11 weeks.

Ok - fire away :)


  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    focus on getting better, first and foremost!! my grandma use to say: "starve a fever, feed a cold" im not totally sure thats true but if i were you I would hit pause button while sick and then start up where i left off as soon as i felt better again :)

    hope you feel better soon!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Try to focus on getting better the next couple days, then jump into a week off at TDEE. A couple days longer won't hurt!
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Thank you both. My head knows you're both right and that I need to just chill out about it all and stop over thinking it! I guess sometimes we just need someone to tell us what we think we know is ok. It's always so much easier when I read everyone else's posts lol