Newbie - Graves disease

What an amazing site...I joined 3 days ago because a friend recommended the food diary. I had no idea how many calories I was actually putting away until I used the diary - today was the first day I stayed within the calorie goal, so I'm pleased about that...though as I'm typing now my stomach is growling.

Though weight loss was my motivation for joining this site it is a nice surprise to see a group supporting those with thyroid issues. I was diagnosed with Graves disease/hyperavtive thyroid over a year ago and it has been a challenging journey.
When I was first diagnosed I was just under my goal weight of 138lbs and rapidly lost weight - however as my medication carbimazole) was increased and my TH levels decreased my weight has continued to climb. I have always struggled with maintaining my goal weight...I work really hard to get there, and everytime I do, I sabotage myself within a few weeks with junk food and/or stopping my exercise. I then let myself creep up toward 154lbs which is usually enough of a motivation to get me started on the diet/exercise cycle again. This year it has taken me a little longer (160lbs).
I would like to quit this yo-yoing and do what it takes to maintain a healthy body.
I would also like to know what really works for me...gluten free...sugar free? I have had so much conflicting advice about what diet would be most beneficial for my thyroid that it is hard to stay motivated - and I really need a lot of motivation when it comes to living the gluten free way.
My endocrinologist is desperate to have my thyroid whipped out, as my liver is starting to react to my carbimazole. But I'm stalling my operation as I still believe (barely but hanging in there) that with a healthy diet I can give my body what it needs to heal.
I would love to connect with others:)


  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Sasha :flowerforyou:
    You're in the right place! Lots of us here, and lots of great information & experience. I'm with you on "heal it" naturally! There's a site that is often recommended ... you should be able to get so me great advice there. Also, try to read through this groups posts... we discuss a lot of things that could definitely help you.

    Your story is very similar to mine... wt wise..:embarassed:
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I'm having the exact same issues. Was almost at my goal weight a year ago and now I've bounced back up 30 pounds over the last year. I'm on methimazole and my endo doc wants to keep me on meds right now as I've had so many other health complications and surgeries.

    It seems like there's so much advice for hypothyroidism, but not hyper. Thanks for the link to that website, Debby. I'm going to check it out tonight!

    So frustrated with the weight gain. And I sabotage myself everytime I see a loss too!
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    I am 42, with Graves disease, diagnosed 18 months ago, and struggling with 10 lbs. I lost 5, then gained it back. So annoying. And so slow when I am losing. I do well with exercise, its the eating super well all the time that's hard for me. I sent you a friend request. Good luck!
  • I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in February and then in June it was confirmed that it was because of Graves Disease, so I too am always searching for whatever information I can find to read about it.

    I've lost a lot of weight, but I also lost my appetite for a few months when I was sick. Appetite is slowly coming back, and endocrinologist warns me that the weight can start creeping right back up again with the Methimazole. It's part of the reason I started keeping count of calorie intake, and I stopped soda cold turkey.

    I read somewhere online that a liquid with calories are empty calories (as it doesn't do anything for you or make you full), and that has resonated with me. The only liquid I drink 99 % of the time is water (and lots of it throughout the day).
  • Thanks guys for your response. I am currently doing my best to cut down on gluten - have had completely gluten free weeks, but very challenging for me to maintain - however I am now into my 6th week of the Sweet Poison Quit essentially cutting out sugar (fructose being the 'evil' villain). Though at this stage it hasn't had a major impact on weight loss, I am feeling so much better, that I will be surprised if my visit with the endo on Friday isn't all good news.
    Thanks Debbylee for the info on the website - I will def check it out:)
  • csorenson22
    csorenson22 Posts: 23 Member
    Keep us updated Sasha. I'm in the same boat with Graves Disease. My endo wants to take out my thyroid or do RAI, but I just don't want to do that. It sounds like life changes drastically when you go Hypo. I'm on PTU, not Methimazole, but I'm also starting to get elevated liver levels. I'm willing to do anything to correct the issue while still keeping my Thyroid.
  • Sasha76
    Sasha76 Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new to this forum, but am so glad there this is here for those with Graves disease/hyperthyroidism. I'm 36 and was diagnosed last October with Graves. It's been a really difficult time, before diagnosis I had been losing weight through diet and excercise. I successfully bought my weight down from 196lbs (88kg) to 148lbs (67kg), but then became ill and am now taking Carbimazole to regulate my thyroid. The last 6 months have been ok, but my weight has crept back up to 154lbs, this in part is due to me constantly eating (I'm always hungry!), and also because it took me a while to get strong again after being so ill, so I was advised not to use the gym for a while. I've come back to MyfitnessPal to take control of what I put into my body.

    The thing I've found most difficult is the conflicting information regarding diet and graves, my endocrinologist says diet makes no difference, but I've been thinking about visiting a natural health clinic to help balance out the vitamins and minerals I'm lacking in. It's been a difficult journey, and I'm scared I'll be advised to have RAI (I really don't want this) once I'm taken off the meds. I've not had any children yet, and don't want to be exposed to such an invasive alternative. I've been told that eating paleo can help with graves and other autoimmune disorders, and may try this. Will keep you all posted how this goes. :smile: