The Wall

souper71 Posts: 21
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
I seem to have hit a wall with my C25K program. I am stuck at week three. Im doing it for the second time, but the results get worse and worse each run. Anyone else with this problem?


  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    What is it that is getting worse? Is it the run portion? What is it that you feel stuck on? Sometimes the best thing is to just keep moving forward with each section. are you running inside or outside? sometimes that makes a difference as well.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Just started week 3 and that 3 minute run was a push for me. Surprisingly the second one was easier than the first.
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    @Randyamc ... Good job, the second 3 minutes is the one that kills me. The fist one goes fine.
    @buckeyegirl01 - Its the second 3 minute interval. The first day i did it went fine did all the intervals fine. Day 2 was a nightmare. Couldnt get through a minute of the second 3 minute interval. Breathing, soreness. It was very hot and muggy that day so I attributed it to that.
    So I gave myself an extra few days for the weather to break. Sunday I ran again and just like Day 2 it was awful. Did the first interval fine. The second interval was a nightmare again. I got through a minute and a half of it and had to walk then picked up another 1.5 minute run. Same thing. I dont know what the difference was. Why did day 1 go so well and days 2 and 3 go so horribly wrong?

    I just really wonder if Im too heavy to try this right now. I may have to lose another 20 pounds first. I just dont know.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Too heavy? Ehh... is it killing your knees/joints? That would be the tell tale sign there. If anything just slow down on your runs. A lot of things can affect how you feel when running. Hydration level, food intake, sleep, shoes ect. All that being said. I don't find this program enjoyable in the least. I like it because it gives me something to focus on. Above all, listen to your body.
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I doubt that you are "too heavy" for it--running is very taxing on the body, esp for us newbies so don't despair if you struggle somewhat. Many things affect our performance. If you're really finding it tough & sore, I'd take a few days off or do a couple of days of fast walking, just to get that energy back again. I do find some days (in general) tougher than others. But I hope you keep going and push through! You're doing great by starting & I actually started the program after being inspired by those who truly persevered by repeating weeks & weeks over again. If it helps, I actually got less sore as the weeks went on...Best of luck to you! :)

    @randyamc - I didn't really enjoy running the first half of program (up until about W5) either but I'm starting to see why people run for fun now! It'll get better:)
  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    I have also heard some people say that they do better in the program if they have a few months of "fast walking" under their belts first. I was very sedentary before I started this. But, I am taking it VERY slow.....the problem I have had has been with my IT band-my left leg gets very sore and stiff in my hamstring area. I would make sure you are doing some dymnamic stretching before you start the run- and stretch after. Go may feel like turtles can pass you on the run, but that's are building endurance and stamina right now. Its also okay to repeat weeks or days as you feel you need to. I never thought I would be running, but I just did the 20 min run yesterday for W5D3......we will see how the rest of them go...i just take it a day at a time.....
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    I hate to say this as it's not really an answer but you have to PUSH through it!

    I did week 4, day 1 on Monday. I thought for sure I was going to crap out on the last 5 minute run. My steps slowed, I even walked two steps. Then I said, "NO! RUN!" and I did. I'm sure I was running at a snail's pace, but I kept on.

    Do week 3 for as many times as you need to for it to click! I feel like after getting those 3 minute runs down, everything else became easier!
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Thanks everyone for your comments. That was exactly the problem. Speed. I was a football player and a baseball player in school and thats the only running i knew. Getting to 100 yards as fast as possible. This is a 3 mile jog. I guess Im still learning how to run.

    Thanks for all of your comments.
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    Others have already said it, but I'll reiterate.

    Rule 1 of C25K: Slow down.
    Rule 2 of C25K: If you are struggling, see rule 1.

    I LOVED C25K... it has literally been a big part in changing my life because it taught me to run and (eventually) to LOVE running.

    The only problem I have with the program is the idea that by the end you would be ready to run a 5K in 30 minutes... I think this makes too many people try to run to fast too soon.

    So slow down some and I bet you will get through your tough runs...

    Having said all of that, I'll also say that half the battle with C25K is mental... you need to use your brain to overrule your body sometimes. When you body is asking to stop, sometimes just make yourself keep running.

    Believe it or not, in a few more weeks your body will start to realize that it can keep running for longer and longer distances and you won't have the urge to slow down and walk nearly as often.

    Good luck... keep up the great work.

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