Newbie help re # of cals and macros. Thank you!

jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
Hi All,

I've been lurking for a while, but at this point I need some guidance and am also afraid of increasing too much. But, on the other hand, my weight loss is pretty slow so could use some pointers. I've read through a lot of the documents/threads, reading NROL4W, and also played around with my cal levels. I previously (2009-10) lost 30 lbs on WW to go from 174 (5'7") to 135lbs. I had to eat my daily points, WP, and a majority of AP to lose. I've always believed in not starving myself! However, I found 135 hard to maintain and with some health challenges I got back up to 164 before getting back on track.

I had surgery for endometriosis on 5/18, and raised/lowered cals during that time since activity was pretty sedentary for a while there. For awhile I did 1700 cals a day, but gained. I have been doing 1500 cals now, with eating back my exercise cals. I lost one week and now seem to be maintaining. I set my macros to 40/30/30-- I seem to be going over on carbs, hit fat, and have a hard time meeting protein. I drink protein shakes, nuts, meat-- but 150g is hard to meet-- should I adjust that?

I am only trying to lose about 10-15lbs. I am working out typically 3-5 times per week (run, Turbo Jam, walk). Burning about 500 cals each time. I just started lifting, but don't think I will be doing heavy lifting for a while. I have not been on a low cal diet prior to tracking, so not doing the reset. I've been tracking 105 days and lost about 8lbs. Not complaining, since I was out about half that time for surgery/injury/recovery. But, I would like to get the scale moving.

My stats:
39 yo, 5'7"
SW: 164
CW: 155 lbs
GW: 140-145?
Approx 30-32% BF

I checked out Scooby and F2F/Frog sites to find:

BMR ~1400-1485

sed: ~1700
light: ~ 2013 (maintain), 1711 (15% cut), 1610 (20% cut)
Mod~ 2269 (maintain), 1929 (15%), 1815 (20%)

So-- I am not really sure how much to eat? I am maintaining at my current cal level of 1500. I have been trying to eat exercise cals, but must admit sometimes I have net below BMR.

I am not heavy lifting, so not sure I should eat more?

Protein in macro has been hard to achieve, is 150g the right amount?

I am trying to eat a somewhat anti-inflammatory diet for the endo. I have a dairy allergy anyway, so that is mostly out (occasionally succumb). I replace with coconut/almond milk. I definitely do not want to starve!

We are planning a vacation where I would like to be more bikini ready late August :-)

Thank you so much for the help!! :smile:


  • jamala19
    jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
    Also wanted to add that I am hypothyroid, but managed on levothyroxine. I have a fitbit too and my menu is open. Thanks again!
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Have you tried the reset yet?
  • jamala19
    jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Taz-- no, not planning on doing a reset. I have been tracking a little over 3 months and prior to that was not eating low cal. So, I don't think my metabolism needs a reboot necessarily.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I remember reading something about a person only being able to process 30 or 40 (that range) grams of protien per meal.

    Maybe your exercise routine needs a little shaking up? I tried to look at your diary earlier but it was still not open.
  • jamala19
    jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
    oops, maybe I only have it open to "friends." I will change that. I definitely think the surgery had something to do with my stall and I am really only starting to ramp back up again workout wise. I am not just not quite sure how much to eat.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    My macros are set at 35/30/35 - I need to cut down the carbs.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    If you are maintaining and not up to full strenght yet, I would hang out at 1500. Your body needs to recover from surgery. I take 3 meds (bi-polar/chronic migraine/asthma inhalers) which all allegedly cause weight gain. I have been maintaining for 6 months and working on getting below 200. Used to be a size 5x on my way to a 6x now a 1-2x. I know that I am not eating enough based my my calorie burn (BMF) and trying to get it back up there.

    Anyways, it takes a while for your body to recover from surgery. It is a shock to your system to be invaded like that it needs to readjust. I know you want to get rid of that 10 before vaca but I don't want you to starve or hurt yourself to get there.

    Maybe you should either speak with your doctor or a nutrionist? They would be able to provide you the best medical advice and help you stay healthy and strong and get rid of the last pounds.

    Sorry if I am not much help. I am a firm believer in What works for me will not work for you. Yes, there are people who will argue the point. However when you toss in medical conditions, you really need to be careful.
  • jamala19
    jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Taz! I feel pretty close to normal (almost). I'm just a little past 6 weeks post-surgery. It was laproscopic, so less invasive. But still, they had a lot of endo to remove-- so that was prob a shock to the system, like you said. I wonder though if I need to increase cals to give my body more energy to recover + workout?

    Def thought about a nutrionist and doctor just has given me suggestions re: anti-inflammatory diet.

    I am not about starving, so won't do that pre-vacation :-)
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    What is the anti-inflammatory diet and how long have you been on it? You might want to slowly increase your exercise and play with your macros.
  • jamala19
    jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
    Anti-inflammatory for me is no dairy, grass fed beef and less red meat, more fish, chicken, leafy vegetables, fiber.

    I am still not sure how much to eat though cal wise? 1500 plus eat my exercise cals? Yesterday I burned 500 according to my HRM and ate my 1500 + about 450 exercise cals. The scale bumped up this morning-- I was def hungry enough to eat the cals yesterday.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Everyone here says to never eat below your BMR so you want to if your goal is 1500 and you excerise off 500, your balance is 1000 which is 400 plus below your BMR. Here is a link on protein