10 (ish) to go...trying to do this RIGHT!

bsinno Posts: 344 Member
Hey y'all!

Thought i might get some good input from anyone bored at work and daydreaming of the beach...with a hot bikini body, too!

I'm 11 pounds from my "goal weight" . I've let go of a certain number, but im still shooting to fit back into that wedding dress, and that means shedding this last layer of over all body blubber. I know the last few pounds are the hardest and i really want to do this right.

I've adjusted my calories accordingly so i think im OK there. What i need some tips on is my exercise "routine". right now im working between Cathe Fredrichs Muscle Max (about 90 minutes a week total) and HiiT (about an hour a week total). In between that I'm going on "power walks" with my daughter whenever i get the chance (and its not oppressively HOT) on average I'd say I walk 3 mph for about 90 minutes a week total.

anyone have any secrets to share or a good recipe for success? i did 30DS two years ago when i was about this weight with success. but my goal then was just to look skinny for my wedding LOL. My ultimate goal NOW is to be a total bad *kitten*! get my waist below 30", stop those thighs touching once and for all and reveal some muscles (dare i say i hope a 6 pack is in my future?!) I know we're all different, I'd just love to hear some suggestions!!!
